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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
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Update Event Explained
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🎯 An Update Event is used to advise the ATO that you have either changed the Payee YTD Taxation Balances which already exist in e-PayDay Go, or changed Payroll Solutions, which may include transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2 reporting.


The Update Event contains;

  1. Payer Details,
    1. BMS ID (SoftwareInformationBusinessManagementSystemId).
    2. ABN & Branch (AustralianBusinessNumberId and OrganisationDetailsOrganisationBranchC) OR WPN (WithholdingPayerNumberId).
    3. Organisation Name (DetailsOrganisationalNameT).
    4. Name of Payer Declarer (PersonUnstructuredNameFullNameT).
    5. e-Mail Address (ElectronicMailAddressT).
    6. Phone Number (TelephoneMinimalN).
    7. Post Code (PostcodeT).
    8. Country (CountryC).
  2. Pay Run Details
    1. Pay Run Pay Day Date (PaymentRecordTransactionD).
    2. The number of Payees included in the Payevnt (InteractionRecordCt).
    3. The date and time (UTC) the Update was created and sent to the ATO (MessageTimestampGenerationDt).
    4. The unique ID we assign to the Pay Run (InteractionTransactionId).
  3. Payer Declaration,
    1. Name of Payer Declarer (SignatoryIdentifierT).
    2. The date Notify ATO was selected (SignatureD).
    3. Confirms that I am notifying the ATO that; was selected (StatementAcceptedI).
  4. Intermediary Details,
    1. ABN (AustralianBusinessNumberId).
    2. Tax Agent Number (TaxAgentNumberId).
    3. Name of Intermediary Declarer (PersonUnstructuredNameFullNameT)
    4. e-Mail Address (ElectronicMailAddressT).
    5. Phone Number (TelephoneMinimalN).
  5. Intermediary Declaration,
    1. Name of IntermediaryDeclarer (SignatoryIdentifierT).
    2. The date Notify ATO was selected (SignatureD).
    3. Confirms that I am notifying the ATO that; was selected (StatementAcceptedI).
  6. Payee Details (1 record per Payee included in the Payevnt),
    1. Tax File Number (TaxFileNumberId).
    2. STP Payroll ID (EmploymentPayrollNumberId).
    3. Family Name (FamilyNameT).
    4. Given Name (GivenNameT).
    5. Birth Day, Month and Year (Dm, M and Y).
    6. Address Line 1 (Line1T)
    7. Address Line 2 (Line2T)
    8. Suburb (LocalityNameT)
    9. State or Territory (StateOrTerritoryC)
    10. Post Code (PostcodeT).
    11. Country (CountryC).
    12. e-Mail Address (ElectronicMailAddressT).
    13. Phone Number (TelephoneMinimalN).
    14. Commenced Date (EmploymentStartD)
    15. Employment Basis (PaymentBasisC)
    16. Cessation Reason (CessationTypeC)
    17. Tax Treatment Code (TaxTreatmentC)
    18. Tax Offset Amount (TaxOffsetClaimTotalA)
  7. Reporting Period Details
    1. Period Start Date (StartD)
    2. Period End Date (EndD)
    3. Indicates this is the final submission for this Payee (RemunerationPayrollEventFinalI).
  8. Payee Remuneration (YTD Balances)
    1. Income Stream (IncomeStreamTypeC)
    2. Country (AddressDetailsCountryC)
    3. PAYGW (IncomeTaxPayAsYouGoWithholdingTaxWithheldA)
    4. Foreign PAYGW (IncomeTaxForeignWithholdingA)
    5. Exempt Foreign Income (IndividualNonBusinessExemptForeignEmploymentIncomeA)
    6. Gross Income (GrossA)
    7. Paid Leave (PaidLeave)
      1. Type Code (TypeC)
      2. Income amount (PaymentA)
    8. Allowances (Allowance)
      1. Type Code (TypeC).
      2. Other Allowance Description (OtherAllowanceTypeDe)
      3. Income Amount (EmploymentAllowancesA)
    9. Overtime (OvertimePaymentA)
    10. Bonuses and Commissions (GrossBonusesAndCommissionsA)
    11. Directors Fees (GrossDirectorsFeesA)
    12. CDEP (IndividualNonBusinessCommunityDevelopmentEmploymentProjectA).
    13. Salary Sacrifice Deductions (SalarySacrifice)
      1. Type Code (TypeC)
      2. Deduction Amount (PaymentA)
    14. Lump Sum Payments (LumpSum)
      1. Type Code (TypeC)
      2. Financial Year (FinancialY)
      3. Income Amount (PaymentA)
    15. ETPs (EmploymentTerminationPayment)
      1. Type Code (IncomeTaxPayAsYouGoWithholdingTypeC)
      2. Payment Date (IncomeD)
      3. Tax Free Income Amount (IncomeTaxFreeA)
      4. Taxable Income Amount (IncomeTaxableA)
      5. PAYGW (IncomePayAsYouGoWithholdingA)
    16. Deductions (Deduction)
      1. Type Code (RemunerationTypeC)
      2. Deduction Amount (RemunerationA)
    17. Superannuation (SuperannuationContribution)
      1. Type Code (EntitlementTypeC)
      2. Income Amount (EmployerContributionsYearToDateA)
    18. Fringe Benefits (IncomeFringeBenefitsReportable)
      1. Employer Status (FringeBenefitsReportableExemptionC)
      2. Income Amount (A)
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