Dec 17, 2024
Released 1st August 2023
- Cost Centre Transactions Report in Pay Run and Main Reports. (20230731)
- QLD Award has been added to the Modern Award/Underpinning Award Drop Down Menu within Award/Agreement Details. (20230728)
- Updated GL Account Code and Job Number or Cost Code in Cost Centre Details to allow 16 characters. (20230801)
- When EFT is selected within Payment Method in the Payee Master File, and no bank accounts exist, the default selection for a new bank account is %. (20230731)
- When the Payee's Payment Method is EFT, the Bank Account Details are now included in the Payee Master File Report (20230721)
- The Pay Location / Department and time stamp next to the Commencement and Cessation Dates have been removed from the Payee Master File Report (20230721)
- All Leave Accrual Rules can be removed within Leave Entitlements in the Payee Master File. (20230719)
Issues Resolved
- The Accrued Balance for PFDVL and Rostered Days Off was not displayed in the Payee Master File when Actions > View is selected while the Pay Run is Active. (20230801)
- The Taken Balance for PFDVL and Rostered Days Off was not displayed in the Payee Master File when Actions > View is selected while the Pay Run is Active. (20230801)
- Although confirmation that your Support Request had been lodged was received, the request was not lodged in the Support System. (20230731)
- When processing a pay run, Long Service Leave was not accruing as expected for Accrual Method = Annually (Anniversary of Commencement Date). (20230731)
- When processing a pay run, Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave was not accruing as expected for Accrual Method = Annually (Anniversary of Commencement Date). (20230731)
- When processing a pay run, Rostered Days Off was not accruing as expected for all Accrual Methods. (20230731)
- When processing a pay run with Rostered Day Off, the Rostered Days Off Leave Balance was not reducing as expected. (20230731)
- When processing a pay run with Leave - Other, the Domestic Violence Leave Balance was not reducing as expected. (20230731)
- Despite WPN being selected when signing up, the correct validation was not performed. (20230728)
- When EFT is selected within Payment Method in the Payee Master File, and a value greater than $999.99 is entered, the value was cleared when save was selected. (20230728)
- The ETP Value was not displayed in the ETP Column as expected within the Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) Report. (20230727)
- The ETP Value was not displayed in the ETP Column as expected within the Payee Ordinary Time Hours Summary Report. (20230727)
- The ETP Value was not displayed in the ETP Column as expected within the Payee Transactions Report. (20230727)
- The PAYGW Component calculated on the Taxable ETPs was not included in W2 within the Pay Run STP Submission. (20230727)
- The W1 Checkbox was not selected within a number of Termination (Taxable ETP) Pay Rates, causing the Gross Amount to be excluded from W1 within the Pay Run STP Submission. (20230727)
- Taxable ETPs were not reported correctly within the Pay Run and Update STP Submissions. (20230727)
- Gross (PAYGW) in Process was not displaying the correct value (Taxable ETPs were excluded). (20230727)
- Gross Income in Process was not displaying the correct value (Taxable ETPs were excluded). (20230727)
- If multiple Alerts are displayed when Actions > Edit is selected for a Payee, they are now queued instead of appearing over each other. (20230726)
- The Payment/Customer Reference Numbers within the SuperStream and ABA Files differed. (20230726)
- Changes to our Sending Service Provider prevented customers from STP Reporting. (20230724)
- Some fields in Banking within Organisation were not shown as mandatory when a valid BSB was entered. (20230721)
- The PAYGW and Superannuation Holding Accounts total was reported in an incorrect field within the FAST-Bank File. (20230721)
- Job Title, Annual Salary (Excluding SG), Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions $ or %, and Additional PAYGW were missing or did not show a correct value in the Payee Master File Report. (20230721)
- The Exit without Saving Alert (Modal) is no longer displayed when Cancel or Escape are selected when editing the Payee Master File. (20230719)