The Leave Accrual (Leave - Other) Report provides a detailed overview of the Payee's PFDVL Entitlement as it has been accrued, based on the rules defined in the Payee Master File and taken based on the Pay Types selected within each pay period processed.
Report Options allows you to define the selection criteria.
Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
Payees allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
Cost Centres allows you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).