Dec 17, 2024
Released 8th August 2023
- The ability to hide the hours balance for Leave when processing a Pay Run and the Pay Advice Slip has been added in Organisation Pay Run Settings. (20230804)
- 48 and 52.1785714 Weeks have been added to Week Per Year in Organisation Pay Run Settings. (20230803)
- System Default Pay Rate - Leave Without Pay. (20230804)
- System Default Pay Rate - Rostered Days Off (Banked). (20230803)
- The Payees Tax File Number (TFN) is now hidden and can be viewed by selecting Edit with the Payee Master File. (20230804)
- Reportable Fringe Benefits is now calculated for User Modified Deductions; the amounts are now stored in Reportable Fringe Benefits (Year To Date) within the Payee Master File. (20230804)
- Made some improvements to how the Superannuation components are collected for SuperStream Manager. (20230808)
- Payee Bank Account Numbers can now be four digits. (20230807)
- Rostered Days Off has been added to Display Leave Balances on the Printed Pay Slip in Organisation Pay Run Settings. (20230804)
- Changed Personal Leave to Sick & Carer's Leave on the Pay Advice Slip. (20230804)
- Changed Compassionate and Bereavement Compassionate & Bereavement Leave. (20230804)
- Changed Sick and Carer's Leave (Incorrect Hours) to Sick & Carer's Leave (Incorrect Hours). (20230804)
- Changed Sick and Carer's Leave (Incorrect Rate) to Sick & Carer's Leave (Incorrect Rate). (20230804)
- Changed Sick and Carer's Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Hours) to Sick & Carer's Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Hours). (20230804)
- Changed Sick and Carer's Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Rate) to Sick & Carer's Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Rate). (20230804)
- Changed Unpaid Sick and Carer's Leave (Death Benefit) to Unpaid Sick & Carer's Leave (Death Benefit). (20230804)
- Updated the Commencing from Date validation for all Leave Types within the Payee Master File. (20230804)
- When two of the same Pay Type are included on the Pay Advice Slip, but the QTY/Hours and/or Rate are different, the YTD Balance for the duplicate pay types is now hidden. (20230804)
Issues Resolved
- There was an issue with the Withholding Payer Number (WPN) Validation when signing up. (20230808)
- Sorting by Family Name was not functioning as expected for the Cost Centre Transactions Report. (20230808)
- Net was incorrectly calculated when correction (negative pay types) was performed in Process. (20230808)
- An internal error was displayed after attempting to reallocate Personal Contributions to a new Superannuation Fund. (20230808)
- The Status Icon was not updated when Ok was selected within the 28 Day Period has ended Alert (Modal), allowing the Payee to be included in the Pay Run. (20230808)
- Resizing the window while within Process would cause any changes to be undone. (20230807)
Any changes made were undone if CRTL + P was selected while within Process. (20230807)
- When EFT is selected within Payment Method in the Payee Master File, and a value greater than $999.99 is entered, the value was cleared when save was selected. (20230807)
- When the Payee Bank Account Number was less than six digits, an underscore was added to the Bank Account Number within the FAST-Bank File. (20230807)
- Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded was displayed when a Payee whose Pay Template included a Deduction but no Income (Pay Rates / Allowances) were selected or had positive values. (20230807)
- When a correction was performed in Process, which resulted in the Payee having $0.00 Balances, certain Pay Types were missing from the Pay Advice Slip. (20230807)
The Total Gross on the Withholding Tax Report was not displaying the correct amount due to being linked to an incorrect field in the database. (20230804)
When the Hours/QTY was changed in Allocate Cost Centre, the Gross value for each Payee and Cost Centre was not correctly calculated within the Cost Centre Transactions Report. (20230804)