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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Home > e-PayDay Go Explained > Awards/Agreements Explained > Agreement Explained (Awards/Agreements)
Agreement Explained (Awards/Agreements)
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🎯 Agreement is the second section within Awards/Agreements and is used to define the Payee's Employment Conditions. This profile is then linked to the Payee within Employment & Payment, and the required details are pre-filled.



Add an Agreement enables you to add a new Agreement.


Award, Agreement and Update Award allows you to select the relevant section you require;

  • Award to add, edit or view the Awards you have added previously. 
  • Agreement to add, edit or view the Awards you have added previously. 
  • Update Awards (this section) to process the Awards, which must be updated based on the Fair Work API.


Search enables you to enter information to filter the results shown in the Agreements List.


Advanced Filters enables you to select the relevant options to filter the results shown in the Agreements List.


The Agreements List displays the Agreement Name, Underpinning AwardClassification, Set or Average Hours, Hourly Rate, Yearly Salary, State the Award/Agreement applies to, Annual Leave, Sick and Carer's Leave, Long Service Leave, Other Leave and RDO's for each previously added Award.


🎯 We've included the ability to change the sort order by selecting the relevant arrow in the Table Headings.

The Actions Button enables you to EditView, Copy or Delete each Agreement listed in the table. 

🎯 The ability to delete an Agreement is not available when it is Active.


Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many Agreements you would like displayed per page.


Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Agreements.

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