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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Home > Getting Started (Survival Guides) and FAQ's > Pay Day FAQ's > Recipients are not receiving Pay Advices by email
Recipients are not receiving Pay Advices by email
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We are aware of an issue with Gmail recipients not receiving Pay Advice Slip when using your own domain


To resolve emails not being received by recipients, if you are using;

  1. a paid domain (e.g.,, please ask your IT contractor to refer to Prevent Mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam.
  2. a free domain (e.g., @gmail or @outlook), please sign up for a paid domain OR use our SMTP Server.

👉 If you are using our SMTP Server (provided by SMTP2GO), and your recipients are not receiving Pay Advice Slip, please advise the relevant email addresses so we can investigate when you Request Support. These emails are sent from [email protected].


In all circumstances, please ensure your Payees have added the notification email address to their Address Book and marked as a Safe Sender.

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