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IMPORTANT UPDATE: The e-PayDay Go Payroll App has changed to
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Pay Day
Pay Day FAQ's
Pay Day FAQ's
Commonly asked questions about Pay Day (Pay Run) within e-PayDay Go.
Change the Pay Day Date for a specific Pay Run
Change the Pay Run Type to Missed
Commence a New Pay Run
Compose the Pay for each Payee in Process (Step 3 of Pay Day)
Continue processing a Pay Run
Correct the information included in an STP Submission
Create the Banking (ABA) File in FAST-Bank (Step 5 of Pay Day)
Delete a Pay Run
Edit the Pay Run Details
Email the Pay Slip to a specific Payee
Generate Reports (Step 4 of Pay Day)
Generate the Pay Advice Slips in Pay Slips (Step 6 of Pay Day)
Hide the description displayed in the Pay Run Navigation Menu
Navigate between Payees within Process (Step 3 of Pay Day)
Pay Periods Processed in Advance (e.g., Closed for Christmas Period)
Post the Pay Run and Notify the ATO (Step 7 of Pay Day)
Recipients are not receiving Pay Advices by email
Re-create the Banking (ABA) File in FAST-Bank (Step 5 of Pay Day)
Remove the required Payees in Payees (Step 2 of Pay Day)
Select the required Payees in Payees (Step 2 of Pay Day)
View additional information about the Pay Run / YTD Totals
View a Pay Run