May 12, 2024
🎯 An Update Event is used to advise the ATO that you have either changed the Payee YTD Taxation Balances which already exist in e-PayDay Go, or changed Payroll Solutions, which may include transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2 reporting.
The Update Event contains;
- Payer Details,
- BMS ID (SoftwareInformationBusinessManagementSystemId).
- ABN & Branch (AustralianBusinessNumberId and OrganisationDetailsOrganisationBranchC) OR WPN (WithholdingPayerNumberId).
- Organisation Name (DetailsOrganisationalNameT).
- Name of Payer Declarer (PersonUnstructuredNameFullNameT).
- e-Mail Address (ElectronicMailAddressT).
- Phone Number (TelephoneMinimalN).
- Post Code (PostcodeT).
- Country (CountryC).
- Pay Run Details,
- Pay Run Pay Day Date (PaymentRecordTransactionD).
- The number of Payees included in the Payevnt (InteractionRecordCt).
- The date and time (UTC) the Update was created and sent to the ATO (MessageTimestampGenerationDt).
- The unique ID we assign to the Pay Run (InteractionTransactionId).
- Payer Declaration,
- Name of Payer Declarer (SignatoryIdentifierT).
- The date Notify ATO was selected (SignatureD).
- Confirms that I am notifying the ATO that; was selected (StatementAcceptedI).
- Intermediary Details,
- ABN (AustralianBusinessNumberId).
- Tax Agent Number (TaxAgentNumberId).
- Name of Intermediary Declarer (PersonUnstructuredNameFullNameT).
- e-Mail Address (ElectronicMailAddressT).
- Phone Number (TelephoneMinimalN).
- Intermediary Declaration,
- Name of IntermediaryDeclarer (SignatoryIdentifierT).
- The date Notify ATO was selected (SignatureD).
- Confirms that I am notifying the ATO that; was selected (StatementAcceptedI).
- Payee Details (1 record per Payee included in the Payevnt),
- Tax File Number (TaxFileNumberId).
- STP Payroll ID (EmploymentPayrollNumberId).
- Family Name (FamilyNameT).
- Given Name (GivenNameT).
- Birth Day, Month and Year (Dm, M and Y).
- Address Line 1 (Line1T).
- Address Line 2 (Line2T).
- Suburb (LocalityNameT).
- State or Territory (StateOrTerritoryC).
- Post Code (PostcodeT).
- Country (CountryC).
- e-Mail Address (ElectronicMailAddressT).
- Phone Number (TelephoneMinimalN).
- Commenced Date (EmploymentStartD).
- Employment Basis (PaymentBasisC).
- Cessation Reason (CessationTypeC).
- Tax Treatment Code (TaxTreatmentC).
- Tax Offset Amount (TaxOffsetClaimTotalA).
- Reporting Period Details,
- Period Start Date (StartD).
- Period End Date (EndD).
- Indicates this is the final submission for this Payee (RemunerationPayrollEventFinalI).
- Payee Remuneration (YTD Balances),
- Income Stream (IncomeStreamTypeC).
- Country (AddressDetailsCountryC).
- PAYGW (IncomeTaxPayAsYouGoWithholdingTaxWithheldA).
- Foreign PAYGW (IncomeTaxForeignWithholdingA).
- Exempt Foreign Income (IndividualNonBusinessExemptForeignEmploymentIncomeA).
- Gross Income (GrossA).
- Paid Leave (PaidLeave),
- Type Code (TypeC).
- Income amount (PaymentA).
- Allowances (Allowance),
- Type Code (TypeC).
- Other Allowance Description (OtherAllowanceTypeDe).
- Income Amount (EmploymentAllowancesA).
- Overtime (OvertimePaymentA).
- Bonuses and Commissions (GrossBonusesAndCommissionsA).
- Directors Fees (GrossDirectorsFeesA).
- CDEP (IndividualNonBusinessCommunityDevelopmentEmploymentProjectA).
- Salary Sacrifice Deductions (SalarySacrifice),
- Type Code (TypeC).
- Deduction Amount (PaymentA).
- Lump Sum Payments (LumpSum),
- Type Code (TypeC).
- Financial Year (FinancialY).
- Income Amount (PaymentA).
- ETPs (EmploymentTerminationPayment),
- Type Code (IncomeTaxPayAsYouGoWithholdingTypeC).
- Payment Date (IncomeD).
- Tax Free Income Amount (IncomeTaxFreeA).
- Taxable Income Amount (IncomeTaxableA).
- PAYGW (IncomePayAsYouGoWithholdingA).
- Deductions (Deduction),
- Type Code (RemunerationTypeC).
- Deduction Amount (RemunerationA).
- Superannuation (SuperannuationContribution),
- Type Code (EntitlementTypeC).
- Income Amount (EmployerContributionsYearToDateA).
- Fringe Benefits (IncomeFringeBenefitsReportable),
- Employer Status (FringeBenefitsReportableExemptionC).
- Income Amount (A).