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IMPORTANT UPDATE: The e-PayDay Go Payroll App has changed to
Home > Pay Day > Pay Day FAQ's > Post the Pay Run and Notify the ATO (Step 7 of Pay Day)
Post the Pay Run and Notify the ATO (Step 7 of Pay Day)
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Post the Pay Run and Notify the ATO (Step 7 of Pay Day)

šŸŽÆAs e-PayDay Go is connected to the ATO using a Sending Service Provider (SSP), your connection will be established upon sending your first submission.Ā The SSP we use is SuperChoice.


  1. SelectĀ Notify ATO.
  2. SelectĀ I am notifying the ATO that:
  3. Update theĀ Declarer Name, if required;
    šŸ‘‰ If theĀ Pay Day is in the past AlertĀ is displayed; either change theĀ Pay Run Type to MissedĀ ORĀ Change the Pay Run Pay Day.
    šŸ‘‰ If theĀ Previous BMS ID AlertĀ is displayed,Ā please exit the Pay RunĀ and refer to eitherĀ Remove the Organisations Previous BMS IDĀ ORĀ Send an Update Event to the ATO.
  4. To view a copy of the Payevnt before it is sent to the ATO, selectĀ Preview STP File.
  5. Otherwise, selectĀ Post Pay Run and Notify ATO.
  6. The following window will be displayed once your submission has been validated and sent to the ATO.
šŸŽÆĀ If any other alerts are displayed, pleaseĀ Request Support and include a copy of what is displayed to you.


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