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IMPORTANT UPDATE: The e-PayDay Go Payroll App has changed to
Add a Payee
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Add a Payee

The design of e-PayDay Goยฎ allows you to enter the required information logically once the Payee has returned all the relevant ATO and Employer documents. Without this information, you could enter the Payee incorrectly, causing STP reporting issues. 


The Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092) and Superannuation (super) standard choice (NAT 13080) Australian Taxation Office (ATO) documents are required to be provided to add a Payee correctly. You will also need a completed Employment Contract - an Agreement between a Payer and Payee detailing the Terms and Conditions of employment. The Withholding declaration (NAT 3093)Withholding declaration โ€“ short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072) and Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929) Australian Taxation Office (ATO) documents are optional unless the Payee is claiming the Seniors and Pensioners Tax Offset or a Medicare Levy Variation.

Before adding the Employee, we recommend that you;

  1. Review your Awards/Agreements to determine if a suitable Award/Agreement exists for this Payee. If not, add a new Award or Agreement
  2. If the Payee has returned the Superannuation standard choice form (or another alternative document that contains the same information), review your existing Super Funds in Superannuation Funds to determine if a suitable Super Fund exists.
    1. If not, add the relevant Superannuation Fund for the Payee.
    2. If they have not returned the relevant document, we recommend that the Payee be assigned to your Nominated Default Superannuation Fund until they are included in a Submit Event (Posting a Pay Run). After this, the Stapled Superannuation Fund can be obtained from the ATO.

Add a Payee

  1. Add an Australian Resident Payee
  2. Add a Foreign Resident Payee
  3. Add a Working Holiday Maker Payee

Add a Payee from your previous Payroll (STP2)

๐Ÿ‘‰ If you have chosen to migrate the Payees Year To Date Taxation Balances, you can

  1. Allow e-PayDay Go to automatically assign a new STP Payee ID, which means the STP Payee ID from your previous payroll must be entered into the STP Payee Payroll ID.
  2. Use the STP Payee ID from your previous payroll, which must be entered into the STP Payee ID.

Add an Australian Resident Payee.

  1. Select Payees from the side menu.
  2. Select Add a Payee.
  3. Enter your own Time Clock IDPayee Code, and STP Payee ID or allow e-PayDay Go to automatically create and assign these identifiers when the Payee Masterfile is saved.
  4. Change Residency for Taxation Purposes to Foreign Resident.
  5. Enter the Payee's Tax File Number (TFN) per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092) or the relevant Tax File Number (TFN) Exemption Code.
  6. Enter or select the Payee's; 
    1. First NameOther Name and Family Name. Where the payee has a legal single name only;
      1. In Family Name, enter the Payee's Name as provided in the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092).
      2. In First Name, enter NOT APPLICABLE.
    2. Birthdate and Gender.
    3. Address, including Suburb / TownStatePost Code and Country.
    4. Email Address and Phone Number.
  7. Select Taxation and Medicare.
    1. If required, change the Tax Treatment. Tax Treatment is disabled when Tax File Number (TFN) is 333-333-333 or 444-444-444.
      1. Regular.
      2. Seniors and Pensioners.
      3. Horticulturists and Shearers.
    2. The Tax Treatment Code is automatically generated based on the Payees' Tax Treatment.
    3. If required, change the Income Stream to Closely Held Payee.
    4. Select the Employment Basis.
    5. Deselect Tax Free Threshold if required per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092) or Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093).
      1. The Tax Free Threshold is DISABLED and unable to be deselected if the Tax File Number is 333-333-333 or 444-444-444.
    6. Select Student and Training Support Loans (STSL) if required per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092) or Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093).
      1. Student and Training Support Loans (STSL) is DISABLED and cannot be selected if the Payees Tax File Number is 333-333-333.
    7. If Tax Treatment is set to Seniors and Pensioners, select the relevant Senior Australians and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO) per Question 8 in Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Question 6 in Withholding declaration โ€“ short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072).
    8. Enter or select the Date Signed and Payee Signature present?
    9. If the Payee has returned a Medicare Levy Variation Declaration (NAT 0929), navigate to Medicare.
      1. If the Payee answered Yes to Question 4. Select Increase the amounts withheld to cover the Medicare levy surcharge, then the relevant percentage.
      2. If the Payee answered Yes to Questions 5 and 6, select Medicare Levy Exemption, then Half.
      3. If the Payee answered Yes to Questions 5 and 7, select Medicare Levy Exemption, then Full.
      4. If the Payee answered Yes to Question 8, Question 9 and/or 12, select Medicare Levy Reduction, then Spouse and/or Dependent Children.
      5. If the Payee answered Yes to Questions 5, 68, 9 and/or 12, select:
      6. Medicare Levy Exemption then Half.
      7. Medicare Levy Reduction then Spouse and/or Dependent Children.
    10. Select Employment and Payment.
      1. Select either Award or Agreement, depending on what applies to this Payee.
        ๐Ÿ‘‰ If Award is selected, select the Modern Award Drop Down Menu to view a list of previously added Awards to choose the most appropriate option.
        ๐Ÿ‘‰ If Agreement is selected, select the Agreement Name Drop Down Menu to view a list of previously added Agreements to choose the most appropriate option.
      2. Enter the Payee's Job Title, which may differ from the Classification.
      3. Change the Pay Period, if required.
      4. Change the OTE Hours Per Week*Rate per Hour* or Annual Salary (Excluding SG)* as required.
      5. Enter or select the Payee's Commenced Date.
      6.  If required, select Cost Centres and select the defaults as required.
      7. If required,  select All Purpose Allowance and add the relevant allowances per the Payees Award.
      8. Navigate to Pay Template.

        1. Select the relevant Pay Types required for this Payee. For example, if the Payee is a Casual, we recommend adding Casual Loading (OTE). If Advanced Pay Template is selected, amend the Quantity and/or Rate, if required.

        2. Select Add. ๐ŸŽฏ To be able to select Salary Sacrifice (to Super Fund, OTE) and After Tax Superannuation Contribution in Pay Template, the Payee's Personal Superannuation Contribution Details must be entered.

      9. Navigate to Payment Method and select the appropriate option. If EFT or FAST-Bank is selected;
        1. Select the Dollar or Percent Icon and enter the relevant amount. If the bank account does not have a defined amount, select the Balance Icon. 
        2. Enter the Payees BSB, Account Number, Account Name & Reference.
        3. Then select add to add the account. Repeat the above steps until all accounts are added. 
          1. If the Payee has advised that they have;
            1. One Bank Account, select Percent and enter 100.00.
            2. Multiple Bank Accounts,
              1. All with a set dollar value (except the Balance), select Dollar and enter the dollar value. With this option, please ensure a bank account is added where Balance is selected so that the remaining pay goes into another account.
              2. All with set percentage values (except the Balance), select Percent and enter the percentage value. With this option, please ensure a bank account is added where Balance is selected so that the remaining pay goes into another account.
              3. With a combination of % and $, refer to Payees with bank accounts that have a combination of dollar and percentage values.     
    11. If required, select Deduction Banking and Repayments to add any deductions that must be repaid or disbursed with the FAST-Bank File.
    12. Select Superannuation Rules and Fund Details.
      1. Select either Under 18 Employer SG Rule and/or Domestic or Private Worker Employer SG Rule, if required which are only available when Pay Period = Weekly.
    13. Navigate to Superannuation Fund Details;
      1. Within Employer SG Contributions,
        1. Select the Superannuation Fund and enter the Member Number
        2. Change the amount ($ or %) or Enter the Minimum and/or Maximum Contribution amount if required.
      2. Within Additional Contributions (RESC), which only applies, if the Payee receives additional contributions as part of an employee's individual salary package (which equates to more than the Mandatory Employer Superannuation Amount, presently 11.50%.
        1. Select Use Employer SG Contribution Details? If the Additional Contributions (RESC) are being paid to the same Superannuation Fund as Employer SG Contributions.
        2. Otherwise, select the Superannuation Fund then enter the Member Number and amount ($ or %).
      3. Within Employee Contributions (before/after PAYGW), which only applies if the Payee is contributing to their Superannuation Fund either before or after PAYGW is calculated.
        1. Select Use Employer SG Contribution Details? If the Additional Contributions (RESC) are being paid to the same Superannuation Fund as Employer SG Contributions.
        2. Otherwise, select the Superannuation Fund and enter the Member Number.
    14. Select Leave Entitlements and Balances.
      ๐ŸŽฏ The Accrual Rules are automatically imported from the Award or Agreement the Payee is assigned based on the Payees' Employment Basis for all Leave Types. If required, the rules can be amended by selecting Edit within the relevant section.
      1. In Annual Leave, if required; 
        1. Change the Commencing From Date.
        2. Select Edit to change Weeks and Which accrues.
        3. Select Entitled to Leave Loading and enter the relevant percentage.
        4. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
      2. In Sick and Carer's Leave, if required; 
        1. Change the Commencing From Date.
        2. Select Edit to change Days and Which accrues.
        3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
      3. In Long Service Leave, if required;
        1. Change the Commencing From Date.
        2. Select Edit to change Weeks, Years and Which accrues.
        3. Select  Portable Long Service Leave, enter the relevant member Number and select the Community Service Type (if applicable).
        4. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
      4. In Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL), if required;
        1. Change the Commencing From Date.
        2. Select Edit to change Days.
        3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
      5. In Time Off In Lieu, if required, enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution then; 
      6. In Rostered Days Off if required; 
        1. Change the Commencing From Date.
        2. Select Edit to change Days and Which accrues.
        3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    15. Select Save unless you have chosen to enter Opening Taxation Balances. In this case, please refer to Enter Opening Taxation Balances for a specific Payee.

  1. Select Payees from the side menu.
  2. Select Add a Payee.
  3. Enter your own Time Clock IDPayee Code, and STP Payee ID or allow e-PayDay Go to automatically create and assign these identifiers when the Payee Masterfile is saved.
  4. Change Residency for Taxation Purposes to Foreign Resident.
  5. Enter the Payee's Tax File Number (TFN) per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092) or the relevant Tax File Number (TFN) Exemption Code.
  6. Enter or select the Payee's; 
    1. First Name, Other Name and Family Name. Where the payee has a legal single name only;
      1. In Family Name, enter the Payee's Name as provided in the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092).
      2. In First Name, enter NOT APPLICABLE.
    2. Birthdate and Gender.
    3. Address, including Suburb / TownStatePost Code and Country.
    4. Email Address and Phone Number.
  7. Select Taxation and Medicare.
    1. Change the Tax Treatment as required,
      1. Foreign Resident.
      2. Seasonal Worker Programme.
      3. Horticulturists and Shearers.
    2. The Tax Treatment Code is automatically generated based on the Payees' Tax Treatment.
      ๐Ÿ‘‰ If required, change the Income Stream to Closely Held Payee.
    3. Select the Employment Basis.
    4. Enter or select the Date Signed and Payee Signature present?
  8. Select Employment and Payment.
    1. Select either Award or Agreement, depending on what applies to this Payee.
      ๐Ÿ‘‰ If Award is selected, select the Modern Award Drop Down Menu to view a list of previously added Awards to choose the most appropriate option.
      ๐Ÿ‘‰ If Agreement is selected, select the Agreement Name Drop Down Menu to view a list of previously added Agreements to choose the most appropriate option.
    2. Enter the Payee's Job Title, which may differ from the Classification.
    3. Change the Pay Period, if required.
    4. Change the OTE Hours Per Week*Rate per Hour* or Annual Salary (Excluding SG)* as required.
    5. Enter or select the Payee's Commenced Date.
    6.  If required, select Cost Centres and select the defaults as required.
    7. If required,  select All Purpose Allowance and add the relevant allowances per the Payees Award.
    8. Navigate to Pay Template.

      1. Select the relevant Pay Types required for this Payee. For example, if the Payee is a Casual, we recommend adding Casual Loading (OTE). If Advanced Pay Template is selected, amend the Quantity and/or Rate, if required.

      2. Select Add. ๐ŸŽฏ To be able to select Salary Sacrifice (to Super Fund, OTE) and After Tax Superannuation Contribution in Pay Template, the Payee's Personal Superannuation Contribution Details must be entered.

    9. Navigate to Payment Method and select the appropriate option. If EFT or FAST-Bank is selected;
      1. Select the Dollar or Percent Icon and enter the relevant amount. If the bank account does not have a defined amount, select the Balance Icon. 
      2. Enter the Payees BSB, Account Number, Account Name & Reference.
      3. Then select add to add the account. Repeat the above steps until all accounts are added. 
        1. If the Payee has advised that they have;
          1. One Bank Account, select Percent and enter 100.00.
          2. Multiple Bank Accounts;
            1. All with a set dollar value (except the Balance), select Dollar and enter the dollar value. With this option, please ensure a bank account is added where Balance is selected so that the remaining pay goes into another account.
            2. All with set percentage values (except the Balance), select Percent and enter the percentage value. With this option, please ensure a bank account is added where Balance is selected so that the remaining pay goes into another account.
            3. With a combination of % and $, refer to Payees with bank accounts that have a combination of dollar and percentage values.     
  9. If required, select Deduction Banking and Repayments to add any deductions that must be repaid or disbursed with the FAST-Bank File.
  10. Select Superannuation Rules and Fund Details.
    1. Select either Under 18 Employer SG Rule and/or Domestic or Private Worker Employer SG Rule, if required which are only available when Pay Period = Weekly.
  11. Navigate to Superannuation Fund Details;
    1. Within Employer SG Contributions,
      1. Select the Superannuation Fund and enter the Member Number
      2. Change the amount ($ or %) or Enter the Minimum and/or Maximum Contribution amount if required.
    2. Within Additional Contributions (RESC), which only applies, if the Payee receives additional contributions as part of an employee's individual salary package (which equates to more than the Mandatory Employer Superannuation Amount, presently 11.50%.
      1. Select Use Employer SG Contribution Details? If the Additional Contributions (RESC) are being paid to the same Superannuation Fund as Employer SG Contributions.
      2. Otherwise, select the Superannuation Fund then enter the Member Number and amount ($ or %).
    3. Within Employee Contributions (before/after PAYGW), which only applies if the Payee is contributing to their Superannuation Fund either before or after PAYGW is calculated;
      1. Select Use Employer SG Contribution Details? If the Additional Contributions (RESC) are being paid to the same Superannuation Fund as Employer SG Contributions.
      2. Otherwise, select the Superannuation Fund and enter the Member Number.
  12. Select Leave Entitlements and Balances.
    ๐ŸŽฏ The Accrual Rules are automatically imported from the Award or Agreement the Payee is assigned based on the Payees' Employment Basis for all Leave Types. If required, the rules can be amended by selecting Edit within the relevant section.
    1. In Annual Leave, if required; 
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Weeks and Which accrues.
      3. Select Entitled to Leave Loading and enter the relevant percentage.
      4. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    2. In Sick and Carer's Leave, if required; 
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Days and Which accrues.
      3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    3. In Long Service Leave, if required;
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Weeks, Years and Which accrues.
      3. Select  Portable Long Service Leave, enter the relevant member Number and select the Community Service Type (if applicable).
      4. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    4. In Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL), if required;
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Days.
      3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    5. In Time Off In Lieu, if required, enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution then; 
    6. In Rostered Days Off if required; 
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Days and Which accrues.
      3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
  13. Select Save unless you have chosen to enter Opening Taxation Balances. In this case, please refer to Enter Opening Taxation Balances for a specific Payee.

Add a Working Holiday Maker Payee.

๐ŸŽฏ To employ a working holiday maker in Australia on a visa subclass 417 or 462, you must:
โ€“ Register with the ATO to withhold tax at the working holiday maker tax rate, before making your first payment to the Employee.
โ€“ Check your workerโ€™s visa status using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service.
โ€“ Set that the Organisation is registered as an Employer of Working Holiday Makers (WHM) in Taxation within the Organisation.


  1. Select Payees from the side menu.
  2. Select Add a Payee.
  3. Enter your own Time Clock IDPayee Code, and STP Payee ID or allow e-PayDay Go to automatically create and assign these identifiers when the Payee Masterfile is saved.
  4. Change Residency for Taxation Purposes to Working Holiday Maker.
  5. Enter the Payee's; 
    1. Tax File Number (TFN) per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092) or the relevant Tax File Number (TFN) Exemption Code.
    2. First NameOther Name and Family Name. Where the payee has a legal single name only.
    3. In Family Name, enter the Payee's Name as provided in the Tax file number declaration (NAT 3092).
    4. In First Name, enter NOT APPLICABLE.
    5. Enter or select the Payee's Birthdate and Gender.
    6. Enter the Payees Address, including Suburb / TownStatePost Code and Country.
    7. Enter the VISA Number, VISA Expiry Date and select the VISA Country.
    8. Enter the Payee's Email Address and Phone Number.
  6. Select Taxation and Medicare.
  7. The Tax TreatmentTax Treatment Code and  Income Stream are automatically generated based on the Payees Residency for Taxation Purposes and ATO's requirements.
  8. Select the Employment Basis.
  9. Enter or select the Date Signed and Payee Signature present?
  10. Select Employment and Payment.
    1. Select either Award or Agreement, depending on what applies to this Payee.
      ๐Ÿ‘‰ If Award is selected, select the Modern Award Drop Down Menu to view a list of previously added Awards to choose the most appropriate option.
      ๐Ÿ‘‰ If Agreement is selected, select the Agreement Name Drop Down Menu to view a list of previously added Agreements to choose the most appropriate option.
    2. Enter the Payee's Job Title, which may differ from the Classification.
    3. Change the Pay Period, if required.
    4. Change the OTE Hours Per Week*Rate per Hour* or Annual Salary (Excluding SG)* as required.
    5. Enter or select the Payee's Commenced Date.
    6. If required, select Cost Centres and select the defaults as required.
    7. If required,  select All Purpose Allowance and add the relevant allowances per the Payees Award.
    8. Navigate to Pay Template.

      1. Select the relevant Pay Types required for this Payee. For example, if the Payee is a Casual, we recommend adding Casual Loading (OTE). If Advanced Pay Template is selected, amend the Quantity and/or Rate, if required.

      2. Select Add.
        ๐ŸŽฏ To be able to select Salary Sacrifice (to Super Fund, OTE) and After Tax Superannuation Contribution in Pay Template, the Payee's Personal Superannuation Contribution Details must be entered.

    9. Navigate to Payment Method and select the appropriate option. If EFT or FAST-Bank is selected,
      1. Select the Dollar or Percent Icon and enter the relevant amount. If the bank account does not have a defined amount, select the Balance Icon. 
      2. Enter the Payees BSB, Account Number, Account Name & Reference.
      3. Then select add to add the account. Repeat the above steps until all accounts are added. 
        1. If the Payee has advised that they have
          1. One Bank Account, select Percent and enter 100.00.
          2. Multiple Bank Accounts,
            1. All with a set dollar value (except the Balance), select Dollar and enter the dollar value. With this option, please ensure a bank account is added where Balance is selected so that the remaining pay goes into another account.
            2. All with set percentage values (except the Balance), select Percent and enter the percentage value. With this option, please ensure a bank account is added where Balance is selected so that the remaining pay goes into another account.
            3. With a combination of % and $, refer to Payees with bank accounts that have a combination of dollar and percentage values.     
  11. If required, select Deduction Banking and Repayments to add any deductions that must be repaid or disbursed with the FAST-Bank File.
  12. Select Superannuation Rules and Fund Details.
    1. Select either Under 18 Employer SG Rule and/or Domestic or Private Worker Employer SG Rule, if required which are only available when Pay Period = Weekly.
  13. Navigate to Superannuation Fund Details
    1. Within Employer SG Contributions,
      1. Select the Superannuation Fund and enter the Member Number
      2. Change the amount ($ or %) or Enter the Minimum and/or Maximum Contribution amount if required.
    2. Within Additional Contributions (RESC), which only applies If the Payee receives additional contributions as part of an employee's individual salary package (which equates to more than the Mandatory Employer Superannuation Amount, presently 11.50%.
      1. Select Use Employer SG Contribution Details? If the Additional Contributions (RESC) are being paid to the same Superannuation Fund as Employer SG Contributions.
      2. Otherwise, select the Superannuation Fund then enter the Member Number and amount ($ or %).
    3. Within Employee Contributions (before/after PAYGW), which only applies if the Payee is contributing to their Superannuation Fund either before or after PAYGW is calculated.
      1. Select Use Employer SG Contribution Details? If the Additional Contributions (RESC) are being paid to the same Superannuation Fund as Employer SG Contributions.
      2. Otherwise, select the Superannuation Fund and enter the Member Number.
  14. Select Leave Entitlements and Balances.
    ๐ŸŽฏ The Accrual Rules are automatically imported from the Award or Agreement the Payee is assigned based on the Payees' Employment Basis for all Leave Types. If required, the rules can be amended by selecting Edit within the relevant section.
    1. In Annual Leave, if required; 
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Weeks and Which accrues.
      3. Select Entitled to Leave Loading and enter the relevant percentage.
      4. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    2. In Sick and Carer's Leave, if required; 
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Days and Which accrues.
      3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    3. In Long Service Leave, if required;
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Weeks, Years and Which accrues.
      3. Select  Portable Long Service Leave, enter the relevant member Number and select the Community Service Type (if applicable).
      4. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    4. In Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL), if required;
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Days.
      3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
    5. In Time Off In Lieu, if required, enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution then 
    6. In Rostered Days Off if required; 
      1. Change the Commencing From Date.
      2. Select Edit to change Days and Which accrues.
      3. Enter the Opening Balance from your previous payroll solution.
  15. Select Save unless you have chosen to enter Opening Taxation Balances. In this case, please refer to Enter Opening Taxation Balances for a specific Payee.
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