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IMPORTANT UPDATE: The e-PayDay Go Payroll App has changed to
Add a Cost Centre
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  1. Select Add Primary Cost Centre.
  2. The Cost Centre File will be displayed.
    👉 If the Cost Centre is a Pay Location / Department, select This Cost Centre is a Pay Location / Department.
  3. Enter the Cost Centre Name you require in Description.
  4. Change the Abbreviation as required.
  5. Enter the GL Account Code relating to the Cost Centre from your Accounting Solution. If necessary, leave this field blank.
  6. Enter the Cost Code relating to the Cost Centre from your Accounting Solution. If necessary, leave this field blank.
  7. Select the Icon you want displayed in the Cost Centre List for this Cost Centre.
  8. Select Save, unless you want to process pay runs or create a FAST-Bank file for this Cost Centre.
    1. If you want to process Pay Runs for this Cost Centre, select Pay Run.
      1. Select the required Pay Period.
      2. Select or enter the Pay Period Ends Date.
      3. Select or enter the Pay Day Date.
    2.  If you want to create a FAST-Bank for this Cost Centre, select Banking.
      1. Enter the BSB, Account Number, Account Name and Name of Remitter.
    3. Enter the APCA ID and update the Transaction Code and Description displayed on your Bank Statement, if required.
      👉 If required, deselect Self Balancing Transaction and Short File Name.
      🎯 Please contact your Financial institution to confirm the APCA IDTransaction Code and whether the FAST-Bank File needs to contain a Self Balancing Transaction or use a Short File Name.
  9. Select Save.

  1. Right-select the Primary Cost Centre you wish to add the Secondary Cost Centre beneath, then select Add Child Cost Centre.
  2. The Cost Centre File will be displayed.
    👉 If the Cost Centre is a Pay Location / Department, select This Cost Centre is a Pay Location / Department.
  3. Enter the Cost Centre Name you require in Description.
  4. Change the Abbreviation as required.
  5. Enter the GL Account Code relating to the Cost Centre from your Accounting Solution. If necessary, leave this field blank.
  6. Enter the Cost Code relating to the Cost Centre from your Accounting Solution. If necessary, leave this field blank.
  7. Select the Icon you want displayed in the Cost Centre List for this Cost Centre.
  8. Select Save, unless you want to process pay runs or create a FAST-Bank file for this Cost Centre.
    1. If you want to process Pay Runs for this Cost Centre, select Pay Run.
      1. Select the required Pay Period.
      2. Select or enter the Pay Period Ends Date.
      3. Select or enter the Pay Day Date.
    2.  If you want to create a FAST-Bank for this Cost Centre, select Banking.
      1. Enter the BSB, Account Number, Account Name and Name of Remitter.
    3. Enter the APCA ID and update the Transaction Code and Description displayed on your Bank Statement, if required.
      👉 If required, deselect Self Balancing Transaction and Short File Name.
      🎯 please contact your Financial institution to confirm the APCA IDTransaction Code and whether the FAST-Bank File needs to contain a Self Balancing Transaction or use a Short File Name.
  9. Select Save.

Add a Tertiary Cost Centre

  1. Select Cost Centres.
  2. Right-select the Secondary Cost Centre you wish to add the Tertiary Cost Centre beneath, then select Add Child Cost Centre.
  3. The Cost Centre File will be displayed.
  4. Enter the Cost Centre Name you require in Description.
  5. Change the Abbreviation, as required.
  6. Enter the GL Account Code relating to the Cost Centre from your Accounting Solution. If necessary, leave this field blank.
  7. Enter the Cost Code relating to the Cost Centre from your Accounting Solution. If necessary, leave this field blank.
  8. Select the Icon you want displayed in the Cost Centre List for this Cost Centre.
  9. Select Save.
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