Jul 29, 2024
🎯 Due to the significant differences between STP Phase 1 and 2 Reporting, DO NOT migrate YTD Taxation Balances if you are migrating from an STP Phase 1 Payroll Solution.
🎯 DO NOT migrate YTD Taxation Balances from e-PayDay® Legacy as it is an STP Phase 1 solution.
🎯 If you are migrating from e-PayDay Legacy, please refer to Migrate your information from e-PayDay Legacy (Desktop, Hosted or FREEPAY) instead of the below.
Once you have completed STEP 1 - Sign Up and start using e-PayDay Go, a NEW BMS ID is automatically assigned to your Organisation in STP Reporting.
When migrating from an STP Phase 1 solution, you can either allow e-PayDay Go to automatically assign a new STP Payee ID or enter your own when adding your Payees.
When migrating from an STP Phase 2 solution, you can either;
- Finalise the Payees Year To Date Taxation Balances in your previous payroll. In this case, refer to migrating from an STP Phase 1 solution above.
- Migrate the Payees Year To Date Taxation Balances in your previous payroll. In this case;
- Enter the BMS ID from your previous payroll in Previous BMS ID.
- Refer to Add a Payee with YTD Taxation Balances from your previous STP Phase 2 Payroll System.