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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Home > Getting Started (Survival Guides) and FAQ's > End Of Financial Year (EOFY) Survival Guide
End Of Financial Year (EOFY) Survival Guide
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End Of Financial Year (EOFY) Survival Guide


🎯 You do NOT need to complete the below before processing a pay run for the new Financial Year! However, please ensure you have completed up to and including STEP 5 by 14 July 2025.
🎯 DO NOT Zero STP YTD Balances once you have completed STEP 5, as this will advise the ATO these Payees YTD Balances are ZERO. 


✔️ Tick when completed.

 STEP 1 - Ensure you have processed all required pay runs within the Financial Year.

 STEP 2 - Generate your Superannuation Reports and pay the required Contributions for the period.

 STEP 3 - Enter the required payees' FBT (Fringe Benefit Tax) balances for the Financial Year Ending 31 March 2025.

 STEP 4 - Print Reports to assist in completing your End Of Financial Year.

 STEP 5 - Create and Submit your (EOFY) Final Event.

STEP 1 - Ensure you have processed all required pay runs within the Financial Year


  1. Select Pay Day from the side Menu and check the STP Status for each Pay Run, where all should be either Sent or Success. If there are any pay runs with STP Status of;
    1. Unsent. Please review these pay runs to confirm if they need to be posted (after changing them to Missed) or deleted.
    2. Validation Error, Warning or Failed, please Request Support.

👉 If one or more Pay Runs have not been processed (Missing), ensure they are added by referring to Commence a New Missed Pay Run.


👉 If once or more Pay Runs have been processed incorrectly, depending on the exact issue located, a correction can be processed by either;

  1. Manually entering Adjustment Balances in the Payee Master File or;
  2. Processing an Out of Cycle Pay Run.

NEXT STEP: You can now generate your Superannuation Reports and pay the required Contributions for the period.

STEP 2 - Generate your Superannuation Reports and pay the required Contributions for the period.

🎯 Start with e-PayDay Go (Additional Items) - Superannuation Reporting (SuperStream)

🎯 If you DO NOT upload a SuperStream file, please only complete Steps 1 & 3.


  1. Print the relevant Superannuation Report,
    🎯 The Report Period may need to be changed in Report Options from Current Month to Prior Month or Specific Date Range
  2. Create the Superannuation File.
  3. Upload your SuperStream File or manually enter the Contribution amounts in your Superannuation Fund or Clearing House Portal.
    • If you use OZedi to meet your SuperStream Reporting obligations, please access the Super Gateway

This is the final step after physically paying your super. The ability to record the payment in e-PayDay Go has not been included.


NEXT STEP: Now enter Reportable Fringe Benefit Amounts for specific Payees if required.

STEP 3 - Enter the required payees' FBT (Fringe Benefit Tax) balances for the Financial Year Ending 31 March 2025.


  1. Select Payees from this side menu, and locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
  2. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  3. Select Reportable Fringe Benefits, then select the Financial Year you require.
  4. Select or enter the Payment Date.
  5. Select the FBT Type.
  6. In Taxable, enter the amount.
  7. In Factor, select the relevant Factor.
  8. Select the + Icon.
  9. Repeat Steps 4 to 8 to add all Reportable Fringe Benefits amounts, then select Save.


NEXT STEP: Print Reports to assist in completing your End Of Financial Year.

STEP 4 - Print Reports to assist in completing your End Of Financial Year.


  1. Select Reports from the side menu.
  2. Review the Payee Transactions Report to confirm all required pay runs have been processed for all Payees.
    👉 If you notice any payments are Missing, ensure they are added by referring to Commence a New Missed Pay Run.
    👉 If you notice any payments are incorrectly recorded, depending on the exact issue, a correction can be processed by either manually entering Adjustment Balances in the Payee Master File or processing an Out of Cycle or Missed Pay Run after referring to Correct the information included in an STP Submission.
  3. Next, print the following reports to confirm the Payees Taxation Balances have been reported correctly,
    1. Payee Balances - As this Report also details some items that are not reported, please generate the next five Reports.
    2. Payee Balances (ATO STP2 Summary).
    3. Payee Balances (Paid Leave ATO STP2 Summary)
    4. Payee Balances (Allowances ATO STP2 Summary)
    5. Payee Balances (Lump Sum ATO STP2 Summary)
    6. Payee Balances (ETP ATO STP2 Summary)
    7. Payee Balances (Salary Sacrifice ATO STP2 Summary)
    8. Payee Balances (Deductions ATO STP2 Summary
    9. Payee Balances (Deductions and Super ATO STP2 Summary)
    10. Payee Balances (Fringe Benefits Tax ATO STP2 Summary)
      👉 If you migrated Taxation Balances from your prior payroll software, these will be displayed in Opening/Adjustment within the Payee Balances Report and are not included in YTD within the same report. These values are added to, or subtracted from, the Payees YTD Balances with every STP Submission.
  4. In addition to the above, we also recommend printing the below reports;
    1. Withholding Tax.
    2. Leave Liability (Annual Leave).

    3. Leave Liability (Sick & Carer's Leave).

    4. Leave Liability (Long Service Leave).

    5. Leave Liability (Rostered Days Off).

    6. Leave Liability (Time Off In Lieu).

    7. Leave Liability (Leave - Other).


NEXT STEP: Now you are ready to send the final event to the ATO to finalise your EOFY.

STEP 5 - Create and Submit your (EOFY) Final Event.


🎯 An EOFY Finalisation Event advises the ATO that you have completed processing payroll information for the relevant Financial Year.


  1. Select Single Touch Payroll from the side menu, then STP EOFY Manager.
  2. Select Actions > Finalise for the relevant Financial Year.
  3. Double Press or select Payees.
  4. Select the Payees you wish to include in the EOFY Event.
  5. Select Notify ATO
  6. To view a copy of the Update Action before it is sent to the ATO, select Preview STP File.
  7. If required, update the Declarer Name, then select Notify ATO.

That's everything done! You don't need to do anything other than grab a cuppa. You're ready to process your first pay run in the new financial year. 

Version 3.1.0 (Commercial) was deployed to all Tenants in June 2024 and includes all required taxation and superannuation changes that apply from 1 July 2024. 
The Employer SG Increase from 1 July Alert (Modal) will be displayed for each Payee when the Pay Run Pay Day Date is on or after 1 July 2024.



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