Dec 17, 2024
Released 11 January 2023
- The ability to create and pay your Payees via FAST-Bank.
- The EFT Disbursements Report is now included.
Issues Resolved
- When an Invalid BSB is entered in Organisation Banking Details, the BSB cannot be located Alert Text is now displayed.
- When an Invalid BSB is entered in Organisation Holding Account Details, the BSB cannot be located Alert Text is now displayed.
- When an Invalid BSB is entered in Payee Banking Details, the BSB cannot be located Alert Text is now displayed.
- The Exit without Saving Alert (Modal) is now being displayed when attempting to exit the Orgainsation if unsaved changes have been made.
- Included the ability to add a Bank Account with an indeterminate value (Balance) in the Payee Master File within Payment Method = EFT