Dec 17, 2024
Released 24th August 2023. Last Updated 4th September 2023.
- Email Pay Slips from our nominated e-mail address. (20230901)
- Email Pay Slips to a specific Payee. (20230827)
- System Default Pay Rate - Study Leave. (20230831)
- System Default Pay Rate - Study Leave (Incorrect Hours). (20230831)
- System Default Pay Rate - Study Leave (Incorrect Rate). (20230831)
- System Default Pay Rate - Unpaid Study Leave (Death Benefit). (20230831)
- Alternate Name is now displayed in the Payees Page within Pay Run. (20230822)
- Alternate Name is now displayed in the Process Page within the Pay Run. (20230822)
- Alternate Name is now displayed in the FAST-Bank Page within the Pay Run. (20230822)
- A warning is now displayed advising the Payee's EFT Details are invalid if a bank account with either 0% or $0.00 is added. (20230901)
- Additional handling was required for STP Submissions of Employers with a WPN rather than an ABN. (20230830)
- Updated the URL for the Taxation and Medicare Details Accordion within the Payee Master File, (20230830)
- Updated the Employment Basis Updated Alert (Modal). (20230825)
- Ensured Rostered Days Off has been selected for the relevant System Default Pay Rates. (20230824)
- Updated the Pay Advice Slip E-mail Template. (20230824)
- Updated the New User Email Verification Email Template. (20230823)
- Updated the New Tenant Email Verification Email Template. (20230823)
- The STP Processing Alert (Modal) has been added to advise the STP Submission is being sent. (20230823)
- Leave Accruals are calculated based on the Weeks Per Year setting when Accrual Method = Per Hour OR Per Lump Sum where Pay Period = Weekly or Fortnightly. (20230823)
- OTE Hours for Monthly and Quarterly Payees are calculated based on the Weeks Per Year setting. (20230822)
- Deductions are no longer included in Allocate Cost Centres. (20230822)
- Additional Information has been added to the ETP Type Code Menu in Process. (20230822)
- When Partially Displayed is selected for Payee Banking Details, the BSB and first four digits of the account number are now hidden. (20230822)
Issues Resolved
- The Cost Centre Transactions Report displayed incorrect information due to a duplication issue with Allocate Cost Centres. (20230901)
- The values entered in Allocate Cost Centre were removed when the window was closed in Process. (20230901)
- Updated the WPN Validation in the Organisation (Legal Entity). (20230831)
- When editing a Payee, changes could not be saved due to a non-descript error. (20230831)
- An Internal Server Error was displayed when viewing the Pay Advice Slips in either Pay Run or Main Reports when a Payees Payment Method has changed. (20230831)
- The Parent Totals for Child Support Payments cannot be STP reported as a negative amount, therefore, they have been removed from the submission. (20230831)
- Despite the negative Salary Sacrifice amount, the - symbol is not included in the STP Submission. (20230831)
- Despite the negative Deduction amount, the - symbol is not included in the STP Submission. (20230831)
- Based on the requirements of our SSP, when the Payee has an international address, the facts that report the State and Post Code are omitted from the Pay Run, Update and EOFY STP Submissions. (20230831)
- The Electronic Service Address was missing from the SuperStream file for a Self Manager Superannuation Fund. (20230830)
- The formatting of the Pay Advice Slip in Pay Run Reports was incorrect for some payees (some pages were landscape). (20230830)
- The correct options were not displayed in Report By for the Pay Rate Transactions Report. (20230829)
- The correct options were not displayed in Report By for the Allowance Transactions Report. (20230829)
- The correct options were not displayed in Report By for the Deduction Transactions Report. (20230829)
- Leave Entitlement Rules were not updated after displaying the Employment Basis Updated Alert (Modal). (20230827)
- When adding a Payee, Leave Entitlements were displayed before the Employment Basis was assigned. (20230829)
- For some customers, the STP Submission Processing Alert (Modal) would not disappear once the STP Response was received in Pay Run. (20230825)
- For some customers, the STP Submission Processing Alert (Modal) would not disappear once the STP Response was received in Send STP Update. (20230825)
- The STP Submission Processing Alert (Modal) would not disappear once the STP Response was received in STP EOFY Manager. (20230825)
- A $NaN error was being displayed in FST-Bank when a Payee was set to $0.00 Employer SG. (20230825)
- Annual and Sick & Carer's Leave were not updated after displaying the Employment Basis Changed Alert (Modal). (20230825)
- When attempting to load the pay run with a substantial number of payees and cost centres, e-PayDay Go would perform slowly. (20230824)
- The Time Off In Lieu Balance was missing from the Pay Advice Slip despite being selected in the Orgainsation. (20230823)
- As the SuperStream File contains several total columns, the totals did not match between the varying columns. (20230823)
- Alert text was advising the Award/Agreement was mandatory within the Payee Master File despite an Award or Agreement being assigned. (20230823)
- The STP Processing Alert (Modal) has been added to mitigate the possibility of Duplicate Submissions. (20230823)
- Salary Sacrifice (to Superannuation Deductions) were incorrectly included in SG + RESC in the Pay Run Analysis Report. (20230823)
- When Actions > View was selected for a Superannuation Fund, the Fund Details & ‘Payment Frequency and Method sections could not be expanded. (20230822)
- When Partially Displayed is selected for Payee Banking Details, and the account number is less than six digits, the entire account number was displayed. (20230822)
- The Sick & Carer's Leave Label was still displayed on the Pay Advice Slip despite deselecting in the Organisation. (20230822)
- Sort Criteria did not display the correct options for the Leave Accrual Report. (20230822)