Additional Instructions to assist after completing Start with e-PayDay Go,
- All Purpose Allowance
- Casual Ordinary Hourly Rate
- e-Cost (Cost Centres)
- e-Time (Timesheets)
- Superannuation Reporting (SuperStream)
- Payroll Tax
- Pay your Payees by FAST-Bank (ABA) File
- Portable Long Service Leave
Pay your Payees by FAST-Bank (ABA) File
- Select Payment Method as FAST-Bank and enter the Banking Details for your Organisation.
- Enter the Holding Account Details for your Organisation, if required.
- Enter the Banking Details for your Primary or Secondary Cost Centres, if required.
- Select Payment Method as FAST-Bank and enter the Banking Details for each of your Payees.
In addition to the above, add any Deductions that must be disbursed with the FAST-Bank File for each of your Payees. (e.g., Child Support).
Once the above has been completed, refer to Create the Banking (ABA) File when processing a Pay Run.
All Purpose Allowance
Many Awards include allowances that factor up a Payee's Rate Per Hour (Loaded Rate) and are paid for all purposes, such as when calculating payments for leave or overtime. When a payee is on leave, you replace the base rate with the absence while reporting the separately itemised components of the Industry Allowance and Tool Allowance, as the payee is still entitled to these amounts.
You may have historically set up your payroll using a single rate that includes the Payees’ Rate Per Hour and all-purpose allowances. However, it is now essential in STP2 that those allowances be identified because they are treated differently in different situations, and being unable to identify them may disadvantage your Payee. For example, the ATO treats allowances in a tax return differently from how Services Australia defines those allowances when assessing a benefit claim.
In STP Phase 2, you must separately report all-purpose allowances against the relevant allowance type unless;
- The allowance forms part of an amount you need to report as overtime.
- You're paying the employee amounts, which are cash out of leave in service (paid leave type C) or unused leave on termination (paid leave type U).
First, confirm within your Award or Agreement if;
- An All Purpose Allowance is applicable.
- Casual Payees are paid the all Purpose Allowance on their Casual Ordinary Hourly Rate.
For example, under the;
- Building and Construction General On-site Award [MA000020]. Clause 12.5 states that where the relevant penalty rate is 150%, the employee must be paid 175% of the ordinary hourly rate prescribed for the employee’s classification, and where the relevant penalty rate is 200%, the employee must be paid 225% of the ordinary hourly rate prescribed for the employee’s classification. This means the Casual Loading Component is added to the Ordinary (Full-Time) Hourly Rate AFTER the Overtime calculation is performed.
- Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award [MA000073]. Clause 10.4 states that where this award refers to a penalty rate, overtime rate or shift loading as being calculated as a percentage of the ordinary hourly rate, that reference will (for a casual employee) instead be taken to be a reference to the casual ordinary hourly rate if the entitlement applies to a casual employee. This means the Casual Loading Component must be added to the Ordinary (Full-Time) Hourly Rate BEFORE the Overtime calculation is performed, thus entitling them to the Casual Ordinary Hourly Rate.
- Create your own Pay Rates to cater for these requirements;
- Create your own Allowances to cater for these requirements;
- Assign the relevant Pay Types to the required Payees;
Casual Ordinary Hourly Rate
We know several awards that include the following statement within the guidelines for casual payees. Please review your Award to confirm if this clause is included.
Also, review your award to confirm whether all-purpose allowances are required.
Where this award refers to a penalty rate, overtime rate or shift loading as being calculated as a percentage of the ordinary hourly rate, that reference will (for a casual employee) instead be taken to be a reference to the casual ordinary hourly rate if the entitlement is applicable to a casual employee.
Based on this guidance, we have found that the Casual Loading (OTE) and/or the Casual Loading Pay Rates need to be copied, and the % of the Rate Per Hour needs to be changed to ensure the Payee is paid correctly.
As an example, under the Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2020 [MA000010]. The percentage set in the Casual Loading (OTE) and/or the Casual Loading Pay Rates must be changed to;
- 28.75% when the Payee is paid 115% of the hourly rate. (Less than 10-hour break between shifts).
- 31.25% when the Payee is paid 125% of the hourly rate. (Ship trials at the wharf - technical field).
- 32.50% when the Payee is paid 130% of the hourly rate. (Permanent night shift).
- 37.50% when the Payee is paid 150% of the hourly rate. (Saturday - shift worker).
- 41.25% when the Payee is paid 165% of the hourly rate. (Working through a meal break - employee entitled to 15% loading (afternoon and night shift).
- 45.00% when the Payee is paid 180% of the hourly rate. (Working through a meal break - employee entitled to 30% loading (night shift).
- 50.00% when the Payee is paid 200% of the hourly rate. (Sunday - shift worker).
- 62.50% when the Payee is paid 250% of the hourly rate. (Public holiday - noncontinuous shift worker).
To manually calculate the relevant percentage for certain pay types which will be used for Casual Payees, you will need to;
- Calculate 25% of the full-time rate.
- Multiply the above result by the required factor (e.g. 150%).
- Access the Percentage Calculator and enter the calculated amount and full-time rate into the second line.
E.g., 8.47 is what per cent of 22.61 = 37.46%.
e-Cost (Cost Centres)
There are three different ways Payroll Cost Centres can be set up.
- The Primary Cost Centre is the Job or Task the Payee completes or the Pay Location (or State).
- The Primary Cost Centre is the Pay Location (or State), and the Secondary Cost Centre is the Job or Task the Payee completes.
- The Primary Cost Centre is the State, the Secondary Cost Centre is the Pay Location, and the Tertiary Cost Centre is the Job or Task the Payee completes.
Option 1 - for situations where you do not want or need to generate reports for the unique tasks completed in the Pay Location or the Pay Location itself. This option uses the Regular Pay Run Dates defined in Pay Run Settings within the Organisation (Legal Entity) File when the Pay Run Details Alert (Modal) is opened.
Option 2 for situations where you want or need to generate reports or process Pay Runs for each Pay Location. This option uses the Regular Pay Run Dates defined in Pay Run Settings within a Primary or Secondary Cost Centre File when the Pay Run Details Alert (Modal) is opened. If Regular Pay Run Dates have not been defined within the Cost Centre File, the Regular Pay Run Dates defined in Pay Run Settings within the Organisation (Legal Entity) File are used instead.
Option 3 for situations where you want or need to generate reports or process Pay Runs for each State or Pay Location. This option uses the Regular Pay Run Dates defined in Pay Run Settings within a Primary or Secondary Cost Centre File when the Pay Run Details Alert (Modal) is opened. If Regular Pay Run Dates have not been defined within the Cost Centre File, the Regular Pay Run Dates defined in Pay Run Settings within the Organisation (Legal Entity) File are used instead.
Depending on the setup you need, please Change your Plan Level from Essential to Advanced. Then refer to the below documentation;
- Add a Primary Cost Centre.
- Add a Secondary Cost Centre.
- Add a Tertiary Cost Centre.
- Assign Payee/s to a Cost Centre
- Choose the following for each Payee (where required),
- Process your Pay Run.
- Allocate Cost Centre QTY/Hours for a Payee whilst processing their Pay.
e-Time (Timesheets)
You must keep time records of all employees' hours worked to meet your Fair Work obligations.
We have provided the ability to compose a pay run using e-Time (Timesheets) by either entering the times manually and applying the relevant Pay Rates/Allowances to each Time Block or importing the template from Ordinary Hours (e-Time) within the Payee Master File.
e-Time (Timesheets) is available to users on a paid plan (Micro and above). While using the
- Essential Level, you can enter up to two (2) Time Blocks per day and choose up to two (2) Pay Rates/Allowances for each Time Block.
- Advanced Level, you can enter UNLIMITED Time Blocks per day and choose UNLIMITED Pay Rates/Allowances for each Time Block. You can also Import Times from another provider.
Start Here Guide (e-Time (Timesheets))
- STEP 1 - Configure the e-Time (Timesheets) Options within the Organisation.
- STEP 2 - If importing Times, ensure the Payee identifier is updated in BrightHR, ACTAtek or e-PayDay Go.
- STEP 3 - Define the Ordinary Hours for a specific Payee.
- STEP 4 - Complete the Timesheet Procedure.
Payroll Tax
STEP 1 - Change your Subscription Plan AND/OR Change your Plan Level from Essential to Advanced.
STEP 2 - OPTIONAL: Vary the percentages used in the Payroll Tax (SRO) Report.
STEP 3 - Choose the Payroll Tax Details for all Payees.
Superannuation Reporting (SuperStream)
- Gather Employment Records and confirm all Payees are set up correctly
- Locate the Payee's physical Employment record, including their TFN Declaration and Superannuation choice form (or similar, depending on your business requirements).
- Print the Payee Masterfile report to confirm which Super Fund your Payees are assigned to;
- Add any new Superannuation Funds that are required.
- Update the Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contribution Details for any payees as required.
- Update the Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC) Details for any payees as required.
- Update the Personal Superannuation Contribution Details for any payees as required.
- Decide on the Superannuation Fund provider/s that you wish to upload your SuperStream File and payment through.
- As there are many options available, we recommend contacting all of the Superannuation Funds you currently pay contributions to, to find the best solution for you.
- Implementation
- Ensure the Organisations SuperStream Format (and SuperStream Details if required) have been completed.
- Ensure the Superannuation Fund Generated Employer Identifier has been entered into each fund (if required by your superannuation fund or clearing house).
- Ensure the Direct Credit Bank Details have been entered into each fund (if required by your superannuation fund or clearing house).
- The Direct Credit Bank Details must be entered if you have chosen OZedi as your SuperStream option.
- If required, select which Superannuation Funds need to be excluded from SuperStream Manager.
Portable Long Service Leave