Organisation (Legal Entity) Explained
The Organisation (Legal Entity) File is accessible when editing your Organisation and contains the following sections;
- Organisation (Legal Entity).
- Banking Details, which also include Holding Account Details.
- Taxation.
- Superannuation File Details.
- Pay Run Settings, which also includes Pay Advice Slip Options.
- Report Settings.
- General.
- STP Reporting, which also includes Intermediary.
Organisation (Legal Entity)
- ABN/WPN defines whether the Payer uses an Australian Business Number or Withholding Payer Number and stores the relevant identifier associated with the Organisation.
🎯 ABN/WPN is disabled once it has been reported via Single Touch Payroll. - Branch defines the GST Branch Number associated with the Australian Business Number of the Organisation.
🎯 Branch is disabled if WPN (Withholding Payer Number) is selected and/or once it has been reported via Single Touch Payroll. - Organisation Name (Legal Entity) defines the Organisation Name as listed on ABN Lookup.
- Address defines the physical address, including the Suburb / Town, State, Post Code and Country of the Organisation.
- Email defines the Electronic Mail Address for the Organisation.
- Phone (Business Hours) defines the Telephone Contact Number for the Organisation.
- Organisation Logo is used to add or delete the Organisation Logo, which will be displayed on all reports and pay slips.
Banking Details
Payment Method allows you to select Cash, EFT or FAST-Bank,
- Cash is chosen when the Payee is paid in Cash (or by using a Cheque),
- EFT is chosen when the Payee is paid manually via EFT. OR
- FAST-Bank is chosen when you want to upload an ABA File to your financial institution to pay your Payees automatically.
👉 If EFT or FAST-Bank is selected,
BSB allows you the enter the Bank, State, and Branch (BSB) Code for the required bank account.
Account Number allows you the enter the Account Number for the required bank account.
Account Name allows you the enter the Account Name for the required bank account.
👉 If FAST-Bank is selected,
Name of Remitter allows you to enter the Name of Remitter, who is the person who will be uploading/approving the FAST-Bank File.
APCA ID allows you to enter the unique six-digit number identifying your companies that are approved by financial institutions to use the system. This ID is obtained from your financial institution.
Transaction Code allows your to enter the unique identifier issued by your financial institution to identify the transaction being made. By default, this is set to 53; however, it may be updated as your financial institution requires.
Description allows you to update the Description displayed for your Bank Statement. By default, this is set to Payroll; however, it may be updated as you require.
Self Balancing Transaction allows you to set whether the ABA File requires a Self Balancing Transaction Line. Please confirm this with your Financial Institution.
Short File Name allows you to set whether a Sort File Name is required when uploading to your Financial Institution. Please confirm this option with your Financial Institution.
Holding Account Details
Holding Account allows you to select between Pay As You Go Withholding (PAYGW) and Superannuation (SG) and set unique Holding Account Details.
BSB allows you the enter the Bank, State, Branch (BSB) Code for the required bank account.
Account Number allows you the enter the Account Number for the required bank account.
Account Name allows you the enter the Account Name for the required bank account.
Reference allows you to update the Reference displayed for your Bank Statement. By default, this is set to either Pay As You Go Withholding or Superannuation; however, it may be updated as your financial institution requires.
When Superannuation (SG) is selected, you have the ability to select between;
- All Superannuation Contributions includes all contribution types (Employer SG, RESC, Salary Sacrifice and After Tax).
- Employer SG only includes the Employer SG component. RESC, Salary Sacrifice and After Tax are not included.
Registered as an Employer of Working Holiday Makers (WHM) defines if this Organisation is an Employer of Working Holiday Makers.
- If selected and the Payee has provided a VALID 8 or 9 Digit Tax File Number or 111-111-111, PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 15.
- If deselected and the Payee has provided a VALID 8 or 9 Digit Tax File Number or 111-111-111, PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1, Scale 3.
- Regardless of the Employer status, if the Payee has not provided a Tax File Number (000-000-000), PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1, Scale 4.
🎯 Learn more about employing Working Holiday Makers from the ATO.
Exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986 defines if the Organisation is exempt from FBT (subject to certain conditions).
🎯 Learn more about Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) from the ATO.
Vary the percentage used in the Payroll Tax (SRO) Reports allows you to select if you need to change the percentage used in the Payroll Tax (SRO) Report for each State or Territory.
If selected, the rates entered in Organisation will be referenced once Total Due is added to the Payroll Tax (SRO) Report rather than the rates defined in Payroll Tax (Taxation).
Superannuation File Details
File Format allows you to select the format you require for your SuperStream File.
- SAFF is the ATO's Generic File Format, which all Superannuation Funds and Clearing Houses must accept.
- QuickSuper is a hybrid version of the ATO's Generic File Format, available for certain Superannuation Funds and Clearing Houses.
- None is selected when you do not need to create a Superannuation File, as the information is manually entered into a Superannuation Fund or Clearing House.
👉 If QuickSuper is selected,
Date Format allows you to change how the date is formatted within the Superannuation File.
Employer ID requires you to enter the relevant identifier provided to your Orgainsation by QuickSuper.
👉 If SAFF is selected,
First Name of Payer Contact is the person who can be contacted regarding queries relating to the Superannuation File.
Family Name of Payer Contact is the person who can be contacted regarding queries relating to the Superannuation File.
BSB allows you to enter the Bank, State, and Branch (BSB) Code for the required bank account you would like the Superannuation Payments debited from or refunded to, if there is an issue.
Account Number allows you to enter the Account Number for the required bank account you would like the Superannuation Payments debited from or refunded to, if there is an issue.
Account Name allows you to enter the Account Name for the required bank account you would like the Superannuation Payments debited from or refunded to, if there is an issue.
Name of Remitter allows you to enter the Name of Remitter, generally the Organisation (Legal Entity) Name.
APCA ID allows you to enter the unique six-digit number identifying your companies approved by financial institutions to use the system. This ID is obtained from your financial institution.
Transaction Code allows you to enter the unique identifier issued by your financial institution to identify the transaction being made. By default, this is set to 53; however, it may be updated as your financial institution requires.
Description allows you to update the Description displayed for your Bank Statement. By default, this is set to Superannuation; however, it may be updated as you require.
Self Balancing Transaction allows you to set whether the ABA File requires a Self Balancing Transaction Line. Please confirm this with your Financial Institution.
Short File Name allows you to set whether a Sort File Name is required when uploading to your Financial Institution. Please confirm this option with your Financial Institution.
Pay Run Settings
- Pay Period allows you to select unique dates for each Pay Period you require, as listed in the Drop-Down Menu.
- Clear enables you to automatically clear the Regular Pay Run Dates if you no longer need to process payroll for a specific Pay Period.
- Pay Period Starts is dynamically calculated based on the selected Pay Period and Pay Period Ends Date.
- Pay Period Ends requires you to select the Pay Period Ending Date for each Pay Period you require.
- Pay Day requires you to select the Pay Day Date for each Pay Period you require.
🎯 Pay Day must be within 30 days either way of the Pay Period Ends for each Pay Period you require. For example, if the Period End Date is 23rd August, Pay Day could be between 24th July and 22nd September. - Weeks Per Year allows the choice between;
- 48 Weeks.
- 52 Weeks.
- 52.178714 Weeks.
- Round Net Pays allows you to select the relevant rounding option, which rounds the Payees' Net Pay based on their Payment Method.
- No Rounding:
- EFT: NO rounding occurs.
- FAST-Bank: NO rounding occurs.
- Cash: Round to the nearest lower 5 cents (e.g., if 36 cents, round to 35 cents OR if 32 cents, round to 30 cents).
- Round to the nearest lower whole dollar:
- Regardless of the Payee's Payment Method, All cents are reported in PAYGW.
- Example - If the Net Pay amount is $434.86, 86 cents will be added to PAYGW. Net will be reduced to $434.00.
- Regardless of the Payee's Payment Method, All cents are reported in PAYGW.
- Round to the nearest lower whole dollar (if PAYGW applicable):
- Regardless of the Payee's Payment Method, if PAYGW is applicable, all cents are reported in PAYGW;
- Example - If the Net Pay amount is $434.86, 86 cents will be added to PAYGW. Net will be reduced to $434.00.
- Example - If PAYGW = $0.00, then NO rounding occurs.
- Regardless of the Payee's Payment Method, if PAYGW is applicable, all cents are reported in PAYGW;
- No Rounding:
- Record Time in is currently hard-coded to Decimal; however, further options will be added later.
- Hide System Default Pay Types in Pay Template and when processing a Pay Run allows you to select if the System Default Pay Types should be shown or hidden in Process (Step 3 of Pay Day).
- Show Leave Balances as Days (hide Hours) when processing a Pay Run allows you to select if Leave Balances (Hours) should be shown or hidden.
- FAST-Pay File Options allow you to select which Pay Types must be used with the information within the FAST-Pay File.
- Pay Rates allows you to select whether to use the Pay Rates assigned in the Payee's Pay Template or the Pay Rates within the FAST-Pay File.
- Allowances allows you to select whether to use the Allowances assigned in the Payee's Pay Template or the Allowances within the FAST-Pay File.
- Deductions allows you to select whether to use the Deductions assigned in the Payee's Pay Template and the Deductions within the FAST-Pay File.
- All Purpose Allowance allows you to select whether to use the Allowances assigned in the Payee's All Purpose Allowance Template and the Allowances within the FAST-Pay File.
- Deduction Banking and Repayments allows you to select whether to use the Deductions assigned in the Payee's Deduction Banking and Repayments Template and the Allowances within the FAST-Pay File.
- Use the following as the Payee ID. This allows you to select which Payee ID is used within the FAST-Pay File. If this option is changed, the Change FAST-Pay Payee ID Alert (Modal) is displayed to ensure you need to make this change.
- e-Time (Timesheets) Options allow you to select which Pay Types must be used with the information within e-Time (Timesheets).
- Exclude Weekends allows you to exclude Saturday and Sunday from the Timesheet (Step 3 of e-Time).
- Pay Rates allows you to select whether to use the Pay Rates assigned in the Payee's Pay Template and the Pay Rates within the Timesheet when Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) is accessed.
- Allowances allows you to select whether to use the Allowances assigned in the Payee's Pay Template and the Allowances within the Timesheet when Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) is accessed.
- Deductions allows you to select whether to use the Deductions assigned in the Payee's Pay Template when Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) is accessed.
- All Purpose Allowance allows you to select whether to use the Allowances assigned in the Payee's All Purpose Allowance Template and the Allowances within the Timesheet when Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) is accessed.
- Deduction Banking and Repayments allows you to select whether to use the Allowances assigned in the Payee's Deduction Banking and Repayments Template when Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) is accessed.
- Pay Line Transaction Dates allows you to enter a Date for each Transaction included within the Process Page (Step 3 of the Pay Run).
- Enter a date for each transaction in the Pay Run Process Page, which allows you to enable the date field within the Process Page (Step 3 of the Pay Run) to enter the relevant date for each transaction.
- Autofill Dates allows you to select if the Date field within the Process Page (Step 3 of the Pay Run) should be automatically populated with a date. (The first Transaction will always use the Period Start Date).
- Include Weekends allows you to select and include the dates for Saturday and Sunday when automatically populating the dates.
Pay Advice Slip Options
- Show Phone Number on the Timesheet and Pay Advice Slip Notification Emails allows you to select if the phone number should be shown or hidden and define the relevant number.
- Show Reply To Address on the Timesheet and Pay Advice Slip Notification Emails allows you to select if a Reply to email should be shown or hidden and define the relevant address.
- Show pay lines with a zero quantity on the Pay Advice Slip, and Pay Advice Summary allows you to select if pay lines with a zero quantity should be shown or hidden.
- Hide Payee Address on the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if the Payees Address should be shown or hidden.
- Hide YTD Values on the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if the Year To Date Values should be shown or hidden.
- Hide Super Fund Member ID on the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if the Super Fund Member ID should be shown or hidden.
- Hide Leave Dates on the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if the Leave dates for Leave Pay Rates entered into Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) should be shown or hidden.
- Hide Pay Line Transaction Dates on the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if the Transaction Date entered into Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) should be shown or hidden.
- Hide Additional PAYGW as a separate item in the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if the Additional PAYGW amount should be shown or hidden as a separate item.
- Hide STSL as a separate item in the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if the STSL (PAYGW) amount should be shown or hidden as a separate item.
- Show Leave Balances on the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if Leave Balances should be shown or hidden.
- Show Payee Bank Account Details on the Pay Advice Slip enables the relevant bank details for the Payee to be Hidden or Partially Displayed.
- Hide Adjustment Pay Types on the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if these Pay Types should be shown or hidden.
- Hide Super Fund Details when there is no This Pay Value on the Pay Advice Slip allows you to select if these details should be shown or hidden.
Report Settings
- Deduct Salary Sacrifice from the Total Gross within the Pay Run Analysis Reports allows you to select if Salary Sacrifice should be deducted from or added to the Total Gross displayed in the Pay Run Analysis, Pay Run Analysis (Simple) and Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) Reports
- Show Leave Balances as Days in applicable Reports allows you to select if Leave Accruals should be shown as a Days or Hours Balance in the Leave Accrual (All Leave Types), Leave Accrual (Annual Leave), Leave Accrual (Sick & Carer's Leave), Leave Accrual (Long Service Leave), Leave Accrual (Rostered Days Off), Leave Accrual (Time Off In Lieu), Leave Accrual (Leave - Other), Pay Advice Slip, Pay Advice Slip (Smple) and Payee Master File Reports
- Cost Centre Report Rounding is allocated to allows you to select which Cost Centre the rounding amounts are allocated to - First Cost Centre, Last Cost Centre or Rounding Cost Centre.
- Default number of items to display allows you to set the number of items to display per page in Awards/Agreements, Pay Types, Superannuation Funds, Payees, Pay Day, View STP Submissions and Taxation.
- Default Sort used for all Payee Lists allows you to select if all Payee Lists should be sorted by either Payee Code or Family Name.
- Hide Classification Clauses allows you to select if the clause that provides further information about the classification should be shown or hidden in Awards/Agreement Details.
- Hide Pay Type DBID from Pay Type Lists allows you to select if the Pay Type DBID should be shown or hidden in the relevant drop-down lists.
STP Reporting
- BMS ID defines the Business Management System identifier, unique to your Organisation and e-PayDay Go.
- Name of Payer Declarer is used to define the Organisation's Representative for STP Submissions.
- Previous BMS ID is used to define the BMS ID from your previous payroll software ONLY required if the same Payee Payroll ID and YTD Balances have been entered into e-PayDay Go.
- ABN is used to define the Australian Business Number associated with the Intermediary.
- RAN is used to define the Registered Agent Number associated with the Intermediary.
- Name of Intermediary Declarer is used to define the Intermediary's Representative for STP Submissions.
- Email is used to define the Electronic Mail Address for the Intermediary.
- Phone (Business Hours) defines the Telephone Contact Number for the Intermediary.