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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Home > Learn more about e-PayDay Go > Payees > Payees - Payee Master File (Personal Details Alerts (Modals))
Payees - Payee Master File (Personal Details Alerts (Modals))
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Payee Master File - Personal Details Alerts (Modals)

There are many Alerts that may be displayed when attempting to access a Payee by selecting Actions > Edit,

  1. Tax File Number Not Quoted Alert (Modal)
  2. Tax File Number Invalid Alert (Modal)
  3. Tax File Number Invalid for Foreign Residents & Working Holiday Makers Alert (Modal)
  4. Tax File Number Exemption Period Ended Alert (Modal)
  5. Tax File Number Application Period Ended Alert (Modal)
  6. Tax File Number Updated Alert (Modal)
  7. Visa Expiring Alert (Modal)
  8. Visa Expired Alert (Modal)
  9. Residency for Taxation Purposes Updated Alert (Modal)
  10. STP Payroll ID Alert (Modal)
  11. STP Previous Payroll ID Alert (Modal)
  12. Assign Prior Pay Runs? Alert (Modal)
  13. Exit Without Saving Alert (Modal)

Tax File Number Not Quoted Alert (Modal)

When adding or editing a Payee, the Tax File Number Not Quoted Alert (Modal) is displayed when Exemption Tax File Number 000-000-000 is entered.

To resolve this alert, select Ok


👉 Once Ok is selected, Exemption TFN 000-000-000 is used, and the Payees Tax Treatment will be set to No TFN.

👉 The Tax Treatment can be changed to Seasonal Worker Programme when the Residency for Taxation Purposes is set to Foreign Resident.


Tax File Number Invalid Alert (Modal)

The Tax File Number Invalid Alert (Modal) is displayed when adding or editing a Payee when the Tax File Number entered is INVALID and Residency for Taxation Purposes is changed.

To resolve this issue, select OK and enter a VALID Tax File Number to change the Residency for Taxation Purposes.



Tax File Number Invalid for Foreign Residents & Working Holiday Makers Alert (Modal)

The Tax File Number Invalid for Foreign Residents & Working Holiday Makers Alert (Modal) is displayed when Residency for Taxation Purposes is changed to either Foreign Resident OR Working Holiday Maker when Payee's Tax File Number is either 333-333-333 or 444-444-444.  As these Tax File Numbers are not valid for either Tax Treatment, please enter a valid Tax File Number to continue.


Tax File Number Exemption Period Ended Alert (Modal)

The Tax File Number Exemption Period Ended Alert (Modal) is displayed when Actions > Edit is selected for a Payee using Exemption TFN 333-333-333, where they are now equal to or older than eighteen (18).


To resolve this alert, select OK.

👉 Once Ok is selected, Exemption TFN 000-000-000 is used, and the Payees Tax Treatment is changed to No TFN. Until a valid Tax File Number is entered, any payments made to the Payee will be taxed per Schedule 1, Scale 4.

👉 If the Payee has not applied for a Tax File Number, they must do so now. In this case, change the Payees Tax File Number to Exemption TFN 111-111-111, which will remain valid for another 28 days.


Tax File Number Application Period Ended Alert (Modal)

The Tax File Number Application Period Ended Alert (Modal) is displayed when Actions > Edit is selected for a Payee using Exemption TFN 111-111-111 where it has been more than 28 days since 

  1. The Gross Income Exceeded Alert (Modal) was displayed in Payees (Step 2 of the Pay Run), Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) OR Approve (Step 5 of the e-Time)
  2. The Tax File Number Exemption Period Ended Alert (Modal) was displayed in Payees (Step 2 of Pay Run) OR Approve (Step 5 of e-Time).
  3. The Payees Commencement Date.

To resolve this alert, select Ok.


👉 Once Ok is selected, Exemption TFN 000-000-000 is used, and if the Payees Tax Treatment was;


Tax File Number Updated Alert (Modal)

The Tax File Number Updated Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Tax File Number has been changed. To resolve this Alert, select OK.

Once Ok is selected, Taxation and Medicare will be updated based on the new TFN.


Visa Expiring Alert (Modal)

The Visa Expiring Alert (Modal) is displayed when editing a Payee whose VISA expires within the next 7 days.

To ensure the Payee can be included in a Pay Run, confirm the Visa Expiry and update by referring to change the VISA Number, Expiry or Country for a specific Payee.


Visa Expired Alert (Modal)

The Visa Expired Alert (Modal) is displayed when Actions > Edit is selected for a Payee whose Tax Treatment Code is HRXXXX, HUXXXX, or HFXXXX if their VISA has expired.

To resolve this alert, confirm the Visa Expiry with the Payee then update by referring to Change the Payees VISA Number, Expiry or Country.


Residency for Taxation Purposes Updated Alert (Modal)

The Residency for Taxation Purposes Updated Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Residency for Taxation Purposes is changed while editing a Payee.

Once OK is selected, and the Payee is now;

  1. An Australian Resident whose Tax File Number is; 
    1. Exemption TFN 000-000-000,
      1. Tax Treatment will be set to No TFN.
    2. VALID (8 or 9 Digits) or Exemption TFN 111-111-111 and birthday is < 60 years in the past, 
      1. Tax Treatment will be set to Regular.
    3. VALID (8 or 9 Digits) or Exemption TFN 111-111-111 and birthday is ≥ 60 years in the past,  
      1. Tax Treatment will be set to Regular. However, this can be changed to Seniors and Pensioners, if required.
  2. A Working Holiday Maker;
    1. Tax Treatment will be set to Working Holiday Maker.


STP Payroll ID Alert (Modal)

The STP Payroll ID Alert (Modal) is displayed when Save is selected for a Payee who has been included in prior pay runs after entering a new STP Payee Payroll ID.

To resolve this alert, please Send an Update Event to the ATO.


The STP Previous Payroll ID Alert (Modal) is displayed when Save is selected for a Payee who has not been included in prior pay runs after entering a Previous STP Payee Payroll ID.

To resolve this Alert, refer to either;



Assign Prior Pay Runs? Alert (Modal)

The Assign Prior Pay Runs? Alert (Modal) is displayed when Save is selected after the user has changed any of the following but not selected the Assign Prior Pay Runs button;

  1. Payroll Tax,
    • State/Territory and/or Apprentice / Trainee.
  2. Cost Centres,
    • Default Pay Location / Department.
  3. Superannuation Guarantee Contributions,
    • Superannuation Fund and/or Member Number.
  4. Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC),
    • Superannuation Fund and/or Member Number.
  5. Personal Superannuation Contributions,
    • Superannuation Fund and/or Member Number.
  6. Portable Long Service Leave,
    • State/Territory, Registration Number and/or Community Service Type.

Exit Without Saving Alert (Modal)

The Exit Without Saving Alert (Modal) is displayed when attempting to close a Payee without saving after the information stored has been changed or updated.


👉 If Ok is selected, the Payee Master File is closed without saving. 

👉 If Cancel is selected, the alert is closed, and the Payee Master File remains open.



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