Dec 17, 2024
🎯 The ATO has provided a list of payments that are ordinary time earnings, which we have pre-defined within the below Pay Types
🎯 Superannuation Liability is now reported separately under Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 as:
🎯 Superannuation Liability is now reported separately under Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 as:
L (Super Liability): The total Employer Superannuation Liability, which is presently 11.00% of Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE)
O (Ordinary Time Earnings): The total Ordinary time earnings (OTE) based on the below list
R (RESC): The total Reportable Employer Superannuation, which is based on Deductions that are considered to be Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation and the Reportable Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (RESC) % or $ in the Payee Master File.
Bonuses and Commissions
Back Payments
- Alternative Duties (Workers Compensation) (Incorrect Hours)
- Alternative Duties (Workers Compensation) (Incorrect Rate)
- Annual Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Hours)
- Annual Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Rate)
- Bonus (Incorrect Hours or Rate)
- Breach of Meal Break (Incorrect Hours)
- Breach of Meal Break (Incorrect Rate)
- Breach of Rest Break between Shifts (Incorrect Hours)
- Breach of Rest Break between Shifts (Incorrect Rate)
- Casual Loading (OTE, Incorrect Hours or Rate)
- Commission (Incorrect Hours or Rate)
- Leave Loading (Cashed Out, OTE) (Incorrect Hours or Rate)
- Leave Loading (Incorrect Hours or Rate, OTE)
- Long Service Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Hours)
- Long Service Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Rate)
- Long Service Leave (Incorrect Hours)
- Long Service Leave (Incorrect Rate)
- Ordinary Time (Incorrect Hours)
- Ordinary Time (Incorrect Rate)
- Public Holiday (Taken) (Incorrect Hours)
- Public Holiday (Taken) (Incorrect Rate)
- Public Holiday (Worked) (Incorrect Hours)
- Public Holiday (Worked) (Incorrect Rate)
- Return to Work (Incorrect Hours or Rate)
- Shift Penalty (Incorrect Hours or Rate)
- Sick and Carer's Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Hours)
- Sick and Carer's Leave (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Rate)
- Sick and Carer's Leave (Incorrect Hours)
- Sick and Carer's Leave (Incorrect Rate)
- Sleepover or 24-hour care (Incorrect Hours or Rate)
- Time Off In Lieu (Taken) (Incorrect Hours)
- Time Off In Lieu (Taken) (Incorrect Rate)
- Training (Ordinary Time) (Incorrect Hours)
- Training (Ordinary Time) (Incorrect Rate)
- Travel (Ordinary Time) (Incorrect Hours)
- Travel (Ordinary Time) (Incorrect Rate)
- Unpaid Annual Leave (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Bonus (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Breach of Meal Break (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Breach of Rest Break between Shifts (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Casual Loading (OTE, Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Commission (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Directors' Fees (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Leave Loading (OTE) (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Long Service Leave (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Ordinary Time (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Public Holiday (Taken) (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Public Holiday (Worked) (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Return to Work (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Shift Penalty (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Sick & Carer's Leave (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Sleepover or 24-hour care (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Time Off In Lieu (Taken) (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Training (Ordinary Time) (Death Benefit)
- Unpaid Travel (Ordinary Time) (Death Benefit)