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Home > Reports > Leave Accrual (All Leave Types) Report
Leave Accrual (All Leave Types) Report
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Leave Accrual (All Leave Types) Report

The Leave Accrual (All Leave Types) Report provides a detailed overview of the Payee's Leave Entitlements as they've been accrued, based on the rules defined in the Payee Master File and taken based on the Pay Types selected within each pay period processed.

Pay Day - Step 4 (Reports)


Main Reports


Report Options allows you to define the selection criteria, which contains multiple tabs,



Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).


🎯When the Report is generated within Pay Day - Step 4 (Reports), Pay Period is disabled.




Payees allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).



Pay Location / Department 

Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).



Cost Centres

Cost Centres allows you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).


🎯When the Report is generated within Pay Day - Step 4 (Reports), Cost Centres is unavailable for selection.



Report Period

Report Period allows you to select the Date Range you wish to preview the report for.


🎯When the Report is generated within Pay Day - Step 4 (Reports), Report Period is unavailable for selection.


Report By allows you to select the Date Range you wish to preview the report for.


Group By allows you to define how the information displayed in the report is broken down: Per Pay Run processed or as a total per Month or Quarter.

👉 If Per Pay Period is selected, the report will display each pay run as it occurred.

👉 If Per Month is selected, the report will display a monthly total for each Payee.

👉 If Per Quarter is selected, the report will display a quarterly total for each Payee.



Sort Criteria

Sort Criteria allows you to select how you would like to sort the data displayed in the Report.

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