Jan 06, 2024
Released 2 June 2023
- Cost Centres
- Add Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Cost Centres. (20230502)
- Assign Payees to and Remove Payees from Cost Centres. (20230502)
- Allocate Hours/QTY to Cost Centres when processing a Pay Run. (20230516)
- Cost Centres List Report. (20230519)
- Awards and Agreements (20230502)
- Awards/Agreements List Report. (20230523)
- Leave - Other. (20230515)
- Deactivate a User Modified Pay Type. (20230510)
- Delete an Inactive User Modified Pay Type. (202360517)
- Hide the System Default Pay Types when processing a Pay Run. (20230512)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the following Reports (20230531)
- When Actions > View is selected, the Status Icon of the Payee can be selected to open their specific details within Process. (20230531)
- When Actions > View is selected within Pay Day, Edit / Undo Cessation & Allocate Cost Centres are now accessible. This information cannot be amended as the pay run has been STP Reported. (20230531)
- Fixed the location of the Active Checkbox within Pay Rates, Allowances, Deductions and Superannuation Funds. (20230531)
- Removed the word Details from a number of Accordions within Pay Rates, Allowances, Deductions and Payee Master File. (20230531)
- Moved the Current Age Label and Gender within the Payee Master File. (20230531)
- Corrected the Calendar Icon for Visa Expiry size within the Payee Master File. (20230531)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Cost Centres List Report. (20230531)
- The relevant STP Codes are now displayed for each Pay Type loaded in Process. (20230523)
- Removed Pay Location / Department within Payee Master File due to implementing Cost Centres. (20230523)
- Updated and added several fields in Subscription Information (20230519)
- Updated the Plan Features in Subscription Information (20230519)
- Added Cost Centres in Subscription Information (20230519)
- The Previous BMS ID Alert (Modal) is now displayed when Save has been selected if a Previous BMS ID exists. (20230512)
- Despite selecting $ after copying and saving a System Default Pay Rate, Allowance Or Deduction, the Pay Type was still displayed as %. (20230509)
- Updated the Label displayed for STSL to Include in Gross (STSL, MLS) within Pay Rates, Allowances and Deductions. (20230509)
- Updated the Label displayed for Gross (Sal Sac) to Include in Gross (Salary Sacrifice) within Pay Rates, Allowances and Deductions. (20230509)
- Advanced Filters are now displayed in Pay Day & Payees. (20230502)
Issues Resolved
- Pay Day was not loading for some customers. (20230602)
- After Tax Deductions for non-Super payments were incorrectly included in the Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions Report. (20230531)
- EOFY Manager was advising that the 2023 Financial Year could not be finalised despite pay runs existing. (20230531)
- The Incomplete Pay Run/s Alert (Modal) was not displayed as expected within EOFY Manager. (20230531)
- The Financial Year has not ended Alert (Modal) was not displayed as expected within EOFY Manager. (20230531)
- The Run Date/Time Stamp and Payer Declaration Date were not reported correctly for an Out of Cycle Pay Run with a future payment date. (20230531)
- The Payment Amount label for Reportable Fringe Benefits was not being reported correctly. (20230531)
- An Internal Error was displayed when attempting to access Send STP Update and EOFY Manager. (20230531)
- The Payroll Analysis Report was not displaying any amounts when set to Current Month, despite pay runs existing. (20230530)
- The Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) Report did not display any amounts when set to Current Month, despite pay runs existing. (20230530)
- The Withholding Tax Report did not display any amounts when set to Current Month, despite pay runs existing. (20230530)
- Pay Template had been incorrectly relocated in between the Pay Period and Modern Award fields. (20230530)
- Despite adding the Cash Disbursements Report, it was unavailable for selection. (20230523).
- The correct options for each Pay Type listed in the Payment Type List were not displayed when X-Ray was selected in Process. (20230523)
- The Start Date, End Date, and Notes fields were not displaying correctly due to a framework upgrade when a Leave Type was selected in Process. (20230519)
- An Internal Error was displayed when adding a Primary Cost Centre. (20230524)
- An Internal Error was displayed when previewing the STP Submission and posting the Pay Run. (20230524)
- An Internal Error was displayed when opening Pay Run. (20230524)
- An Internal Error was displayed when previewing Pay Run Reports. (20230524)
When Actions > Copy is selected for a System Default Pay Type, the Description, $ (or % of Rate per Hour) and Paid By can now be edited. (20230524)
The Income Stream was not displayed for System Default Pay Type Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W). (20230524)
- An Internal Error was displayed when attempting to Search Funds (ABN, Name or USI) without entering anything into the field before selecting Search. (20230525)
- An nondescript error was displayed when creating a SuperStream / ABA Submission. (20230502)
- Page Navigation was not functioning as expected on Pay Day. (20230501)