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Home > e-Time (Timesheets) > e-Time Alerts (Modals)
e-Time Alerts (Modals)
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e-Time Alerts (Modals)

There are several alerts (modals) that are displayed in

Timesheet Pay Run Dates Undefined Alert (Modal)

The Timesheet Pay Run Dates Undefined Alert (Modal) is displayed when a New Pay Run is selected, and the Pay Run Dates have not been defined for any Pay Period within the Organisation.

To resolve this alert, please refer to Change the Organisations Regular Pay Run Dates for specific Pay Period.


e-Time (Timesheets) Pay Run Details Alert (Modal)

The e-Time (Timesheets) Pay Run Details Alert (Modal) is displayed when New Pay Run, Actions > Edit or Actions > View are selected.



Pay Period allows you to select the Pay Periods with Regular Pay Run dates defined in either;

  1. Pay Run Settings within the Organisation (Legal Entity) File.
  2. Pay Run Settings within a Primary or Secondary Cost Centre File.

Cost Centre allows you to select which Cost Centre you want to process.

  1. ALL allows you to process a Pay Run for ALL Payees regardless of the Cost Centre they are assigned to.
  2. OTHER allows you to process a Pay Run for ALL Payees who are NOT assigned to any Cost Centre and those assigned to a Cost Centre that does not have Regular Pay Run Dates defined for any Pay Period.
  3. The Names of any Cost Centres with Regular Pay Run Dates defined will also be displayed.

Pay Run Type allows you to select the type of pay run you want to process.

  1. Regular is selected when processing your 'normal' Pay Run. 
  2. Out Of Cycle is selected when processing a Pay Run outside your 'normal' Pay Run. This is typically for correcting previously reported information and incorrect or once-off payments. Please refer to Correct the information included in an STP Submission.
  3. Missed is selected if you are processing a paid pay run that was not previously entered or reported to the ATO and may also be used to correct previously reported information.

Period Start is disabled with all three Pay Run Type options and displays the Period Start Date as required based on the Pay Run Type selected. When;

  1. Regular is selected, the Period Start Date is dynamically calculated based on the last Regular Pay Run processed for the same Pay Period and Cost Centre combination. If a Pay Run has not been previously processed, this date is obtained from either the Organisation or Cost Centre. If the Period Start Date is incorrect, please change either the Organisations' or Cost Centres' Regular Pay Run Dates.
  2. Out Of Cycle is selected, the Period Start Date is dynamically calculated based on the Period End Date selected.
  3. Missed is selected, the Period Start Date is dynamically calculated based on the Period End Date selected. 

Period End is;

  1. Disabled when Regular is selected and displays the next date, as required. If the Period End Date is incorrect, please change either the Organisations' or Cost Centres' Regular Pay Run Dates.
  2. Enabled when Out Of Cycle or Missed are selected and allows you to change the Period End Date, as required.

Pay Day is enabled with all three Pay Run Type options and allows you to change the Pay Run Payment Date, as required.

Times Import Issues Alert (Modal)

The Times Import Issues Alert (Modal) is displayed when there are one or more issues with the Times Files. 


Times Import Warnings Alert (Modal)

The Times Import Warnings Alert (Modal) is displayed when there are one or more warnings with the Times Files. 


Times Import Success Alert (Modal)

The Times Import Success Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Times File has been successfully imported.


Your Timesheets are Currently Loading Alert (Modal)

Due to the current performance issues that some users are encountering, we have temporarily introduced the following alert to advise the Timesheet Pay Run is presently being loaded and the information cannot be accessed until after this disappears.


Revoke Approval Alert (Modal)

The Revoke Approval Alert (Modal) is displayed when Actions > Revoke is selected for a Timesheet Run posted to the Pay Run.

To revoke the Timesheet Pay Run, which in turn will delete the Pay Run that was created when Post to Pay Run was selected, choose Revoke. Otherwise, select Cancel.


Delete Timesheet Pay Run Alert (Modal)

The Delete Timesheet Pay Run Alert (Modal) is displayed when Actions > Delete is selected in Pay Run (Step 1 of e-Time).

To delete the Timesheet Pay Run, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.



Payee Ceased Alert (Modal)

The Payee Ceased Alert (Modal) is displayed when attempting to add a Ceased Payee into the Timesheet Pay Run.

To continue, select Yes; otherwise, select No


Payee on Leave Alert (Modal)

The Payee on Leave Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Status Icon is selected for a Payee who has been paid leave in a prior period, and the end date for that leave period either falls within the current pay run or on a future date. Select Yes to include the payee in the current pay run; otherwise, select No.


Remove Payee Alert (Modal)

The Remove Payee Alert (Modal) is displayed when the checkbox in Payees is deselected for a Payee who has either been previously processed (Status Icon Colour is Green).

To resolve this Alert, select OK to remove the Payee from the active Pay Run; otherwise, select Cancel.


Remove Payees Alert (Modal)

The Remove Payees Alert (Modal) is displayed when the ALL checkbox is deselected in Payees. To remove all Payees from the Pay Run, select Acknowledge. Otherwise, select Cancel.


Ordinary Hours not defined Alert (Modal)

The Ordinary Hours not defined Alert (Modal) is displayed when Ordinary Time is selected and there are no records for this Payee within Ordinary Hours (e-Time).

To resolve this alert, select Acknowledge, then exit the Timesheet Pay Run to edit the Payee and define the times within Ordinary Hours (e-Time).


Unable to add Ordinary Hours Alert (Modal)

The Unable to add Ordinary Hours Alert (Modal) is displayed when Ordinary Hours is selected and the times cannot be imported as it will cause you to exceed the maximum number of two (2) Time Blocks for any day within the Pay Period.


To resolve this Alert, either;

  • Access the Payee Master File and change the Ordinary Hours (e-Time) Shifts, OR
  • Upgrade your Plan Level from Essential to Advanced.


Times already exist Alert (Modal)

The Times already exist Alert (Modal) is displayed when Ordinary Time is selected and times have already been entered in Timesheet (Step 3 of e-Time).


To resolve this alert, select;

  • Cancel to end the process.
  • Append to add the new times.
  • Override to replace all Times.


Pay Rates/Allowances (e-Time) Alert (Modal)

The Pay Rates/Allowances (e-Time) Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Edit Button is selected in Timesheet (Step 3 of e-Time), and enables you to define the Pay Rates and/or Allowances that need to be assigned to the Shift Profile.



The Annual Leave Loading Alert Text is displayed when Annual Leave has been added, and This Payee is entitled to Leave Loading is selected within the Payee Master File.


The Duplicate Pay Type DBID Alert Text is displayed when two Pay Types with the same Database ID have been added. To resolve this issue, remove all duplicates of the same Pay Type.


The Missing Pay Type/s Alert Text is displayed when no Pay Types have been chosen for the time block. To resolve this issue, select the relevant Payment Type for the Time Block, then select Add.


Payment Type allows you to select which Pay Rates and/or Allowances must be loaded within the Timesheet when Ordinary Hours is selected.


The Plus (Add) Button allows you to add the new Pay Rate or Allowances.


The Minus (Delete) Button lets you delete the selected Pay Rate or Allowance once Ok is selected. 


👉 If the Pay Rate or Allowance has been saved previously, the Minus (Delete) Button will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Ok is selected.

Unable to add Time Block Alert (Modal)

When add is selected, the Unable to add Time Block Alert (Modal) is displayed, and there are issues with the Time Block.


To resolve this alert, select Acknowledge, then correct the noted issues before adding the Time Block again.


Negative Leave Balances Alert (Modal)

The Negative Leave Balances Alert (Modal) is displayed when the quantity of the Leave Type causes the current leave balance to be negative. This can occur when either one of the following Leave Pay Rates is added in the Timesheet (Step 3 of e-Time) OR the Clock In or Out Time has been amended once added in the Timesheet.

  • Annual Leave.
  • Sick & Carer's Leave.
  • Long Service Leave.
  • Time Off In Lieu (Taken).
  • Rostered Day Off (Taken).
  • Leave - Other.

To resolve this alert, select Acknowledge. Once the alert is closed, you can either; 

  1. Change the Pay Rates/Allowances assigned to the Time Block.
  2. Change the Time Block to ensure the Leave Balance is not negative.


Email Timesheets Alert (Modal)

The Email Timesheets Alert (Modal) is displayed when Email Timesheets is selected in Reports (Step 4 of e-Time). To send the Timesheets, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

👉 If Yes is selected, the Sending Timesheets Alert (Modal) will be displayed.


Sending Timesheets Alert (Modal)

The Sending Timesheets Alert (Modal) is displayed once Yes is selected in the Email Timesheets Alert (Modal).


The alert will be automatically closed once all Timesheets have been sent. The Timesheets have been sent Alert (Modal) will then be displayed.


Timesheets have been sent Alert (Modal)

The Timesheets that have been sent Alert (Modal) is displayed after the Sending Timesheets Alert (Modal) once all Timesheets have been sent to the intended recipients.


The STP Previous Payroll ID Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee whose Master File contains a Previous STP Payee Payroll ID.


To resolve this Alert, please exit the Pay Run and refer to either Send an Update Event to the ATO, OR Remove the Payees STP Previous Payroll ID.


Visa Expired Alert (Modal).

The Visa Expired Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee whose VISA has expired.

To resolve this issue, please exit the Pay Run and change the VISA Number, Expiry or Country for a specific Payee.


Cost Centres Alert (Modal)

The Cost Centres Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee who does not currently have a Default Cost Centre (Hours Allocation).  

To resolve this issue, please refer to Change the Default Cost Centre (Hours Allocation) for a specific Payee in e-Cost (Payroll Cost Centres).


Review Imported Payee Alert (Modal)

The Review Imported Payee Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee imported in e-Port. However, their Payee Master File has not been accessed to confirm that the information has been correctly added into the relevant fields.  


To resolve this alert, select OK. Exit the Pay Run and refer to Review your Imported Payees


Gross Income Amount Exceeded Alert (Modal)

The Gross Income Amount Exceeded Alert (Modal) is displayed for a Payee using Exemption TFN 333-333-333 where the Gross Income exceeds the relevant Pay Period threshold.


To resolve this alert, exit the Pay Run and amend either of the following to ensure they will not exceed the Gross Income Threshold before the Pay Run can be processed,

if the details in OTE Hours, Days Per Week and Pay Template cannot be updated as they are correct, enter the Payee's Tax File Number as supplied by the ATO.


👉 If the Payee has not applied for a Tax File Number, they must do so now. In this case, enter Exemption TFN 111-111-111, which will remain valid for another 28 days.

👉 If you do not enter a TFN, Exemption TFN 000-000-000 will be used, and the Payees Tax Treatment is changed to No TFN. Until a valid Tax File Number is entered, any payments made to the Payee will be taxed per Schedule 1, Scale 4.


Tax File Number Exemption Period Ended Alert (Modal)

The Tax File Number Exemption Period Ended Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Status Icon is selected for Payee using Exemption TFN 333-333-333 where they are now equal to or older than eighteen (18) years old. To resolve this alert, enter the Payee's Tax File Number as supplied by the ATO.


👉 If the Payee has not applied for a Tax File Number, they must do so now. In this case, enter Exemption TFN 111-111-111, which will remain valid for another 28 days.

👉 If you do not enter a TFN, Exemption TFN 000-000-000 will be used, and the Payees Tax Treatment is changed to No TFN. Until a valid Tax File Number is entered, any payments made to the Payee will be taxed per Schedule 1, Scale 4.


Tax File Number Application Period Ended Alert (Modal)

The Tax File Number Application Period Ended Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee using Exemption TFN 111-111-111 where the application period has ended.

To resolve this alert, enter the Payee's Tax File Number as supplied by the ATO.


👉 If the Payee has not applied for a Tax File Number, they must do so now. If you do not enter a TFN, Exemption TFN 000-000-000 will be used.


👉 If Exemption TFN 000-000-000 is used, and the Payees Tax Treatment was;

Registered Employer Alert (Modal)

The Registered Employer Modal (Alert) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee whose Tax Treatment Code is HUXXXX if Employer of Working Holiday Makers has been selected since the Payee was added. To resolve this alert, select Ok to automatically update the Payees Tax Treatment Code to HRXXXX.


Deregistered Employer Alert (Modal)

The Deregistered Employer Modal (Alert) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee whose Tax Treatment Code is HRXXXX if Employer of Working Holiday Makers has been deselected since the Payee was added. To resolve this alert, select Ok to automatically update the Payees Tax Treatment Code to HUXXXX.


Employer SG Increase from 1 July Alert (Modal)

🎯 The alert below is displayed when Actions > Edit is selected in Payees or the Status Icon is selected in Payees (Step 2 of the Pay Run).


The Employer SG Increase from 1 July Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee whose Employer SG Percentage is currently set to anything less than 11.50% (on or after 1 July 2024).


Select Yes to change the Employer SG percentage as the ATO requires.  


Otherwise, keep the Employer SG percentage as previously set (due to your Award) by selecting;

  1. Do not show again for this Payee if you do not want to be reminded that this Payee is being paid a lesser percentage.
  2. Then select No.

Award Details Changed Alert (Modal)

The Award Details Changed Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee whose Award has been changed, and those changes have not been applied to the Payee.

To resolve this alert, Update Employment for a specific Payee based on changes to the Award they are assigned.


Agreement Details Changed Alert (Modal)

The Agreement Details Changed Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee whose Agreement has been changed, and those changes have not been applied to the Payee.

To resolve this alert, Update Employment for a specific Payee based on changes to the Agreement they are assigned.


No Times Entered Alert (Modal)

The No Times Entered Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee who has been included in the Timesheet (Step 3 of e-Time). However, no times exist as they have not been imported from Ordinary Hours within the Payee Master File or manually entered.


To resolve this alert, either select;

  1. Edit Timesheet to complete the timesheet for this Payee per STEP 3 - Complete the Timesheets.
  2. Cancel, then remove the Payee from the Timesheet Run.

Missing or Out of Sequence Times Alert (Modal)

The Missing or Out of Sequence Times Alert (Modal) is conditionally displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee who has been included in the Timesheet (Step 3 of e-Time). However, times are either missing. or times are out of sequence ( e.g. an In Time is after the Out Time).


To resolve this alert, either select;

  1. Edit Timesheet to complete the timesheet for this Payee per STEP 3 - Complete the Timesheets.
  2. Cancel then remove the Payee from the Timesheet Run.

Essential Plan Alert (Modal)

The Essential Plan Alert (Modal) is displayed when the Horizontal Ellipsis button is selected for a Payee whose Timesheet contains;

  • More than two (2) Time Blocks are allocated to at least one (1) day.
  • More than two (2) Pay Rates/Allowances allocated to at least one Time Block in the Timesheet.

To resolve this alert, either;

  • Access Timesheet and make the required changes, OR
  • Upgrade your Plan Level from Essential to Advanced.



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