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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Home > e-PayDay Go > Superannuation > Superannuation Funds FAQ's > Use Search while adding a Superannuation Fund
Use Search while adding a Superannuation Fund
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🎯 We are aware of an issue where the Fund Product cannot be chosen if Next is selected when using Search Funds (ABN, Name or USI), which is due to be resolved in Version 1.20. In the meantime, please Search by entering the Fund Name, and rather than selecting Next, please select Fund Products.


When adding the new Superannuation Fund, enter the information you want to locate in Search Funds (ABN, Name or USI).


Then, select Search.

Choose the required fund from the list.


Select Fund Products.


Choose the relevant Superannuation Fund Product.


Select Select.

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