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Home > Frequently Asked Questions > Superannuation FAQ's > Create a Superannuation File for a specific Payee
Create a Superannuation File for a specific Payee
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Create a Superannuation File for a specific Payee

🎯 Please ensure you have completed Steps 1 to 3 from Generate your Superannuation Reports and pay the required Contributions before completing the below.


  1. Select Superannuation.
  2. Then select Superannuation Manager.
  3. Select the required period by choosing the appropriate option in Months or Quarters, or manually defining the Start Date and End Date.
  4. Select the Payees to be excluded from the Superannuation File.
  5. Next, select which Superannuation Funds need to be included in the Superannuation File.
  6. Verify the Totals displayed against the physical reports.
    👉 If unposted pay runs exist within the selected period, the Unposted Pay Runs Alert Text will be displayed.
  7. Select Create Superannuation File.
    👉 If the Period End Date the Superannuation Manager is being created for is in the future, the Period has not ended Alert (Modal) will be displayed.
  8. Browse to the location you want to store in the Superannuation File, then select Save.
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