Jan 28, 2025
Released 15 June 2023
Last update released 23 June 2023
- Advanced Filters within View STP Submissions. (20230621)
- Advanced Filters within Payees. (20230619)
- Pay Run Dates Undefined Alert (Modal) within Pay Day. (20230616)
- Required Information is missing Alert (Modal) within Pay Day Payees. (20230616)
- Payer Periodic Superannuation Contributions Report. (20230615)
- Payee Periodic Superannuation Contributions Report. (20230615)
- Awards/Agreements Allocation Report. (20230623)
- Superannuation Fund List Report. (20230614)
- Payees List Report. (20230614)
- FBT List Report. (20230614)
- Pay Rates List Report. (20230613)
- Allowances List Report. (20230613)
- Deductions List Report. (20230613)
- Required Information is missing Alert (Modal) within Payees. (20230612)
- Award Changed Alert (Modal) within the Payee Master File. (20230612)
- Agreement Changed Alert (Modal) within the Payee Master File. (20230612)
- Accrual Rules Differ Alert (Modal) within the Payee Master File. (20230612)
- Employment Basis Changed Alert (Modal) within the Payee Master File. (20230611)
- Award/Agreement Selection Updated Alert (Modal) within the Payee Master File. (20230611)
- Deactivate Award/Agreement Alert (Modal) within Awards/Agreements. (20230609)
- Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal) within the Payee Master File. (20230607)
- Payee Ceased Alert (Modal) within Payees. (20230606)
- Cashing Out Leave Alerts within Process. (20230606)
- Assign an Award or Agreement to a Payee, which automatically pre-fills the required fields in Employment and Payment. (20230605)
- Leave Entitlements are now imported into the Payee Master File from the assigned Award or Agreement. (20230605)
- Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL) within Awards/Agreements and Payee Master File. (20230605)
- Reportable Fringe Benefits within Deductions. (20230602)
- The Gross Income ≥ Alert (Modal) is now displayed in Payees if the threshold has been breached. based on the Payees Employment & Payment Details. (20230622)
- The Regular Pay Run Dates can be manually overridden by editing the dates set within the Orgainsation for situations where pay periods must be skipped (due to no payees requiring payment). (20230621)
- Rate Per Hour within Employment and Payment has been re-enabled. (20230620)
- Made a number of changes to smooth out the Sign Up procedure. (20230620)
- Removed all other Language options. (20230619)
- Updated the File Name for all reports exported from Pay Day Reports to use the following formatting - Organisation (Legal Entity) Name Report Name for Pay Period Pay Period Ending DD MMMM YYYY, Payment Date DD MMMM YYYY. (20230619)
- When the first Payee is added to a new Organisation (Tenant), the Payee Code allocated is now 001 (previously, this used the DBID). (20230616)
- The Required Information is Missing Alert (Modal) is now displayed when adding a Payee in the Pay Run due to the introduction of Awards/Agreements being assigned to the Payee. (20230615)
- Updated the Sick & Carer's Leave calculation in Process due to implementing Days per Week within Awards/Agreements. (20230615)
- The Required Information is Missing Alert (Modal) is now displayed when adding or editing a Payee due to the introduction of Awards/Agreements being assigned to the Payee. (20230612)
- Updated all checkboxes throughout the software to be identical. (20230608)
- Updated all date selection fields throughout the software to be identical. (20230608)
- The Pay Runs List was incorrectly displayed when the page width was adjusted. (20230608)
- The Statius Icon within the Pay Runs List is now centred. (20230607)
- The Awards/Agreements List was incorrectly displayed when the page width was adjusted. (20230608)
- Redesigned Leave Entitlements and Balances within the Payee Master File as the rules are imported from the assigned Award or Agreement. (20230607)
- The Superannuation Funds List was incorrectly displayed when the page width was adjusted. (20230607)
- The Pay Types List was incorrectly displayed when the page width was adjusted. (20230607)
- The Close Button within Pay Rates, Allowances and Deductions has been resized. (20230607)
- An additional line was displayed below the last section when viewing a Pay Rate, Allowance or Deduction. (20230607)
- The Statius Icon within the Pay Types List is now centred. (20230607)
- Added more space between the Image and Heading for Medicare, Employment, Payment, Pay Template, Payment Method, Fund Details, Annual Leave, Sick & Carer's Leave, Long Service Leave & Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL) within Payee Master File. (20230607)
- Added more space between the Image and Heading for Annual Leave, Sick & Carer's Leave, Long Service Leave & Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL) within Award/Agreement. (20230607)
- Added more space between the Image and Heading for Holding Accounts & Intermediary within the Organisation. (20230607)
- Updated the Actions Button within Awards/Agreements, Pay Types, Superannuation Funds, Payees, Pay Run, View STP Submissions, STP EOFY Manager, Paid By, Taxation, Roles, and Users. (20230607)
- Updated the Page Heading for Organisation. (20230607)
- Updated the Page Border for the Organisation so that the Save and Cancel buttons are within the border. (20230607)
- Added Search and Total Net to the Payees Table in FAST-Bank. (20230606)
- Updated the functionality of the Active and Send Verification e-Mail checkboxes when adding a New User. (20230605)
- Updated the functionality of the Set Random Password and Should change password on next login checkboxes when editing an Existing User. (20230605)
- Updated the location of the Update Report Button when selecting the relevant Report Options. (20230605)
- Updated the Labels in Deductions from Paid by to Deducted By. (20230605)
- Added more space between the Other Allowance Description Field and Include in Gross (Salary Sacrifice) checkbox within Allowances. (20230602)
- Added more space between the Deduct from Leave Balance Field and the Increase Leave Balances Label within Pay Rates. (20230602)
- Added more space between the Increase Leave Balances Label and the Annual Leave Checkbox within Pay Rates. (20230602)
- The ATO has updated an STP Validation Rule, allowing Payees with an Exemption Tax File Number to be paid Reportable Fringe Benefits (20230601).
Issues Resolved
- The Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal) was not displaying the correct values. (20230622)
- Process was not loading for some customers. (20230622)
- RESC was not being calculated correctly in Process when a RESC Fund was not allocated to the Payee. (20230620)
- Payees with upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries were not all included within the Dashboard. (20230620)
- An Internal Error was displayed when attempting to preview an STP Submission with Pay Day, Send STP Update and EOFY Manager. (20230620)
- Sorting by the Table Headings within Awards and Agreements was not functioning as expected. (20230620)
- Pressing Enter instead of selecting a button within certain Alerts would cause the Payee Master File to be closed. (20230619)
- The Visa Expired Alert (Modal) was displayed more than once after selecting Ok. (20230619)
- The Visa Expires Tomorrow Alert (Modal) was displayed more than once after selecting Ok. (20230619)
- The Visa Expires Shortly Alert (Modal) was displayed more than once after selecting Ok. (20230619)
- The Quantity in Advanced Pay Template was not updated as expected when Pay Period was changed. (20230619)
- Some fields within Employment & Payment were not updating as expected after the Award Changed Alert (Modal) was displayed within the Payee Master File. (20230619)
- Some fields within Employment & Payment were not updating as expected after the Agreement Changed Alert (Modal) was displayed within the Payee Master File. (20230619)
- An Internal error was presented for some users when previewing Pay Day Reports. (20230619)
- Certain fields within the Payee Master File were not functioning as expected when the information entered was backspaced. (20230616)
- Despite certain Leave Types being deselected within the Organisation, the balance was still displayed on the Pay Slip. (20230616)
- An Internal error was presented when a Back Payment Pay Type was selected in Process. (20230614)
- An Internal error was presented when Actions > Edit was selected for a Payee with Advanced Pay Template. (20230601)
- Advanced Filters were not functioning as expected within Pay Day. (20230601)
- Advanced Filters were not functioning as expected within Payees. (20230601)