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Home > e-Time (Timesheets) > e-Time Explained
e-Time Explained
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e-Time Explained

You must keep time records of all employees' hours worked to meet your Fair Work obligationsEfficiently process pay runs from timesheets with our new e-Time (Timesheets) feature. 


e-Time (Timesheets) is available for users on a paid plan (Micro and above).

  • Essential Level, you can enter up to two (2) Time Blocks per day and choose up to two (2) Pay Rates/Allowances for each Time Block.
  • Advanced Level, you can enter UNLIMITED Time Blocks per day and choose UNLIMITED Pay Rates/Allowances for each Time Block.

From Version 3.6.0 (Commercial), we have provided the ability to compose a pay run using e-Time (Timesheets) by:

  • entering the times manually and applying the relevant Pay Rates/Allowances to each Time Block or
  • importing the template from Ordinary Hours (e-Time) within the Payee Master File. Please refer to our Start Here Guide e-Time (Timesheets) or
  • you can import times directly from time and attendance recording hardware or software, including the following products:

e-Time (Timesheets) comprises of five steps;

  1. STEP 1 - Pay Run - Add new and maintain existing Timesheets.
  2. STEP 2 - Payees - Select which Payees are included.
  3. STEP 3 - Timesheets - Add all relevant Time Blocks and Pay Rates/Allowances to each payee's Pay.
  4. STEP 4 - Reports - Confirm that the information entered into the Timesheet for all payees is correct.
  5. STEP 5 - Approve - Finalise the Timesheets and create the Pay Run.

STEP 1 - Pay Run


The Navigation Menu allows you to progress through each step of the Timesheet Procedure.


Search enables you to enter information to filter the results shown in the Pay Run List.


Advanced Filters enables you to select the relevant options to filter the results shown in the Pay Run List.


New Pay Run enables you to add a new Pay Run.


The Pay Run List displays the StatusPay PeriodPay Run TypePayees,  Period Start Date, Period End Date, Pay Day Date and Approved By name.


The Actions Button displays the relevant options per the Status

👉 If Status is Edit, you can Edit or Delete the selected Timesheet Pay Run.

👉 If Status is Posted, you can Revoke or View the selected Timesheet Pay Run. Revoke is only available if the pay run created from e-Time (Timesheets) has not been posted and notification has been sent to the ATO.

Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many Pay Runs you would like displayed per page.


Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Pay Runs.

STEP 2 - Payees.




Show Advanced Filters enables you to limit the results shown in the Payees List based on the options selected.

The Payees List displays the Timesheet Status, Payee CodeFirst NameFamily NameAlternate Name, Employment Basis, Award/Agreement, Job Title and Cessation Date for each Payee available within the Timesheet Pay Run selected. The Timesheet Status will display one of five icons, each with a tooltip explaining its meaning.




Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allow you to select how many Payees you would like displayed per page.


Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between Payees' pages.


STEP 3 - Timesheets



Personal Details displays the First NameFamily Name and Payee Code within the Payee Master File. This section includes easily changing Payees by selecting the required payee from the drop-down menu or selecting Next or Previous.


Pay Run Details displays the Pay Period, Pay Day, Period Start and End Dates from the e-Time (Timesheets) Pay Run Details Alert (Modal) when the Regular, Out Of Cycle or Missed Pay Run was created.


Employment Details displays the Award/Agreement, Classification, Job Title, Basis, OTE Hours and Rate from within the Payee Master File. 

Ordinary Hours enables you to import the shifts defined in Ordinary Hours (e-Time) within the Payee Master File into the Timesheet.


Leave Balances displays the current Leave balance, which is dynamically calculated based on the Opening Balances entered into the Payee Master File and Leave Types added to the Timesheet.


Hours Summary displays the total hours for each of the relevant payment types.

  • Total displays the hours of all Time Blocks for all Pay Rates and Allowances in the Timesheet.
  • Annual Leave displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Group Annual Leave.
  • Ordinary displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Groups Ordinary Time, Alternative Duties (Workers Compensation), Travel (Ordinary Time) and Training (Ordinary Time).
  • Sick Leave displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Group Sick & Carer’s Leave.
  • Overtime displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Groups Time and Quarter, Time and Half, Double Time, Double Time and Quarter, Double Time and Half, Triple Time, Travel (Overtime) and Training (Overtime)
  • Other Leave displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Groups Study Leave, Compassionate and Bereavement Leave, Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL), Government Paid Parental Leave (GPPL), Payer Paid Parental Leave (PPPL), Ancillary and Defence Leave and Workers Compensation.
  • Pen & Load displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Groups Casual Loading (OTE), Casual Loading, Leave Loading (OTE), Leave Loading, Shift Penalty, Sleepover or 24-hour care, Breach of Meal Break and Breach of Rest Break between Shifts.
  • Long Service displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Group Long Service Leave.
  • Public Holiday displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Groups Public Holiday (Worked) and Public Holiday (Taken).
  • TOIL displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Groups Time Off In Lieu (Banked) and Time Off In Lieu (Taken).
  • Allowances displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Groups Non Reportable Allowance, Non-Taxable Allowance and Taxable Allowance.
  • RDO displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Groups Rostered Days Off  (Banked) and Rostered Days Off (Taken).
  • Director's displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Group Directors' Fees.
  • LWOP displays the total hours of all Time Blocks with Pay Rates using Report To Group Leave Without Pay.


The Timesheet enables you to add and remove shifts for each day of the week, which can either include or exclude Weekends. 


All days of the week are included in the Timesheet, enabling you to enter the times as required.


Hours displays the total of each Time Block added for each day of the week.


Clock In enables you to enter the Clock In Time in either 12 or 24-hour format. 


Clock Out enables you to enter the Clock In Time in either 12 or 24-hour format. 


Hours displays the total hours for the Time Block based on the Shift Start and Finish Times.


Pay Rates/Allowances displays the Pay Dates and/or Allowances assigned to the Time Block within the Pay Rates/Allowances (e-Time) Alert (Modal).


The Pencil (Edit) button enables the Pay Rates/Allowances (e-Time) Alert (Modal), enabling you to assign the required Pay Rates and/or Allowances to the Time Block.


The Plus (Add) button lets you add the Time Block to the Timesheet.


The Minus (Delete) button lets you remove the Time Block from the Timesheet.


The Payee Count advises which Payees Timesheet you are currently processing.


The Navigation Arrows enable you to move between Payee Timesheets.


STEP 4 -Reports


The Reports List allows you to select from the available Reports,


Report Options allows you to select the appropriate selection criteria based on the Report you have selected. Certain options are disabled (e.g., Payees).


Email Timesheets enables you to send the Timesheets (Individual Payee) by email.


Page Controls allows you to navigate between the various pages within the report selected.


The Toggle Multi Page button allows you to select if you prefer to see the report on 1 continuous page or multiple pages.


The Zoom DownZoom Percentage and Zoom Up icons allow you to change the font size within the selected report.


The Print Icon allows you to print the selected report.


The Export Icon allows you to export the selected report in the required format.


The Search icon allows you to locate certain information within the selected report.


The Full Screen Icon allows you to view the report as a full screen.

STEP 5 - Approve


I approve the Timesheets have been checked and have actioned the warnings ready for processing in a Pay Run enables the Post to Pay Run button.


Approved By is prefilled with the User Account First Name and Surname, which can be amended as required.


The Issues List details any issues that must be actioned before posting the Pay Run. The Timesheet Pay Run cannot be posted until the following are resolved.

👉 If there are warnings, the Timesheet Pay Run can be posted; however, all items should be addressed before posting.


The Error Description determines the Alert that will be displayed;


Error Description Alert (Modal)
The Tax File Number Exemption Period has ended. A new TFN is required Tax File Number Exemption Period Ended Alert (Modal)
The Gross Income Amount has been exceeded. A new TFN is required  Gross Income Amount Exceeded Alert (Modal)
The Tax File Number Application Period has ended. A new TFN is required. Tax File Number Application Period Ended Alert (Modal)
The Payees Master File contains an STP Previous Payroll ID. STP Previous Payroll ID Alert (Modal)
The Award Details have changed and were not updated within the Payee Master File. Award Details Changed Alert (Modal)
The Agreement Details have changed and were not updated within the Payee Master File. Agreement Details Changed Alert (Modal).
The Payee Visa has expired. Visa Expired Alert (Modal)
The Cost Centre assignments are missing for this Payee. Cost Centres Alert (Modal)
The Employer is now registered as an Employer of Working Holiday Makers. Registered Employer Alert (Modal)
The Employer has deregistered as an Employer of Working Holiday Makers. Deregistered Employer Alert (Modal)
Employer SG has increased from 1 July. Employer SG Increase from 1 July Alert (Modal)
Due to import validation requirements, please edit and save the Payee Master File before the Timesheet Pay Run can be approved. Review Imported Payee Alert (Modal)
The Payee has been included, but no times have been entered. No Times Entered Alert (Modal)
There are missing or out of sequence times that must be corrected before the Timesheet Pay Run can be approved. Missing or Out of Sequence Times Alert (Modal)
The timesheet allocates more than two (2) Time Blocks to at least one (1) day. Essential Plan Alert (Modal)
There are more than two (2) Pay Rates/Allowances allocated to at least one Time Block in the Timesheet.


Post To Pay Run finalises the Timesheet Run and creates the Pay Run in Pay Day.

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