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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Add a Superannuation Fund
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  1. Select Superannuation from the side menu.
  2. Select Superannuation Funds.
  3. Select Add a Fund.
  4. Either Search Funds by (ABN, Name or USI) or manually enter the Superannuation Fund's Australian Business Number (ABN), Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) or Electronic Service Address (ESA) Fund Name and Product Name.
  5. Select Payment Method
  6. The Superannuation Fund Generated Employer Identifier is only required if you add a Self Manager Superannuation Fund (SMSF) and QuickSuper is selected in SuperStream within the Organisation.
    👉 If required, change the Payment Method.
    👉 If Direct Credit is selected, enter the Superannuation Fund's BSBAccount Number and Account Name, then select Save.
    👉 If BPay is selected, enter the Superannuation Fund's BPay Biller Code and Customer Reference Number (CRN), then select Save.
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