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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Home > e-PayDay Go > Superannuation > Superannuation Manager (Superannuation)
Superannuation Manager (Superannuation)
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🎯 Superannuation Manager is used to create the Superannuation file, which is then uploaded to your Superannuation Fund or Clearing House for all Payees included in Process. If Direct Credit Details have been entered into a Superannuation Fund, a payment file is also created.



Months allows you to select the month/s you wish to include in the Superannuation File.


Quarters allows you to select the quarter/s you wish to include in the Superannuation File.


Exclude Payees allows you to select the specific Payees which need to be excluded from the Superannuation File.


Start Date will display the relevant date based on the Months or Quarters selected and allows you to select the date manually.


End Date will display the relevant date based on the Months or Quarters selected and allows you to select the date manually.


The Superannuation Funds List will display all superannuation funds with contributions within the dates chosen and allows you to select which funds you wish to include in the Superannuation File.

Totals will display based on the Superannuation Funds selected in the Superannuation Funds list.


The Total ALL Contributions will display based on the Superannuation Funds selected in the Superannuation Funds list.






The Unposted Pay Runs Alert Text is displayed if there are unposted pay runs that exist within the period you are attempting to create the Superannuation File for. To resolve this, please review the pay run and either Post or Delete the relevant pay runs.


Create Superannuation File allows you to create the Superannuation (SAFF or QuickSuper) File for the selected Superannuation Funds. An ABA File is also created when the Payment Method for any fund is set to Direct Credit.

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