Opening Balance lets you enter the current Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) the Payee has accrued from your previous payroll solution.
Accrued displays the total Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) accrued since using e-PayDay Go. Time Off In Lieu accrues by using the Time Off In Lieu (Banked) Pay Type in the Pay Run for the required Payee.
Taken displays the total Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) taken since using e-PayDay Go.
Time Off In Lieu is reduced by using any of the following Pay Types in the Pay Run for the required Payee;
- Time Off In Lieu (Taken).
- Time Off In Lieu (Taken) (Incorrect Hours).
- Time Off In Lieu (Taken) (Incorrect Rate).
- Time Off In Lieu (Cashed Out).
- Time Off In Lieu (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Hours).
- Time Off In Lieu (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Rate).
- Unused Time Off In Lieu (Equal to or less than the Cap).
- Unused Time Off In Lieu (More than the Cap).
- Death Benefit Time Off In Lieu (Tax Free).
- Death Benefit Time Off In Lieu (Equal to or less than the Cap).
- Death Benefit Time Off In Lieu (More than the Cap).
Taken YTD displays the total Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) taken in the current Financial Year.
Current Balance displays the total Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) outstanding to the Payee.