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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Home > e-PayDay Go > Application Settings > Taxation (Application Settings) - Payroll Tax
Taxation (Application Settings) - Payroll Tax
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🎯 Payroll Tax is levied on wages paid or payable by an employer to its employees when the total taxable wages of an employer (or group of employers) exceeds a threshold amount. Payroll tax is self-assessed and lodged by the employer.


We have yet to add the Total Due calculation in the Payroll Tax (SRO) Report as further functionality is required to determine if the wages from any other Tenant need to be included in the Report generated for the current Tenant as they are a: 

  1. Non-grouped employer with interstate wages.
  2. Grouped employer with interstate wages.
  3. Designated Group Employer (DGE), or Single Lodger (SL) with interstate wages.

In addition, we will add the relevant Thresholds for each State/Territory, as this needs to be considered in the Total Due calculation.



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