Dec 17, 2024
Released 11 June 2024
⚙️ Pay Types
- Available in Deduction Banking and Repayments can now be selected when Income Stream = Salary Sacrifice and the Type Code is O. (20240610)
⚙️ Pay Day
- Notes are now populated in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) when Leave Without Pay is selected. (20240610)
⚙️ e-Port (Import/Export(
- Tax Treatment Seasonal Worker Programme has been included in Import your Payee Information (e-PayDay Legacy Format). (20240610)
⚙️ Reports
- Removed the space from QLeave for the Payee Master File (QLeave) Report in Main Reports. (20240528)
Issues Resolved
🐞 Pay Types
- Reportable Fringe Benefits can no longer be set up for any Deduction other than those with Salary Sacrifice Type Code = O. (20240605)
🐞 Cost Centres
- On occasion, the Save button was not activated in Assign Payee to Cost Centre Alert (Modal) despite Payees being selected. (20240605)
🐞 Payees
- When adding a new Seniors and Pensioners Payee, the Dependant Children Drop Down was not displayed when Medicare Levy Reduction was selected. (20240610)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per kilometre as a percentage of the rate per hour in All Purpose Allowance. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per lump sum as a percentage of the rate per hour in All Purpose Allowance. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per pay period as a percentage of the rate per hour in All Purpose Allowance. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per piece as a percentage of the rate per hour in All Purpose Allowance. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per day as a percentage of the rate per hour in All Purpose Allowance. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per kilometre as a percentage of the rate per hour in Advanced Pay Template. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per lump sum as a percentage of the rate per hour in Advanced Pay Template. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per pay period as a percentage of the rate per hour in Advanced Pay Template. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per piece as a percentage of the rate per hour in Advanced Pay Template. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for an Allowance paid per day as a percentage of the rate per hour in Advanced Pay Template. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for a Pay Rate paid per lump sum as a percentage of the rate per hour in Advanced Pay Template. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for a Pay Rate paid per pay period as a percentage of the rate per hour in Advanced Pay Template. (20240528)
- The rate was incorrectly calculated for a Pay Rate paid per piece as a percentage of the rate per hour in Advanced Pay Template. (20240528)
🐞 Pay Day
- The ability to edit the Cost Centre Hour Values in the Cost Centre Alert (Modal) within Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) for an STP Reported Pay Run has been included for Payees assigned to one Cost Centre only. (20240610)
- The FAST-Pay Import Errors Alert Modal) was displayed in Pay Day (Step 1 of the Pay Run) advising Payees were not assigned to a Cost Centre despite using the Essential Plan Level. (20240607)
- Gross (Sal Sac) displayed as NULL instead of $0.00 when a Payee with a Tax Treatment Code beginning with RN salary sacrificed their entire income in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run). (20240610)
- The Salary Sacrifice Exceeds Gross Income (STSL/MLS) Alert (Modal) was displayed multiple times instead of once in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run). (20240605)
- The Salary Sacrifice Exceeds Gross Income Alert (Modal) was incorrectly displayed when a Gross (Sal Sac) amount did exist in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run). (20240530)
- An STP error was encountered in Notify ATO (Step 7 of the Pay Run) due to the same Allowance Type Code being listed twice in the STP Submission. (20240610)
🐞 Reports
- The Adjustment Pay Rates (Employer SG, RESC and PAYGW) are no longer included in Pay Rates in the Payroll Summary Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20240607)
- The Period Ending and Pay Date Dates are now displayed in the Payroll Summary Report in Pay Run Reports. (20240605)
- The Period Start and End Dates are now displayed as expected in the Payroll Summary Report in Main Reports. (20240605)
- FBT Type and Factor were incorrectly displayed for some Deductions in the Deductions List Report in Main Reports. (20240528)
🐞 Taxation
- UI issue with how the heading was displayed in Medicare Levy Parameters (Schedules 1 & 9). (20240530)