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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
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Add a Primary Cost Centre
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🎯 If Cost Centres is not available in the side menu, refer to Enable Cost Centres.


Select Cost Centres.


Select Add Cost Centre.

The Cost Centre Details Window will be displayed,


Enter the Cost Centre Name you require (eg. Brisbane / Queensland / Australia,)

Enter the Cost Centre Abbreviation you wish to use for this Cost Centre (e.g. BRIS, QLD, AUS)

Enter the Job / Task Description relating to this Cost Centre (eg. All Tasks).

Enter the GL Account Code relating to the Cost Centre from your Accounting Solution. This field can be left blank if required.

Enter the Job Number or Cost Code relating to the Cost Centre from your Accounting Solution. This field can be left blank if required.


Then select Save. Once completed, the Cost Centre will be added to the Table.


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