Pay Day Explained
Pay Day comprises several steps;
- STEP 1 - Pay Run- Add new and maintain existing Pay Runs.
- STEP 2 - Payees - Select which Payees must be included in the selected Pay Run.
- STEP 3 - Process - Add all relevant Pay Types to each Payees Pay.
- STEP 4 - Reports - Confirm that the information entered into Process for all Payees is correct before continuing to FAST-Bank.
- STEP 5 - FAST-Bank - Create the payment file to be uploaded to your Financial institution for all Payees included in Process.
- STEP 6 - Pay Slips - Generate the Pay Slips for all Payees included in Process.
- STEP 7 - Notify ATO—Send the relevant STP Submission to the ATO, declaring that the information for all Payees included in Process is true and correct. The Declaration displayed depends on whether an Intermediary is submitting the information on behalf of the Payer.
STEP 1 - Pay Run
The Navigation Menu allows you to progress through each step of the Pay Run Procedure.
Totals display a dynamic calculation of the relevant balances explained in detail below,
- Gross Income (W1) displays a dynamic calculation of the total of Salary, Wages and other payments less salary sacrifice and non-reportable allowances
- Gross (PAYGW) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Pay Rates and Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation of greater than 0%, less any value relating to Salary Sacrifice.
- Gross (STSL/MLS) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Pay Rates and Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation for Study and Training Support Loans (STSL) and/or Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS).
- Gross (Salary Sacrifice) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Pay Rates and Allowances which can be Salary Sacrificed, less any value relating to Study and Training Support Loans (STSL) and/or Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS).
- Gross (No PAYGW) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Pay Rates and Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation of 0%.
- Total Gross displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Pay Rates and Allowances, regardless of their Salary and Wages setting.
- PAYGW displays a dynamic calculation of the total PAYGW applicable to the value displayed in Gross (PAYGW), including any components for STSL, MLS and System Default Pay Rate PAYGW Adjustment (+/-).
- STSL displays a dynamic calculation of the total PAYGW applicable to repay the Payees Study and Training Support Loans (STSL).
- MLS displays a dynamic calculation of the total PAYGW applicable to the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS).
- Additional PAYGW displays a dynamic calculation of the total for System Default Pay Rate PAYGW Adjustment (+/-).
- Allowances displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Allowances, regardless of whether the payment is subject to a PAYGW Calculation.
- Gross (PAYGW) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation of greater than 0%,
- Gross (No PAYGW) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation of 0%.
- Non-Reportable displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Allowances which are Non-Reportable.
- Deductions displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Deductions.
- Other Sal Sac displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Deductions considered Salary Sacrifice to Other Benefits.
- Super Sal Sac displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Deductions considered Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation.
- After Tax displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Deductions considered After Tax.
- Reimbursements displays a dynamic calculation of the total for System Default Pay Rate Reimbursement.
- Employer SG displays a dynamic calculation of the total Employer SG calculated on OTE (SGAA, based on the rules selected within the Payee Master File, including any component for System Default Pay Rate Employer SG Adjustment (+/-).
- OTE (SGAA) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Pay Rates and Allowances considered OTE (SGAA), less any Deductions not considered the same.
- OTE (Industrial) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Pay Rates and Allowances that are considered to be OTE (Industrial Instrument).
- RESC displays a dynamic calculation of the total Reportable Employer Superannuation calculated on OTE, based on the amount set within the Payee Master File, including any component for System Default Pay Rate RESC Adjustment (+/-) and System Default Deduction Salary Sacrifice (to Super Fund, OTE).
- Net displays a dynamic calculation (Gross Income - (Deductions + PAYGW)) of the total Net Income.
Search enables you to enter information to filter the results shown in the Pay Run List.
Advanced Filters enables you to select the relevant options to filter the results shown in the Pay Run List.
New Pay Run enables you to add a new Pay Run.
The Pay Run List displays the STP Status, Pay Period, Pay Run Type, Payees, Pay Period ID, Fiscal Week ID, Period Start Date, Period End Date and Pay Day Date.
The Actions Button displays the relevant options per the STP Status.
STP Status will display one of five icons
Status Icon | Internal Name | Explanation |
Unsent |
The selected Pay Run was created in Pay Day and has not been sent to the ATO.
You can Edit or Delete the selected Pay Run.
Unsent |
The selected Pay Run was created in Timesheets and has not been sent to the ATO.
You can Edit or Revoke the selected Pay Run.
Validation Error |
The selected Pay Run has been sent; however, there were pre-submission validation errors that need to be resolved before the submission can be sent to the ATO.
You can Edit, Delete or view the STP Submission Details to resolve the pre-submission validation issues for the selected Pay Run.
Sent |
The selected Pay Run has been successfully sent to the ATO.
You can view the selected Pay Run.
Success |
The ATO has received the submission and they have responded to advise it was accepted.
You can view the selected Pay Run.
Warning |
The ATO has received the submission, and they have responded to advise it was partially rejected,
You can view the selected Pay Run or the STP Submission Details to revise the submission validation issues for the selected Pay Run.
Failed |
The ATO has received the submission, and they have responded to advise it was rejected entirely.
You can view the selected Pay Run or the STP Submission Details to revise the submission validation issues for the selected Pay Run.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allow you to select how many Pay Runs you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Pay Runs.
STEP 2 - Payees.
Search enables you to enter information to filter the results shown in the Payees List.
Show Advanced Filters enables you to limit the results shown in the Payees List based on the options selected.
The Payees List displays the Pay Run Status, Payee Code, First Name, Family Name, Pay Location, Employment Basis, Pay Period, Classification and Tax Treatment Code for each Payee available within the Pay Run selected.
Pay Run Status will display one of five icons, which all display a tooltip to detail what the icon means.
Status | Tool Tip | Explained |
![]() |
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The Payee has yet to be selected in the Pay Run. |
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The Payee cannot be selected until the relevant Alert has been resolved. |
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The Payee cannot be selected until the relevant Alert has been completed.
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The Payee has been imported using FAST-Pay or manually selected but has yet to be included in Process (Step 3). |
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The selected Payee has been processed in the Pay Run, and no changes have been made in Process (Step 3). |
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The selected Payee has been processed in the Pay Run, and changes have been made in Process (Step 3). |
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many Payees you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Payees.
STEP 3 - Process
The Collapse Menu button allows you to hide the description displayed in the Navigation Menu.
The X-Ray button allows you to view additional information about the Payees Pay Run Totals. This is explained further in Totals below.
The Shrink Content button allows you to hide certain information from Personal Details, and all information within Employment Details, Pay Run Details and Leave Balances.
Personal Details displays the First Name, Family Name, Address, Birthdate, e-Mail and Phone from within the Payee Master File. This section includes the ability to;
- Easily change Payees by selecting the required payee from the drop-down menu or selecting Next or Previous.
- Cease their Employment and
- Define the Cost Centre Hours as required.
Employment Details displays the Payee Code, STP Payee ID, Commencement Date, Modern Award or Agreement, Classification, Job Title, Tax Treatment Code, OTE Hours and Rate, SG Fund, RESC Fund, Personal Fund and all relevant Member Numbers from within the Payee Master File. Cessation Date and Reason are also displayed if Cease Employment has been selected.
Pay Run Details displays the Pay Period, Pay Period ID, Fiscal Week ID, Pay Day, Period Start and End Dates from the Pay Run Details Alert (Modal) when the Regular, Out Of Cycle or Missed Pay Run was created.
Leave Balances dynamically calculates the relevant Leave Balances from the Pay Run Transactions and the Opening Balances entered into the Payee Master File.
Payee Pay Message allows you to enter a message that needs to be displayed on the Payee's Pay Advice Slip. The Pay Message can be saved in Comments within the Payee Master File by selecting Add.
Global Pay Message displays the message previously entered in the Pay Run Details Alert (Modal) when the Regular, Out Of Cycle or Missed Pay Run was created.
Totals display a dynamic calculation of the relevant balances explained in detail below,
- Total Gross displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Pay Rates and Allowances, regardless of their Salary and Wages setting.
- Gross Income (W1) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Pay Rates and Allowances, regardless of the payment being subject to a PAYGW calculation, less salary sacrifice.
- Gross (PAYGW) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Pay Rates and Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation of greater than 0%, less any value relating to Salary Sacrifice.
- Gross (STSL/MLS) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Pay Rates and Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation for Study and Training Support Loans (STSL) and/or Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS).
- Gross (Salary Sacrifice) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Pay Rates and Allowances which can be Salary Sacrificed, less any value relating to Study and Training Support Loans (STSL) and/or Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS).
- Gross (No PAYGW) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Pay Rates and Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation of 0%.
- PAYGW displays a dynamic calculation of the total PAYGW applicable to the value displayed in Gross (PAYGW), including any components for STSL, MLS, the Add to Tax amount within the Payee Master File and System Default Pay Rate PAYGW Adjustment (+/-).
- STSL displays a dynamic calculation of the total PAYGW applicable to repay the Payees Study and Training Support Loans (STSL).
- MLS displays a dynamic calculation of the total PAYGW applicable to the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS).
- Additional PAYGW displays a dynamic calculation of the total for System Default Pay Rate PAYGW Adjustment (+/-).
- Allowances displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Allowances, regardless of whether the payment is subject to a PAYGW Calculation.
- Gross (PAYGW) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation of greater than 0%,
- Gross (No PAYGW) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Allowances subject to a PAYGW Calculation of 0%.
- Non-Reportable displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all relevant Allowances which are Non-Reportable.
- Deductions displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Deductions.
- Other Sal Sac displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Deductions considered Salary Sacrifice to Other Benefits.
- Super Sal Sac displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Deductions considered Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation.
- After Tax displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Deductions considered After Tax.
- Reimbursements displays a dynamic calculation of the total for System Default Pay Rate Reimbursement.
- Employer SG displays a dynamic calculation of the total Employer SG calculated on OTE (SGAA) based on the rules selected within the Payee Master File, including any component for System Default Pay Rate Employer SG Adjustment (+/-).
- OTE (SGAA) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Pay Rates and Allowances considered OTE (SGAA), less any Deductions not considered the same.
- OTE (Industrial) displays a dynamic calculation of the total for all Pay Rates and Allowances that are considered to be OTE (Industrial Instrument).
- RESC displays a dynamic calculation of the total Reportable Employer Superannuation calculated on OTE, based on the amount set within the Payee Master File, including any component for System Default Pay Rate RESC Adjustment (+/-) and System Default Deduction Salary Sacrifice (to Super Fund, OTE).
- Net displays a dynamic calculation (Gross Income - (Deductions + PAYGW)) of the total Net Income.
The Payment Type Table enables you to add any new transactions required for the Pay Run and edit or remove those that have already been added.
The Navigation Arrows allow you to move between Payees.
STEP 4 - Reports.
The Reports List allows you to select from the available Reports,
- Pay Types
- Allowance Transactions (Grouped by Allowance)
- Allowance Transactions (Grouped by Payee)
- Deduction Transactions (Grouped by Deduction)
- Deduction Transactions (Grouped by Payee)
- Deduction Transactions (Reportable Fringe Benefits) (Grouped by Deduction)
- Deduction Transactions (Reportable Fringe Benefits) (Grouped by Payee)
- Deduction Transactions (Variable) (Grouped by Deduction)
- Deduction Transactions (Variable) (Grouped by Payee)
- Pay Rate Transactions (Grouped by Pay Rate)
- Pay Rate Transactions (Grouped by Payee)
- Cost Centres
- Payees
- Leave Accrual (All Leave Types)
- Leave Accrual (Annual Leave)
- Leave Accrual (Leave - Other)
- Leave Accrual (Long Service Leave)
- Leave Accrual (Rostered Days Off)
- Leave Accrual (Sick & Carer's Leave)
- Leave Accrual (Time Off In Lieu)
- Leave Liability (All Leave Types)
- Leave Liability (Annual Leave)
- Leave Liability (Leave - Other)
- Leave Liability (Long Service Leave)
- Leave Liability (Rostered Days Off)
- Leave Liability (Sick & Carer's Leave)
- Leave Liability (Time Off In Lieu)
- Leave Register
- Payee Ordinary Time Hours Summary
- Payee Overtime Hours Summary
- Payee Transactions
- Pay Run
- Cash Disbursements
- EFT Disbursements
- FAST-Bank Disbursements
- Pay Advice Slip
- Pay Advice Slip (Simple)
- Pay Advice Summary
- Payroll Summary
- Pay Run Analysis
- Pay Run Analysis (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)
- Pay Run Analysis (Detailed)
- Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)
- Pay Run Analysis (Simple)
- Pay Run Analysis (Simple) (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)
Report Options allows you to select the appropriate selection criteria based on the Report you have selected. Certain options are disabled (e.g., Payees).
Page Controls allows you to navigate between the various pages within the report selected.
The Toggle Multi Page button allows you to select if you prefer to see the report on one continuous page or multiple pages.
The Zoom Down, Zoom Percentage and Zoom Up icons allow you to change the font size within the selected report.
The Print Icon allows you to print the selected report.
The Export Icon allows you to export the selected report in the required format.
The Search icon allows you to locate certain information within the selected report.
The Full Screen Icon allows you to view the report as a full screen.
STEP 5 - FAST-Bank
Include Payees displays all Payees included in the Pay Run with FAST-Bank set as their Payment Method. The Payees that are selected is based on the option chosen in Cost Centre (below) in addition to the Payees Paid By
(FAST-Bank) setting. Include Payees enables you to manually select the Payees that must be included in the FAST-Bank file.
Cost Centre allows you to select the specific Cost Centre for which the FAST-Bank file needs to be created. Selecting Organisation will use the Banking Details specified within the Organisation, whereas choosing a Cost Centre will use the Banking Details specified in the Cost Centre.
Payment / Disbursement Date allows you to change the specific date of payment.
Total Number of Payees Paid details the number of Payees included in the FAST-Bank File.
Total Number of Payee Disbursements details the number of unique Payee disbursements (e.g., 1 Payee may disburse their Pay into three (3) separate Bank Accounts).
Total of ALL Net Wages details the total dollar value of the net wages for all Payees.
Total PAYGW details the PAYGW component of all the payees' pay if the PAYGW Holding Account is set up.
Total Superannuation details the Superannuation component of all the payees' pay if the Superannuation Holding Account is set up.
Total of ALL Disbursements details the total dollar value of the net wages for all Payees, plus the total PAYGW and Superannuation amounts.
Create and Download .ABA File allows you to create and download the FAST-Bank File.
🎯 If all bank accounts have a set dollar amount and the TOTAL NET is LESS than what is defined in Banking, payments will be disbursed in order, ignoring any accounts that cannot be used.
Example - The Payee's Net Pay is $500.00, and three (3) Bank Accounts are set up. The First Account is $400.00, the second is $300.00, and the third is for the balance.
As $400.00 is paid to the first account, only $100.00 of the Net Pay remains.
As ONLY $100.00 remains, this is transferred into the second account, and the third account is ignored.
🎯 If all bank accounts have a set dollar amount and the TOTAL NET is MORE than what is defined in Banking, payments will be disbursed in order, with the additional amount being paid into the last account.
Example - The Payee's Net Pay is $1,000.00, and two (2) Bank Accounts are set up. The First Account is set to $400.00, and the second account is set to $300.00.As $400.00 is paid to the first account, $600.00 of the Net Pay remains.
As $600.00 remains, this is paid into the second account., rather than $300.00 as defined; otherwise, the payee would be underpaid.
STEP 6 - Pay Slips
The Reports List allows you to select from the available Pay Advice Slips.
Report Options allows you to select the appropriate selection criteria based on the Report you have selected. Certain options are disabled (e.g., Payees).
Email Pay Advice Slips lets you send the Payees' Pay Slip directly to their nominated email address.
Page Controls allows you to navigate between the various pages within the report selected.
The Toggle Multi Page button allows you to select if you prefer to see the report on one continuous page or multiple pages.
The Zoom Down, Zoom Percentage and Zoom Up icons allow you to change the font size within the selected report.
The Print Icon allows you to print the selected report.
The Export Icon allows you to export the selected report in the required format.
The Search icon allows you to locate certain information within the selected report.
The Full Screen Icon allows you to view the report as a full screen.
STEP 7 - Notify ATO.
I am notifying the ATO that: must be selected to enable the Post Pay Run and Notify ATO button.
Name of Payer / Intermediary Declarer is prefilled from STP Reporting in the Organisations settings.
Preview STP File lets you view a copy of the STP Submission before it is sent to the ATO.
Post Pay Run and Notify ATO enable you to mark the pay run as completed and declare that the information in the Submit or Update Action is true and correct.
The Pay Day is in the past Alert is displayed when Notify ATO is opened if the Pay Day Date is in the past based on the ATO's Single Touch Payroll requirements.
Post Pay Run and Notify ATO is disabled until the issue is resolved. To resolve this issue, either change the Pay Run Type to Missed OR Change the Pay Run Pay Day.
The Previous BMS ID Alert is displayed when Notify ATO is opened if the Organisations STP Reporting Accordion contains a Previous BMS ID. To resolve this issue, please exit the Pay Run and refer to either;