Administration consists of six sections;
- Users.
- Audit Logs.
Subscription, which contains the following sections:
- Settings, which contains the following sections:
- Notifications.
+ Create new user allows you to add a new User of the payroll software.
Search enables you to enter information to filter the results shown in the Users List.
The Users List displays the User name, First Name, Surname, Roles and Email Address for each previously added user, in addition to defining the date the account was created and if the account is active / the users' email address has been confirmed.
Actions allows you to Edit, Unlock, Delete or log into the current Tenant as this user.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many Users you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Users.
User Profile Window
The User Profile is displayed when either + Create new user or Actions > Edit is selected for an existing user and contains three sections;
- User Information.
- Roles.
User Information.
First Name requires you to enter the user's First Name.
Surname requires you to enter the user's Surname.
Email Address requires you to define the user's email address so that they receive user account notifications.
Phone Number requires you to define the user's Phone Number incase they need to be contacted.
Username requires you to define the user's Username, which we recommend using their Email Address.
Set Random Password allows you to select if the user requires a random password to be generated.
Should change password at next login allows you to select if the user needs to change their password the next time they login. This option is disabled when Set Random Password is selected.
Send Verification e-Mail is disabled when a new user is being added. All user's must verify their account before they can log in to e-PayDay Go.
Active is disabled when a new user is being added. This option allows you to select if the User is no longer Active.
Two-factor authentication enabled is disabled for all user's as this is a mandatory government requirement.
Audit Logs
Export to Excel allows you to export the Audit Logs.
Refresh allows you to reload the Audit Logs to view the new transactions since you last opened the page.
Date Range allows you to select the Start and End Date you would like to view the Audit Logs for.
User name allows you to enter the username of the account you would like to view the Audit Logs for.
Show Advanced Filters allows you to enter or select the Service, Duration, Action, Error State and Browser you would like to view the Audit Logs for.
The Audit Log Transactions List displays the User Name, Service, Acton, Duration, IP Address, Client and Browser.
🎯 We've included the ability to change the sort order by selecting the relevant arrow in the Table Headings.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many Audit Log Transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Audit Log Transactions.
Subscription contains the following sections:
Subscription Information.
Subscription Start Date details when you first commenced using e-PayDay Go.
Next Payment Date details when your next payment is due.
Current Offer details if an offer (discount) is applied to your account.
Offer Expires details when the Current Offer ends.
The Plan Name, Cost Per Month and Plan Features are displayed.
Essential and Advanced allows you to select which Plan Level you need based on your required functionality. All Tenants begin with Essential and can upgrade or downgrade as required.
Change allows you to change your plan to a larger or smaller subscription.
Cancel allows you to cancel your subscription. If your subscription is cancelled, you can choose an Archive Plan to retain and not delete your data for 90 days.
Payment History.
Show Invoice allows you to download the invoice relating to the payment received.
🎯 If a credit was applied to your account and it has been used to pay an invoice in full, you cannot select Show Invoice.
Processed details the date the payment was processed.
Plan details the subscription plan which was paid for.
Amount details the total amount the invoice was for.
Credit details the Credit Amount which was applied to this invoice.
Period details the date range the invoice is applicable to.
Invoice Number details the unique identifier assigned to the invoice you were issued.
Payment details the total deducted from your nominated card.
Transaction # details the unique identifier associated with the payment processed.
Status details the status of the invoice.
Invoice (Bill To).
Organisation Name (Legal Entity) allows you to define the name to which invoices must be issued.
Address allows you to define the address that invoices need to be issued to.
Tax allows you to define the ABN or WPN to which invoices must be issued.
Contact Information allows you to define the First Name, Family Name, Email Address and Phone number that invoices need to be issued to.
Also send a copy of invoices to allows you to define a second email address that the invoice needs to be sent to.
Promotional Offer defines the Discount amount that applies to plan changes and the Subscription Credit Amount allocated to your account.
Settings contain the following sections:
User Management
Pay Slip SMTP Settings
Use our SMTP Server allows you to select that you want to use our SMTP Settings.
Use your own SMTP Server allows you to select that you want to use your own SMTP Settings.
SMTP Server allows you to enter your SMTP Server Name when Use your own SMTP Server is selected.
When Use your own SMTP Server is selected, Port allows you to enter the port number for your SMTP server name.
This Server requires an encrypted connection (SSL). When Use your own SMTP Server is selected, you can select whether your SMTP server requires an encrypted connection using SSL.
Log on using Default Credentials allows you to select if the username and password are not required for your SMTP Server when Use your own SMTP Server is selected.
Username allows you to enter the username for your SMTP Server when Use your own SMTP Server is selected.
Password allows you to enter the password for your SMTP Server when Use your own SMTP Server is selected.
From Address allows you to enter the address displayed when Pay Advice Slips are sent from when Use your own SMTP Server is selected.
From Name allows you to enter the name displayed when Pay Advcie Slips are sent when Use your own SMTP Server is selected.
Test Email Settings allows you to enter the email address you want to send the test email to, ensuring your SMTP Details are correct.