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Home > Payees > Payees FAQ's > Review your Imported Payees
Review your Imported Payees
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Review your Imported Payees

  1. Select Payees.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Confirm the information imported in Personal Details is correct.
  5. Next, select Taxation and Medicare and ensure all relevant settings have been selected based on the import.
  6. Next, select Employment and Payment and ensure all relevant options have been set based on the import.
  7. If required, select;
    1. Cost Centres and select the defaults as required. 
    2. All Purpose Allowance and add the relevant allowances per the Payees Award.
    3. Pay Template and add any relevant Pay Types that are required.
    4. Payment Method and add the Banking Details. 
    5. Deduction Banking and Repayments to add any deductions that must be repaid or disbursed with the FAST-Bank File.
  8. Next, select Superannuation Rules and Fund Details and change any rules as required in Superannuation Rules.
  9. Also, review the Superannuation Funds, Member Numbers and Amounts defined in Fund Details.
  10. Lastly, select Leave Entitlements and Balances to review the Opening Balances and Rules for each Leave Type.
  11. Once you have completed all of the above, select Save.
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