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Home > Getting Started (Survival Guides) > Pay Run (Timesheet) Procedure
Pay Run (Timesheet) Procedure
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Pay Run (Timesheet) Procedure

⭐️ Before completing STEP 1, please ensure you have exported the timesheet data from your provider. (BrightHRACTAtek, ClickClock or others).


STEP 1 - Commence a new Timesheet Run.

  1. Select e-Time, then select New Pay Run.
  2. When the e-Time (Timesheets) Pay Run Details Alert (Modal) is displayed, select the required Pay Period and Cost Centre. 
    🎯 If Cost Centre is unavailable, refer to Enter the Cost Centres Regular Pay Run Dates for a specific Pay Period or Change your Plan Level from Essential to Advanced.
  3. Change the Pay Run Type if required,
    1. Select Regular when processing your 'normal' Pay Run

      1. Amend the Pay Day, if required.
        🎯 If the Period Start and Period End Dates are incorrect, please ensure your last Regular Pay Run has been processed. The dates can be updated by changing the Organisation or Cost Centre Regular Pay Run Dates for a specific Pay before attempting to commence a new Pay Run.

    2. Select Out Of Cycle when processing a Pay Run outside your 'normal' Pay Run. This is typically for correcting previously reported information once-off payments. Please refer to Correct the information included in an STP Submission.

      1. Amend the Period End and Pay Day Dates as required.

    3. Select Missed when processing a Pay Run that was not previously entered or reported to the ATO. This option may also be used to correct previously reported information.

      1. Aamend the Period End and Pay Day Dates as required.

  4. Add a Global Pay Message, if required.

  5. Select Ok unless you need to import a Times File.
    If you need to import a FAST-Pay File., select Choose File. Locate the FAST-Pay.CSV, select Open, then select Ok.
    👉 If the Times File Import is unsuccessful, the Times Import Issues Alert (Modal) is displayed. It details each issue with the Times File and requires correction before it can be successfully imported.
    👉 If the Times File can be imported after acknowledgement, the Times Import Warnings Alert (Modal) is displayed.
    👉 If the Times File Import is successful, the Times Import Success Alert (Modal) is displayed.

  6. Once the Your Timesheets are Currently Loading Alert (Modal) disappears, select the pay run you have just added within the Pay Run List.

  7. Once the Your Timesheets are Currently Loading Alert (Modal) disappears, proceed to the next step.


NEXT STEP: Select the Payees required in the Timesheet Run.

STEP 2 - Select the Payees required in the Timesheet Run.

  1. Choose which Payee/s you require by selecting the checkbox next to their name in the Payees List. 
    1. You can also locate a specific Payee by entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
      1. If you need to include a Ceased Payee in the Pay Run, select Show Advanced Filters.
      2. In Employment Basis, select Ceased.
      3. The Payee Ceased Alert (Modal) will be displayed when selecting the Status Icon.


NEXT STEP: Complete the Timesheets.

STEP 3 - Complete the Timesheets.

  1. Select Ordinary Hours to import the Times from Ordinary Hours (e-Time) within the Payee Master File, or manually enter the Clock In / Out Times and allocate the required Pay Rates and/or Allowances.
    👉 If Ordinary Hours are not defined in the Payee Master File, the Ordinary Hours not defined Alert (Modal) is displayed. Once the Ordinary Hours have been imported, adjust any times or Pay Rates/Allowances as required.
    👉 If you are manually entering the Times, enter or select the Clock In and Clock Out Time for the required day,
  2. Select Edit to change the Pay Rates and/or Allowances, enabling the Pay Rates/Allowances (e-Time) Alert (Modal) to be displayed.
    1. To add new Pay Rates and/or Allowances, select as required in Payment Type, then select the Plus (Add) button.
    2. To remove  a Pay Rate/Allowance, select the Minus (Delete) button.
      👉 If the Pay Rate/Allowance has been saved previously, the Minus Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The Payment Type will not be deleted until Ok is selected.
    3. Once the Pay Rates/Allowances (e-Time) Alert (Modal) has closed, press the TAB key on your keyboard or select the button to add the Time Block.
  3. Repeat the above steps until Times have been recorded for each day of the week that is required.


👉To delete a Time Block, select the Minus (Delete) button.


👉To navigate to the next Payee, select Next Or Previous,


👉To navigate to a specific Payee, select their name from the Drop Down Menu.


NEXT STEP: Print and verify the Timesheets.

STEP 4 - Print and verify the Timesheets.

  1. Select the appropriate Report from the Reports ListTo email the Timesheets, select Timesheets (Individual Payee).
    👉 If any corrections need to be processed, select Step 3 - Timesheet.
    👉 If Email Timesheets is selected, the Email Timesheets Alert (Modal)  is displayed. To send the Timesheets, select Yes. Otherwise, select No. The Sending Timesheets Alert (Modal) will be displayed if Yes is selected. Once the Timesheets have been sent, the Timesheets have been sent Alert (Modal) will be displayed. Select Ok.
  2. Select Report Options to change the information displayed in the Report.
  3. To navigate between the various pages within the report selected, select either the left or right arrow to page/s
  4. To print the report, select Print.
  5. To export the report, select Export. Then, select the appropriate option.


NEXT STEP: Approve the Timesheets.

STEP 5 - Approve the Timesheets.

👉 If any issues prevent the Timesheet Run from being posted, they will be displayed in the Payee Issues List. Select the Action Icon next to the Error Description for each Payee to display the relevant Alert (Modal) to resolve these issues,

Error Description Alert (Modal)
The Tax File Number Exemption Period has ended. A new TFN is required Tax File Number Exemption Period Ended Alert (Modal)
The Gross Income Amount has been exceeded. A new TFN is required  Gross Income Amount Exceeded Alert (Modal)
The Tax File Number Application Period has ended. A new TFN is required. Tax File Number Application Period Ended Alert (Modal)
The Payees Master File contains an STP Previous Payroll ID. STP Previous Payroll ID Alert (Modal)
The Award Details have changed and were not updated within the Payee Master File. Award Details Changed Alert (Modal)
The Agreement Details have changed and were not updated within the Payee Master File. Agreement Details Changed Alert (Modal).
The Payee Visa has expired. Visa Expired Alert (Modal)
The Cost Centre assignments are missing for this Payee. Cost Centres Alert (Modal)
The Employer is now registered as an Employer of Working Holiday Makers. Registered Employer Alert (Modal)
The Employer has deregistered as an Employer of Working Holiday Makers. Deregistered Employer Alert (Modal)
Employer SG has increased from 1 July. Employer SG Increase from 1 July Alert (Modal)
Due to import validation requirements, please edit and save the Payee Master File before the Timesheet Pay Run can be approved. Review Imported Payee Alert (Modal)
The Payee has been included, but no times have been entered. No Times Entered Alert (Modal)
There are missing or out of sequence times that must be corrected before the Timesheet Pay Run can be approved. Missing or Out of Sequence Times Alert (Modal)
The timesheet allocates more than two (2) Time Blocks to at least one (1) day. Essential Plan Alert (Modal)
There are more than two (2) Pay Rates/Allowances allocated to at least one Time Block in the Timesheet.


  1. Select I approve the Timesheets have been checked and have actioned the warnings ready for processing in a Pay Run.

  2. Then Post To Pay Run.

NEXT STEP: Select the Pay Run in Pay Day

STEP 6 - Select the Pay Run in Pay Day


  1. Select Pay Day from the side menu.
  2. Locate the Pay Run created when the Timesheet Pay Run was posted per STEP 5 - Approve the Timesheets. The Status Icon for this Pay Run will be a Clock.
  3. Select the required Pay Run within the Pay Run List. Once the Your Pay Run is Currently Loading Alert (Modal) is displayed.
  4. Once the alert disappears, proceed to the next step.


NEXT STEP: Select Payees who need to be paid but were excluded from e-Time (Timesheets)

  1. Choose which Payee/s you require by selecting the checkbox next to their name in the Payees List. Payees included in e-Time (Timesheets) cannot be removed.
  2. You can also locate a specific Payee by entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
    1. If you need to include a Ceased Payee in the Pay Run, select Show Advanced Filters.
    2. In Employment Basis, select Ceased.
    3. The Payee Ceased Alert (Modal) will be displayed when selecting the Status Icon.


NEXT STEP: Compose the Pay for each Payee in Process (Step 3 of Pay Day).

STEP 8 - Compose the Pay for each Payee in Process (Step 3 of Pay Day)

For Payees whose Pay Run has been composed using e-Time (Timesheets), the total quantity of each Pay Rate/Allowance selected within the Timesheet (Step 3 of e-Time) will be included.

👉 Navigate to the next Payee by selecting the Next Or Previous buttons.

👉 Navigate to a specific Payee, select their name from the Drop Down Menu.


👉 To cease the Payee, select Cease Employment. When the Cessation Details Alert (Modal) is displayed, select the Cessation Date and Cessation Reason, then select OK. The Cessation Reason determines which Pay Types are available in Termination per the Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 requirements.


👉 To enter a Pay Message, navigate to Payee Pay Message and enter as required.


👉 To allocate Cost Centre QTY/Hours, select Cost Centres. The Cost Centres Alert (Modal) will be displayed. Adjust the QTY for each Cost Centre as required, then select Ok.


👉 To add a payment,

  1. Select the required Payment Type from the drop-down menu to add a Pay Rate, Allowance, or Deduction.
    👉 if you are processing a correction, please refer to Correct the information included in an STP Submission.
    🎯 Salary Sacrifice (To Super Fund, OTE) can only be selected if Employee Contributions (before/after PAYGW) Details are established in the Payee Master File.

  2. Change either the Quantity, which can be positive or negative, and/or Rate, if required. 

    1. If the Rate is incorrect and the Pay Type you have selected is set to a

      1. percentage amount (e.g. 100.00%), refer to the Payee Master File as

        1. the Rate Per Hour / Annualised Salary set in Employment Details may require updating.

        2. The Rate set in Advanced Pay Template may require updating.

      2. a dollar amount (e.g. $76.42), refer to the

        1. Pay Type, the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) may require updating.

        2. Payee Master File, the Rate set in Advanced Pay Template may require updating.
  3. Some Payment Types may require you to enter additional information or change the information displayed. For example, when Annual Leave is chosen, you may need to change the From Date, To Date and Notes.

  4. Press the TAB key on your keyboard or select the button to add the payment.

👉 To remove a payment, select the button.


👉 If PAYGW contain cents, it will be due to one or more of the following settings;

  1. The Organisations Payment Method is set to Cash and Banking Details have not been entered.
  2. The Payees Payment Method is set to Cash.


NEXT STEP: Generate Reports (Step 4 of Pay Day)

STEP 9 - Generate Reports (Step 4 of Pay Day)

  1. Select the appropriate Report from the Reports List.
  2. Select Report Options to change the information displayed in the Report.
  3. To navigate between the various pages within the report selected, select either the left or right arrow to page/s
  4. To print the report, select Print.
  5. To export the report, select Export. Then, select the appropriate option.
    👉 If any corrections need to be processed, select Step 3 - Process.


NEXT STEP: Create the Banking (ABA) File in FAST-Bank (Step 5 of Pay Day)

STEP 10 - Create the Banking (ABA) File in FAST-Bank (Step 5 of Pay Day)

  1. Select FAST-Bank.
    👉 If required, change the Cost Centre setting.
    👉 If required, change the Payment / Disbursement Date.
    👉 If required, select the Payees in the FAST-Bank File.
  2. Select Create and Download .ABA File.
  3. Browse to the location you would like to save the FAST-File in, then select Save.


NEXT STEP: Upload the FAST-Bank File to your Financial institution. Once completed, Generate the Pay Advice Slips in Pay Slips (Step 6 of Pay Day).

STEP 11 - Generate the Pay Advice Slips in Pay Slips (Step 6 of Pay Day)

  1. Select Pay Slips.
  2. Select either, the left or right arrow to page/s to navigate between the various pages within the report.
  3. To print the report, select Print.
  4. To export the report, select Export and choose the option you require (e.g., PDF).
  5. To email the Pay Advice Slips, select Email Pay Advice Slips.
    👉 If Email Pay Advice Slips is selected, the Email Pay Advice Slips Alert (Modal)  is displayed. To send the Pay Advice Slips, select Yes. Otherwise, select No. The Sending Pay Advice Slips Alert (Modal) will be displayed if Yes is selected. Once the Pay Slips have been sent, the Pay Advice Slips have been sent Alert (Modal) will then be displayed. Select Ok.


NEXT STEP: Post the Pay Run and Notify the ATO.

STEP 12 - Post the Pay Run and Notify the ATO (Step 7 of Pay Day)

  1. Select Notify ATO.
  2. Select I am notifying the ATO that:
  3. Update the Declarer Name, if required
    👉 If the Pay Day is in the past Alert is displayed; either change the Pay Run Type to Missed OR Change the Pay Run Pay Day.
    👉 If the Previous BMS ID Alert is displayed, please exit the Pay Run and refer to either Remove the Organisations Previous BMS ID OR Send an Update Event to the ATO.
  4. To view a copy of the Payevnt before it is sent to the ATO, select Preview STP File.
  5. Otherwise, select Post Pay Run and Notify ATO.
  6. The following window will be displayed once your submission has been validated and sent to the ATO.
🎯 If any other alerts are displayed, please Request Support and include a copy of what is displayed to you.

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