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Application Settings Explained
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Application Settings Explained

Application Settings consists of two sections,



Search enables you to enter information to filter the results shown in the Tax Scale List.


The Tax Scale List displays the Description for each of the implemented Taxation Schedules.


The Actions Button lets you View each Tax Scale listed in the table. 

Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allow you to select how many Tax Scales you want displayed per page.


Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Tax Scales.

Maximum Superannuation Contribution Base

🎯 Maximum Superannuation Contribution Base determines the maximum limit on any Payee's earnings base for each quarter of any financial year. Payers do not have to provide the minimum support for the part of earnings above this limit.


When the Maximum Contribution Base Rule is selected for a Payee, Employer SG is only calculated up to the Income Per Quarter Amount.


We have implemented this calculation by working out the Employer SG amount applicable on the Income Per Quarter Threshold, which, for FYE 30 June 2025, is $65,070.00 per quarter. This equates to $7,843.05 in Employer SG, calculated at 11.50% per How much super to pay.


When a Pay Run is processed, the Employer SG Value above determines whether Employer SG should be calculated in this pay run.


For example, if Steve Smith earned $ 7,000.00 in Employer SG up until 1 September 2024, he can only earn a further $ 843.05 in Employer SG before it ceases calculating.


To apply this calculation to Payees, please Change the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) Rules for a specific Payee.


Payroll Tax

🎯 Payroll Tax is levied on wages paid or payable by an employer to its employees when the total taxable wages of an employer (or group of employers) exceeds a threshold amount. Payroll tax is self-assessed and lodged by the employer.


We have yet to add the Total Due calculation in the Payroll Tax (SRO) Report as further functionality is required to determine if the wages from any other Tenant need to be included in the Report generated for the current Tenant as they are a: 

  1. Non-grouped employer with interstate wages.
  2. Grouped employer with interstate wages.
  3. Designated Group Employer (DGE), or Single Lodger (SL) with interstate wages.

In addition, we will add the relevant Thresholds for each State/Territory, as this needs to be considered in the Total Due calculation.


Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 1 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 1 (NAT 1004) applies to Regular Payees who are not claiming the Tax Free Threshold per Question 9 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092)  (Tax Treatment Code begins with RN).


Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 2 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 2 (NAT 1004) applies to Regular Payees who have advised they are claiming the Tax Free Threshold in Question 9 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) (Tax Treatment Code begins with RT).


Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 2, TFN 333-333-333 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 2, TFN 333-333-333 ((NAT 1004) applies to Regular Payees who are using TFN Exemption Code 333-333-333 per Question 1 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) (Tax Treatment Code begins with RT).


Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 3 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 3 (NAT 1004) applies to Working Holiday Maker Payees who work for a Unregistered Employer (Tax Treatment Code begins with HU) and Foreign Residents (Tax Treatment Code begins with FF).


Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 4 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 4 (NAT 1004) applies to NO TFN Payees using TFN Exemption Code 000-000-000 (Tax Treatment Code begins with NA or NF) and  Working Holiday Maker Payees (Tax Treatment Code begins with HF).


Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 5 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 5 (NAT 1004) applies to Regular Payees who have advised they are claiming the Tax Free Threshold in Question 9 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092), in addition to a FULL Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with RT and the fifth identifier is F).


Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 6 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 6 (NAT 1004) applies to Regular Payees who have advised they are claiming the Tax Free Threshold in Question 9 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092), in addition to a HALF Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with RT and the fifth identifier is H).


Schedule 1 - Medicare Levy Parameters

Schedule 1 - Medicare Levy Parameters applies to Regular Payees who have advised they are claiming a

  • Medicare Levy Reduction in Question 8 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) and have either a Spouse (Question 9) or dependent children (Question 12). (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with RT, and the sixth identifier is 0 - 9 or A).
  • HALF Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6, in addition to the Medicare Levy Reduction in Question 8 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) and have either a Spouse (Question 9) or dependent children (Question 12). (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with RT, the fifth identifier is H, and the sixth is 0 - 9 or A).


Schedule 2 – Tax table for individuals employed in the horticultural or shearing industry (NAT 1013)

Schedule 2 – Tax table for individuals employed in the horticultural or shearing industry (NAT 1013) applies to Horticulturists and Shearers Payees who have provided a VALID TFN and are either an Australian Resident (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with CT) or Foreign Resident (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with CF).


Schedule 8 - No tax-free threshold claimed (NAT 3539)

Schedule 8 - No tax-free threshold claimed (NAT 3539) is applicable to Regular Payees who have advised they are not claiming the Tax Free Threshold in Question 9 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) or Question 5 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093). However, they have a Study and Training Support Loan per Question 10 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with RN and the fifth identifier is S).


Schedule 8 - Tax-free threshold claimed or foreign resident (NAT 3539)

 Schedule 8 - Tax-free threshold claimed or foreign resident (NAT 3539) applies to;

  1. Regular Payees who have advised they are claiming the Tax-Free Threshold in Question 9 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) or Question 5 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) and they have a Study and Training Support Loan per Question 10 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with RT and the fifth identifier is S).
  2. Seniors and Pensioners Payees who have advised they have a Study and Training Support Loan per Question 10 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SS, SI or SM and the third identifier is S).
  3. Foreign Residents who have advised they have a Study and Training Support Loan per Question 10 of the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with FF and the third identifier is S).


Schedule 9 – Single (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Single (NAT 4466) is applicable to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Single in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SS).


Schedule 9 – Single (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Single (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) applies to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Single in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072), in addition to selecting a Half Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SS and the fifth identifier is H).


Schedule 9 – Single (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Single (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) applies to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Single in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072), in addition to selecting a FULL Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SS and the fifth identifier is F).


Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (NAT 4466) is applicable to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Member of a Couple in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SM).


Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) applies to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Member of a Couple in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072), in addition to selecting a Half Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SM and the fifth identifier is H).


Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) applies to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Member of a Couple in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072), in addition to selecting a Full Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SM and the fifth identifier is F).


Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (NAT 4466) applies to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Member of an Illness Separated Couple in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SI).


Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of a Illness Separated Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) applies to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Member of an Illness Separated Couple in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072), in addition to selecting a Half Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SI and the fifth identifier is H).


Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of a Illness Separated Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) applies to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who selected Member of an Illness Separated Couple in Question 8 of the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 of the Withholding Declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072), in addition to selecting a Full Medicare Levy Exemption in Question 6 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SI and the fifth identifier is F).


Schedule 9 - Medicare Levy Parameters

Schedule 9 - Medicare Levy Parameters applies to Seniors and Pensioners Payees who have advised they are claiming a Medicare Levy Reduction in Question 8 of the Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) and have either a Spouse (Question 9) or Dependant Children (Question 12). (The Payee's Tax Treatment Code begins with SS, SM or SI and the sixth identifier is 0 - 9 or A).


Schedule 15 - Working Holiday Maker (NAT 75331)

Schedule 15 - Working Holiday Maker (NAT 75331) applies to Working Holiday Maker Payees who work for a Registered Employer (Tax Treatment Code begins with HR).


Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme.

Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme applies to Seasonal Worker Programme (Tax Treatment Code begins with CT or CF).


Schedules 1 & 9 - Medicare Levy Parameters (effective until 30/06/2024)

Schedules 1 & 9 - Medicare Levy Parameters (effective until 30/06/2024 applies to payments processed before 1 July 2024 to;



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