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Home > Reports > Payee Transactions Report
Payee Transactions Report
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Payee Transactions Report

The Payee Transactions Report is a summary of all payments included in the Pay Run for the required Payee/s. This report is available for selection within Pay Day (STEP 4 - Reports) and Reports from the Side Navigation Menu.


Report Options allows you to define the selection criteria, which contains multiple tabs,

Pay Day - Step 4 (Reports)


Main Reports



Employment enables you to use the Pay Period and Employment Basis assigned to each Payee to filter the results displayed in the Report. When the Report is generated within Reports (Step 4 of Pay Day), the Pay Period filter is disabled.



Payees enable you to use the status of each Payee to filter the results displayed in the Report. 

Pay Location / Department

Pay Location / Department enables you to use the Pay Location of each Payee to filter the results displayed in the Report. 

  • All Pay Locations / Departments
  • Selected Pay Locations / Departments allows you to choose which Pay Locations / Departments are required.

Cost Centres

Cost Centres enables you to use the Cost Centre of each Payee to filter the results displayed in the Report. When the Report is generated within Reports (Step 4 of Pay Day), the Cost Centre Tab is hidden.

  • All Cost Centres
  • Selected Cost Centres allows you to choose which Cost Centres are required.

Report Period

Report Period lets you choose the date range to filter the results displayed in the Report. When the Report is generated within Reports (Step 4 of Pay Day), the Report Period Tab is hidden.

  • Current Month generates the report based on the physical date.
  • Prior Month allows you to select the month you need to generate the report.
  • Specific Date Range allows you to select the dares you need to generate the report.
  • Current Financial Year generates the report based on the physical date.
  • Prior Financial Year allows you to select the Financial Year you need to generate the report.

Sort Criteria

Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

  • Payee Code
  • Family Name
  • Payee STP ID

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