e-Cost (Cost Centres) is the third section in Employment and Payment, which allows you to set the default setting for payment and hours allocation.
Paid By (FAST-Bank) allows you to select which Cost Centre's FAST-Bank File the Payee will be included in. This option is disabled when either the Organisation Payment Method is not set to FAST-Bank, OR there are no Primary or Secondary Cost Centres that this Payee is assigned to which contain Banking Details.
Default Cost Centre (Hours Allocation) requires you to select which Cost Centre all hours should be assigned to by default when the Cost Centre Alert (Modal) is opened in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run).
Default Pay Location / Department allows you to select which Pay Location / Department the Payee will be included in for Reports. This option is disabled when there are no Cost Centres with the Pay Location / Department setting selected.
Assign Prior Pay Runs allows you to change the Pay Location / Department Assignment for prior pay runs to update the Reports. If no transactions can be updated the Unable To assign Pay Location / Department To Prior Pay Runs Alert (Modal) will be displayed. Otherwise, the Reassign Pay Location / Department Details On Prior Pay Runs Alert (Modal) is displayed.