Select Banking.
Select the required Payment Method.
👉 If EFT is selected, enter the BSB, Account Number and Account Name.
👉 If FAST-Bank is selected, enter the BSB, Account Number, Account Name and Name of Remitter.
Enter the APCA ID and update the Transaction Code and Description displayed on your Bank Statement, if required.
👉 If required, deselect Self Balancing Transaction and Short File Name.
🎯 Please contact your Financial institution to confirm the APCA ID, Transaction Code and whether the FAST-Bank File needs to contain a Self Balancing Transaction or use a Short File Name.
👉 If FAST-Bank is selected in the Payment Method, and you wish to enter the Holding Account Details, select the required Holding Account.
👉 If Pay As You Go Withholding (PAYGW) is selected, enter the BSB, Account Number, Account Name and update the Reference, if required.
👉 If Superannuation (SG) is selected, enter the BSB, Account Number and Account Name. Change the Contribution Type and update the Reference, if required.
Select Taxation.
Select Registered as an Employer of Working Holiday Makers (WHM) if the Organisation is registered with the ATO as an Employer of working holiday makers.
Select Exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986 if the Orgainsation is exempt from FBT per section 57A of the FBTAA 1986.
Select SuperStream.
Select the required SuperStream Format.
👉 If QuickSuper is selected;
Change the Date Format if required and enter the Employer ID provided to your Orgainsation by QuickSuper.
👉 If SAFF is selected;
- Enter the First Name and Family Name of the Payer Contact. Then enter the BSB, Account Number and Account Name for the bank account you would like the Superannuation Payments debited from or refunded if there is an issue.
- Next, enter the Name of Remitter, generally the Organisation (Legal Entity) Name.
- Next, enter the BSB, Account Number, Account Name, Name of Remitter and APCA ID. Update the Transaction Code and Description displayed on your Bank Statement if required.
- Lastly, deselect Self Balancing Transaction and/or Short File Name, if required.
Select Pay Run Settings.
Select the first Pay Period you currently process Payroll for.
Select or enter the Pay Period Ends Date for your chosen Pay Period.
Select or enter the Pay Day for your chosen Pay Period.
Select the relevant option in Weeks Per Year.
Select the relevant option in Round Net Pays.
If required, select Hide System Default Pay Types when processing a Pay Run and/or Hide Leave Balances (Hours) when processing a Pay Run and on the Pay Advice Slip.
If required, choose your FAST-Pay File Options.
If required, choose your e-Time (Timesheets) Options.
If required, choose the relevant Pay Advice Slip Options.
Select STP Reporting.
Update the Name of Payer Declarer if required and enter the Previous BMS ID, if migrating from another Payroll Solution.
Then select Save, unless an Intermediary acts on behalf of the Organisation.
👉 If an Intermediary acts on behalf of the Organisation, navigate to Intermediary Details and enter the Intermediary's ABN, Registered Agent Number. Name of Intermediary Declarer, Email and Phone (Business Hours), then select Save.
NEXT STEP: When your Organisation settings are completed, it's time to add your Awards/Agreements (STEP 3).