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Home > Getting Started (Survival Guides) and FAQ's > Payees FAQ's > Change Taxation and Medicare Details for a specific Payee
Change Taxation and Medicare Details for a specific Payee
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Change Taxation and Medicare Details for a specific Payee.

🎯 Edit is unavailable if the Payee is included in an unposted Pay Run. To edit the Payee, the Payee must either be removed from the Pay Run or the Pay Run must be posted/reported to the ATO.
  1. Change the Add to Tax Amount for a specific Payee.
  2. Change the Tax Treatment for a specific Payee.
  3. Change the Income Stream for a specific Payee.
  4. Change Tax Free Threshold for a specific Payee.
  5. Change Study and Training Support Loan (STSL) for a specific Payee.
  6. Change Senior Australians and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO) for a specific Payee.
  7. Change the Medicare Details for a specific Payee.
  8. Change the Payroll Tax Details for a specific Payee.
  9. Change the Beneficiary Details for a specific Payee.

Change the Add to Tax Amount for a specific Payee.

🎯 Edit is unavailable if the Payee is included in an unposted Pay Run. To edit the Payee, the Payee must either be removed from the Pay Run or the Pay Run must be posted/reported to the ATO.

  1. Select Payees.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Navigate to Add to Tax.
  6. Select either $ or % and enter the amount, as required
    1. If $ is selected, the set amount is added to PAYGW in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run).
    2.  If % is selected, the calculated amount is added to PAYGW in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run). The calculation is based on the Total Gross multiplied by the percentage amount entered.
  7. Make any changes as necessary, then select Save.

Change the Tax Treatment for a specific Payee.

  1. Select Payees from the side menu.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Choose the new Tax Treatment as required,
    1. Regular.
      🎯 Residency for Taxation Purposes must be Australian Resident, and the Tax File Number must be VaALID 9 or 9 Digits or Exemption TFN 111-111-111.
      1. Confirm the following fields match the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092)Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Withholding declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072).

    2. Seniors and Pensioners.
      🎯 Residency for Taxation Purposes must be Australian Resident, and the Tax File Number must be VaALID 9 or 9 Digits or Exemption TFN 111-111-111.
      1. In Senior Australians and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO), select the relevant option per Question 8 in Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 in Withholding declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072).

        Confirm the following fields match the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092)Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Withholding declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072).

    3. Foreign Resident.
      🎯 Residency for Taxation Purposes must be Foreign Resident, and the Tax File Number must be VaALID 9 or 9 Digits or Exemption TFN 111-111-111.
    4. Horticulturalists and Shearers.
    5. Seasonal Worker Programme.
      🎯 Residency for Taxation Purposes must be Foreign Resident.
  6. Make any changes as necessary, then select Save.

Change the Income Stream for a specific Payee.

  1. Select Payees.
  2. You can locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search, or using Show Advanced Filters.
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Change the Income Stream as required.
    🎯 Income Stream is disabled (unable to be changed) if the Payees Tax Treatment is Working Holiday Maker or Seasonal Worker Programme.
  6. Then, select Save.

Change Tax Free Threshold for a specific Payee.

🎯 Tax Free Threshold is only available if Tax Treatment = Regular.


  1. Select Payees.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Select or deselect Tax Free Threshold per the Payee's returned Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092) or Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093).
  6. Select Save.

Change Study and Training Support Loan (STSL) for a specific Payee.

🎯 Study and Training Support Loan (STSL)  is only available if Tax Treatment = Regular or Seniors and Pensioners.


  1. Select Payees.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Select or deselect Study and Training Support Loan (STSL) per the Payee's returned Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093).
  6. Select Save.

Change Senior Australians and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO) for a specific Payee.

🎯 Senior Australians and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO) is DISABLED unless Tax Treatment = Seniors and Pensioners.


  1. Select Payees.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Change Senior Australians and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO) per Question 8 in Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 in Withholding declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072).
  6. Select Save.

Change the Medicare Details for a specific Payee.

🎯 Medicare Details is DISABLED and cannot be selected if the Payees Tax File Number is 333-333-333.


  1. Select Payees.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Navigate to Medicare and select the relevant options per the Payee's completed Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929).
  6.  If the Payee answered Yes to 
    1. Question 4. Select Increase the amounts withheld to cover the Medicare levy surcharge, then the relevant percentage.
    2. Questions 5 and 6, select Medicare Levy Exemption then Half.
    3. Questions 5 and 7, select Medicare Levy Exemption then Full.
    4. Question 8, Question 9 and/or 12, select Medicare Levy Reduction, then Spouse and/or Dependent Children.
    5. Questions 5, 68, 9 and/or 12, select;
      1. Medicare Levy Exemption then Half.
      2. Medicare Levy Reduction then Spouse and/or Dependent Children.
  7.   Select Save.

Change the Payroll Tax Details for a specific Payee.

  1. Select Payees.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Navigate to Payroll Tax to select the Payees State/Territory (Payroll Tax) and/or Apprentice / Trainee setting.
    👉 If you need to assign prior pay runs to the new option, select Assign Prior Pay Runs. Otherwise, select Save.
    👉 If pay runs can be changed, the Reassign Payroll Tax Details On Prior Pay Runs Alert (Modal) is displayed.
    👉 If no pay runs can be changed, the Unable To Reassign Payroll Tax Details On Prior Pay Runs Alert (Modal) is displayed

Change the Beneficiary Details for a specific Payee.

  1. Select Payees.
  2. Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
  3. Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
  4. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  5. Navigate to Beneficiary Details.
  6. Select the Type of Beneficiary.
  7. Enter the STP Payee Payroll ID if the Beneficiary is an existing Active Payee. Otherwise, leave it blank.
  8. Enter the 
    1. Beneficiary TFN.
    2. First Name.
    3. Family Name.
    4. Address, including Suburb / Town, State, Post Code and Country.
    5. Email.
    6. Phone.
  9. Select Save.


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