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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) > Pay Day > Process > Add the Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W) Allowance in the Payee's Pay
Add the Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W) Allowance in the Payee's Pay
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🎯 Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W) is applicable when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for private use of their private vehicle or fees for private/public transport, where there is no evidence of traceability between the current Award/industrial instrument the Payee is employed under to a historical award/industrial instrument that was in force on 29 October 1986.


When composing the Payees Pay, select Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W).


Change the Quantity and Rate if required.


🎯 If the Rate is incorrect, please refer to The Rate displayed is incorrect.


Then either press the TAB key on your keyboard or select the button

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