The Payee Master File contains all the information needed to process payments to your payees. Everything is retained in one file, including multiple Tax Treatments, Income Streams, and YTD information.
The Payee Master File is accessible when adding, editing or viewing a Payee and contains the following sections;
- General Tab
- Personal Details
e-Personnel (HR), which contains Emergency Contacts, Comments and Document Management (Files).
- Taxation and Medicare, which contains Taxation, Medicare, Payroll Tax and Beneficiary
- Employment and Payment, which contains Employment, Payment, e-Cost (Cost Centres), All Purpose Allowance, Pay Template, Ordinary Hours (e-Time), Payment Method and Variable Deduction Banking and Repayments
- Superannuation Rules and Fund Details, which contains Superannuation Rules and Fund Details
- Leave Entitlements and Balances which contains Annual Leave, Sick & Carer's Leave, Long Service Leave, Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL), Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) and Rostered Days Off (RDO)
- Taxation Balances Tab
- Reportable Fringe Benefits Tab
Personal Details
Payee Photo: enables you to Upload (Add) or Delete the image of the Payee.
Time Clock ID: enables you to enter the Unique Payee Identifier from your Time and Attendance solution, which is typically alphanumeric (Aa - Zz, 0 - 9).
Payee Code: is a unique, alphanumeric Payee identification (typically Aa - Zz, 0 - 9).
Tax File Number (TFN): A unique Identifying number assigned to a taxpayer by tax authorities OR an Exemption Tax File Number if the taxpayer has not received their TFN. The Payees Tax File Number can be changed by selecting edit.
STP Payee ID: Unique Payee Identifier which may differ from the Payee Code. Typically alphanumeric (Aa - Zz, 0 - 9).
Residency for Taxation Purposes: enables you to select the option selected on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
STP Previous Payee Payroll ID: Unique Payee Identifier from your previous payroll system.
First Name: Name provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
Gender: as provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
Other Name: Name provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
Birthdate: enables you to select or enter the Day, Month and Year the Payee was born as provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
Family Name: Name provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
Alternate Name: enables you to enter a nickname or known by name for the Payee.
Address: including Suburb/Town, State, Post Code and Country. The physical location the Payee lives as provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
Visa, Expiry and Country: Only STP Reported when Residency for Taxation Purposes is Working Holiday Maker and allows you to store the Visa Number, Expiry Date and Country of Origin.
Email: Electronic Mail Address for Pay Slips and newsletters as provided on the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
Phone: Telephone Contact Number.
e-Personnel (HR)
e-Personnel (HR) consists of three sections;
Emergency Contacts.
Name: allows you to enter the Name of the Emergency Contact for this Payee.
Relationship: allows you to select the Emergency Contacts Relationship with the Payee.
Phone: allows you to enter the Phone Number for the Emergency Contact.
Selecting the Plus (Add) button, adds the Emergency Contact to the Table.
Selecting the Minus (Delete) button, removes the Emergency Contact from the Table.
👉 If the Emergency Contact has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Save is selected.
Date & Time: allows you to select or enter the date and time relevant to the comment.
Reminder: allows you to select if you want this Comment displayed in Reminders on the Dashboard.
Comment: allows you to enter the details of the information you would like to store.
Selecting the Plus (Add) button adds the Comment to the Table.
Selecting the Pencil (Edit) button displays the Edit a Payee Comment Alert (Modal), allowing you to change the Date & Time, Reminder Status, and Comment Text.
Selecting the Trash Can (Delete) button removes the Comment from the Table.
👉 If Delete was selected and this record has been previously saved, selecting Undo will not remove the record when Save is selected.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allow you to select how many Comments you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of Comments.
Document Management (Files).
Choose File: allows you to select the file or document you want to upload. Upload lets you add the file or document to the Payee Master File.
The File/Document List: lets you view, download and delete previously uploaded files or documents.
Show X entries: allow you to select how many files or documents you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls: allow you to navigate between the pages of files or documents.
Taxation and Medicare
Taxation and Medicare contains four sections;
Tax Treatment is based on the Payees Residency for Taxation Purposes and Tax File Number;
- Regular is applicable when the Payee is An Australian resident for tax purposes, has provided a valid Tax File Number or using a relevant Exemption Tax File Number per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
- Seniors and Pensioners is applicable when the Payee is An Australian resident for tax purposes, has provided a valid Tax File Number or using a relevant Exemption Tax File Number per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092), and confirmed they are a Senior/Pensioner by completing either the Withholding Declaration (NAT 3093) or Withholding declaration – short version for Seniors and Pensioners (NAT 5072).
- No TFN is applicable when the Payee is either An Australian resident for tax purposes or A Foreign resident for tax purposes and is using Exemption Tax File Number 000-000-000 as they have not provided a Tax File Number within the relevant timeframe per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
- Working Holiday Maker is applicable when the Payee is a Working Holiday Maker and has provided a valid Tax File Number or using a relevant Exemption Tax File Number per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
- Foreign Resident applies when the Payee is a Foreign resident for tax purposes and has provided a valid Tax File Number or using a relevant Exemption Tax File Number per the Tax File Number Declaration (NAT 3092).
- Horticulturists and Shearers applies when the Payee is hired in the horticultural or shearing industry.
- Seasonal Worker Programme applies when the Payee is hired under the Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme.
🎯 Tax Treatment is set to Regular and disabled if TFN Exemption Code 333-333-333 is entered.
🎯 Tax Treatment is set to Seniors and Pensioners and disabled if TFN Exemption Code 444-444-444 is entered.
Tax Treatment Code is disabled and automatically generates a unique Identifier based on the ATO's requirements, which determines the applicable ATO Taxation Schedule for the appropriate Pay Rates, Allowances and Deductions.
👉 If the first and second identifiers are;
- RN: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1 - Tax Scale 1 (NAT 1004).
- RT: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1 - Tax Scale 2 (NAT 1004) unless the fifth identifier is H or F OR the TFN Exemption Code 333-333-333 is entered.
- If the TFN Exemption Code 333-333-333 is entered, PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 2, TFN 333-333-333 (NAT 1004).
- SS: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Single (NAT 4466) unless the fifth identifier is H or F.
- SI: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (NAT 4466) unless the fifth identifier is H or F.
- SM: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (NAT 4466) unless the fifth identifier is H or F.
- FF: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1, Scale 3 (NAT 1004).
- NA: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1, Scale 4 (NAT 1004).
- NF: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1, Scale 4 (NAT 1004).
- HR: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 15.
- HU: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1, Scale 3 (NAT 1004).
- HF: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1, Scale 4 (NAT 1004).
- WP: PAYGW is calculated per Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme.
- CT: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 2 – Tax table for individuals employed in the horticultural or shearing industry (NAT 1013).
- CF: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 2 – Tax table for individuals employed in the horticultural or shearing industry (NAT 1013).
👉 If the third identifier is S;
- Schedule 8 - Tax-free threshold claimed or foreign resident (NAT 3539) is applicable if the second identifier is T.
- Schedule 8 - No tax-free threshold claimed (NAT 3539) is applicable if the second identifier is N.
👉 If the fifth identifier is;
- F: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1 - Tax Scale 5 (NAT 1004) is applicable of the first identifier is R.
- F: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) if the second identifier is I.
- F: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) if the second identifier is M.
- F: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Single (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) if the second identifier is S.
- H: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 1 - Tax Scale 6 (NAT 1004) is applicable of the first identifier is R.
- H: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) if the second identifier is I.
- H: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) if the second identifier is M.
- H: PAYGW is calculated per Schedule 9 – Single (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466) if the second identifier is S.
👉 If the sixth identifier is 0 - 9 or A;
- Schedule 1 - Medicare Levy Parameters is applicable of the first identifier is R.
- Schedule 9 - Medicare Levy Parameters is applicable of the first identifier is S.
Income Stream defaults to Salary and Wages and allows you to select Closely Held Payee if required (an individual directly related to the entity from which they receive payment).
Income Stream is DISABLED and set to Seasonal Worker Programme, Working Holiday Maker to Horticulturists and Shearers per the ATO's Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 requirements.
Add to Tax allows you to define the set dollar amount or the percentage of the Total Gross to be added to PAYGW in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run).
Tax Free Threshold assists in determining the applicable Tax Scale under Schedule 1. This is disabled when Tax Treatment is set to Seniors and Pensioners.
Student and Training Support Loans (STSL) defines that the Payee has returned the relevant documentation to advise they are repaying a Student and Training Support Loan.
🎯 Tax Free Threshold is disabled if;
- TFN Exemption Code 333-333-333 is entered, or
- Tax Treatment is set to Seniors and Pensioners, Foreign Resident, Working Holiday Maker, Horticulturists and Shearers or Seasonal Worker Programme.
🎯 Student and Training Support Loans (STSL) is disabled if;
- TFN Exemption Code 333-333-333 is entered, or
- Tax Treatment is set to Working Holiday Maker, Horticulturists and Shearers or Seasonal Worker Programme.
🎯 Tax Free Threshold and Student and Training Support Loans (STSL) are hidden when Tax Treatment is set to No TFN.
Employment Basis is based on the Payees' regularity of work and entitlement to Leave.
Date Signed and Payee Signature Present? indicate the date the Payee signed and returned the physical Tax File Number Declaration to you.
🎯 Medicare is only available for Tax Treatments Regular and Seniors and Pensioners.
Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) is applicable when the Payee, their spouse and dependent children do not have an appropriate level of private patient hospital cover and earn above a certain income.
🎯 Medicare Levy Exemption (MLE) and Medicare Levy Reduction (MLR) are disabled if Tax Free Threshold is not selected or Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) is selected.
Medicare Levy Exemption is applicable when the Payee is claiming an exemption from paying the Medicare Levy due to a Medical exemption, the number of Dependants they maintain, being a Foreign resident or not being entitled to Medicare benefits.
🎯 Medicare Levy Exemption (MLE) is disabled if Tax Free Threshold is not selected.
🎯 Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) is disabled if Medicare Levy Exemption (MLE) is selected.
🎯 Medicare Levy Reduction (MLR) is disabled if Medicare Levy Exemption (MLE) is set to Full.
Medicare Levy Reduction is applicable when the Payees' or families' taxable income is below a certain threshold.
🎯 Medicare Levy Reduction (MLR) is disabled if Tax Free Threshold is not selected.
🎯 Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) is disabled if Medicare Levy Reduction (MLR) is selected.
Payroll Tax
State/Territory (Payroll Tax): allows you to select the State or Territory the wages paid to this Payee must be reported to in the Payroll Tax (SRO) Report.
Assign Prior Pay Runs: enables you to change the State/Territory assigned to the current Pay Runs to the option selected in State/Territory (Payroll Tax).
👉 If pay runs can be changed, the Reassign State/Territory (Payroll Tax) Details On Prior Pay Runs Alert (Modal) is displayed.
👉 If no pay runs can be changed, the Unable To Assign State/Territory (Payroll Tax) To Prior Pay Runs Alert (Modal) is displayed.
Apprentice / Trainee: enables you to select if this Payee is an Apprentice or Trainee for Payroll Tax Purposes.
🎯 Beneficiary is used when the Payee has passed away, where payment is required to their beneficiary.
Type of Beneficiary: defines the person or entity your Payee has named in their will or insurance policy to receive the death benefit payment.
STP Payee Payroll ID: Unique Payee Identifier which may differ from the Payee Code. Typically alphanumeric (Aa - Zz, 0 - 9).
Beneficiary TFN: Unique Identifying Number assigned to the Beneficiary by tax authorities OR an Exemption Number (Trustee ONLY) if the Beneficiary has not provided their TFN.
Tax Treatment: Tax Treatment assigned within the Beneficiary.
Tax Treatment Code: Tax Treatment Code assigned within the Beneficiary.
Employment Basis: Employment Basis within the Beneficiary.
Birthdate: Day, Month and Year the Beneficiary was born.
Commenced: is used to define the date the Payee/Payer relationship began.
First Name: Name provided to the Beneficiary at birth OR Part of the Legal Entity Name (Trustee).
Family Name: Name provided to the Beneficiary at birth OR Part of the Legal Entity Name (Trustee).
Address: including Suburb/Town, State, Post Code and Country: The physical location of the Beneficiary.
Email: Electronic Mail Address for the Beneficiary.
Phone: Telephone Contact Number of the Beneficiary.
Employment and Payment
Employment and Payment contains the following sections;
- Employment.
- Payment.
- e-Cost (Cost Centres).
- All Purpose Allowance.
- Pay Template.
- Ordinary Hours (e-Time).
- Payment Method.
- Variable Deduction Banking and Repayments.
The Award and Agreement Radio buttons allow you to select whether an Award or Agreement suits this Payee's Employment.
When Award is selected, Modern Award allows you to select from the list of Awards you have previously added in Awards/Agreements.
When Agreement is selected, Agreement Name allows you to select from the list of Agreements you have previously added in Awards/Agreements.
🎯 The ability to assign a Payee to multiple Awards or Agreements and will be available in a future release.
Underpinning Award: is displayed when Agreement is selected and displays the Award the Agreement is based on.
Classification: defines the Payee's Level under the respective Award or Agreement.
Job Title: defines the Payee's Job Title under the respective Award or Agreement.
Commenced: allows you to define the date the Payee/Payer relationship began.
Cessation Date: allows you to define the date the Payee/Payer relationship ended. In the case of a Deceased Payee, this is the date they passed away.
Cessation Reason: is displayed once a Cessation Date has been entered wing you to define why the Payee/Payer relationship ended.
Pay Period: defines how frequently the Payee will be paid.
OTE Hours Per Week: is prefilled based on the Award or Agreement assigned to the Payee. However, it can be amended as required. This field allows you to define the Average or Defined hours as per the Payee's signed Payee's Employment Contract.
Days Per Week: is prefilled based on the Award or Agreement assigned to the Payee. However, it can be amended as required. This field allows you to define the Average or Defined Days Per Week as per the Payee's signed Payee's Employment Contract.
Hours Per Day: is dynamically calculated based on the OTE Hours Per Week divided by the Days Per Week.
Rate Per Hour: is prefilled based on the Award or Agreement assigned to the Payee. However, it can be amended as required. This field allows you to define the OTE Hourly Rate as per the Payee's signed Payee's Employment Contract.
Salary (Excluding SG): is dynamically calculated based on the Rate Per Hour multiplied by the OTE Hours Per Week, the total then being multiplied by the organisation Weeks Per Year setting. This field allows you to define the Annual Salary exclusive of Employer Superannuation as per the Payee's signed Employment Contract.
The Tool Tip next to Salary (Excluding SG) explains how the calculation is performed.
Per Week (estimate): is dynamically calculated based on the OTE Hours Per Week multiplied by the Rate Per Hour.
Last Payment Date: displays the Pay Day date of the last pay run this Payee was included in.
Period: displays the Pay Period ID of the last pay run this Payee was included in.
On Leave Until: displays the To Date entered in Process for the appropriate Leave Pay Types.
Calculated Salary: allows you to select whether this should be shown on the Pay Advice Slip and change the label and amount displayed.
e-Cost (Cost Centres)
Paid By (FAST-Bank): allows you to select which Cost Centre's FAST-Bank File the Payee will be included in. This option is disabled when either the Organisation Payment Method is not set to FAST-Bank, OR there are no Primary or Secondary Cost Centres that this Payee is assigned to which contain Banking Details.
Default Cost Centre (Hours Allocation): requires you to select which Cost Centre all hours should be assigned to by default when the Cost Centre Alert (Modal) is opened in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run).
Default Pay Location / Department: allows you to select which Pay Location / Department the Payee will be included in for Reports. This option is disabled when there are no Cost Centres with the Pay Location / Department setting selected.
Assign Prior Pay Runs: allows you to change the Pay Location / Department Assignment for prior pay runs to update the Reports. If no transactions can be updated the Unable To assign Pay Location / Department To Prior Pay Runs Alert (Modal) will be displayed. Otherwise, the Reassign Pay Location / Department Details On Prior Pay Runs Alert (Modal) is displayed.
All Purpose Allowance
All Purpose Allowance allows you to select which Allowances are components of the All Purpose Allowance applicable to this Payee. These Allowances are also loaded into Process, the same as Pay Template.
How does the All Purpose Allowance Calculation work?
👉 If the An All Purpose Allowance is applicable checkbox is selected within a Pay Rate, and the Rate Per Hour is set to a percentage value (%), the Rate Per Hour is dynamically calculated based on the following calculation;
OTE Hours Per Week * Rate Per Hour as set in Employment within the Payee Master File plus the total of all Allowances assigned in All Purpose Allowance, multiplied by the percentage for the selected Pay Rate.
As an example, Time and a Half is required to be paid, and the An All Purpose Allowance is applicable checkbox has been selected within the Pay Rate.
OTE Hours Per Week within the Payee Master File is 38.00
Rate Per Hour within the Payee Master File is $22.1079
The Supplemental Allowance is $33.28 Lump Sum
The Tools Allowance is $20.02 Lump Sum
The Travel Allowance is $0.79 per Hour * 38 Hours = $30.02
Based on the above, the Rate Per Hour for Time and Half is;
((22.1079 x 38) + 33.28 + 20.02 + 30.02) / 38 = $24.3005
$24.3005 * 150.00 % = $36.45
Allowance allows you to select which Allowances are the All Purpose Allowance components and need to be pre-loaded within Process for the required Payee. Once the Allowance has been selected, the Quantity and Rate can be amended as necessary.
Add allows you to add the new Allowance.
Delete allows you to delete the selected Allowance once Save is selected.
👉 If the Allowance has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Save is selected.
Pay Template
Basic Pay Template
Within the Basic Pay Template, Payment Type allows you to select which Pay Rate, Allowance, or Deduction needs to be pre-loaded within Process for the required Payee.
Add allows you to add the new Pay Type.
Delete allows you to delete the selected Pay Type once Save is selected.
👉 If the Pay Type has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Save is selected.
Advanced Pay Template
Within the Advanced Pay Template, Payment Type allows you to select which Pay Rates, Allowances and/or Deductions need to be pre-loaded within Process for the required Payee. Once the Pay Type has been selected, the Quantity and Rate can be amended as required.
Add allows you to add the new Pay Type.
Delete allows you to delete the selected Pay Type once Save is selected.
👉 If the Pay Type has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Save is selected.
Ordinary Hours (e-Time)
Shift Start: enables you to define the time the shift commences (e.g., 9:00 am).
Break Start: enabled you to define the time the unpaid break commences (e.g., 1:00 pm).
Unpaid Break: enables you to define unpaid breaks' length of time.
Shift Finish: enables you to define the time the shift is completed (e.g., 5:00 pm).
Days: enable you to select what days the time block applies to (e.g., Monday and Wednesday).
Pay Rates/Allowances: displays the Pay Rates and/or Allowances been have been assigned to the Time Block.
The Horizontal Ellipsis: button enables the Pay Rates/Allowances (e-Time) Alert (Modal) to be displayed.
The Add button enables you to add the Shift Profile.
The Delete button enables you to delete the Shift Profile.
👉 If the Shift Profile has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Ok is selected.
Payment Method
Payment Method allows you to select Cash, EFT or FAST-Bank.
👉 If Payment Method = EFT or FAST-Bank.
Order: allows you to re-organise the Payees bank account/s.
Amount: allows you to define the amount (dollar or percentage) disbursed to the selected bank account. Select Balance for an account with no defined value.
🎯 If an account exists with an amount of 100.00% and a new Bank Account is added, the amount for the existing account will be reduced.
🎯 At this stage, Bank Accounts cannot be a combination of % and $. All Bank accounts must be set to one of those options.
🎯 If all bank accounts have a set dollar amount and the TOTAL NET is LESS than what is defined in Banking, payments will be disbursed in order, ignoring any accounts that cannot be used.
Example - The Payee's Net Pay is $500.00, and there are 3 Bank Accounts established. The First Account is set to $400.00, the second account is set to $300.00, and the third account for the balance.
As $400.00 is paid to the first account, only $100.00 of the Net Pay remains.
As ONLY $100.00 remains, this is transferred into the second account, and the third account is ignored.
🎯 If all bank accounts have a set dollar amount and the TOTAL NET is MORE than what is defined in Banking, payments will be disbursed in order, with the 'overpayment' being paid into the last account.
Example - The Payee's Net Pay is $1,000.00, and there are 2 Bank Accounts established. The First Account is set to $400.00, and the second account is set to $300.00.
As $400.00 is paid to the first account, $600.00 of the Net Pay remains.
As $600.00 remains, this is paid into the second account., rather than $300.00 as defined, otherwise the payee would be underpaid.
BSB: allows you to enter the Bank, State, Branch (BSB) Code for the required bank account.
Code: displays the 3-letter code associated with the BSB entered.
Account Number: allows you to enter the Account Number for the required bank account.
Account Name: allows you to enter the Account Name for the required bank account.
Reference: allows you to enter the reference to display on the Payees Bank statement.
Add: allows you to add the new Bank Account.
Delete: allows you to delete the selected Bank Account once Save is selected.
👉 If the Account has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Save is selected.
Variable Deduction Banking and Repayments
🎯 Deductions in the Pay Template, Deduction Banking, and Repayments are included in the Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) as defined in the Payee Master File.
Additionally, for Deductions in Deduction Banking and Repayments;
- The payment is included in the FAST-Bank File if banking details are defined.
- If a Total Due Amount has been entered, the deduction amount;
- It will be reduced if it is more than the remaining balance.
- They will cease to be included in Process (Step 3 of the Pay Run) when they have repaid the amount in full.
Current: allows you to view or edit the Current Deduction ONLY.
Completed: allows you to view the Transactions which have been repaid in full.
All: allows you to view the Completed Transactions and View or Edit the current Transactions.
Select Deduction allows you to select any Deduction with Available in Deduction Banking and Repayments selected that has not been used previously for this Payee.
Amount: is prefilled based on the value set in the Deduction, and can be amended as required.
Total Due: allows you to enter the amount that needs to be repaid.
Total Paid: allows you to enter any amount that has not been recorded in e-PayDay Go and track the repayment made within e-PayDay Go.
BSB: allows you to enter the Bank, State, Branch (BSB) Code for the required bank account.
Account Number: allows you to enter the Account Number for the required bank account.
Account Name: allows you to enter the Account Name for the required bank account.
Reference: allows you to enter the reference to display on your Brank Statement and the Payees Pay Advice Slip.
Add: allows you to add the new Deduction Banking and Repayment Transaction.
Delete: allows you to delete the selected Deduction once Save is selected.
👉 If the Deduction has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The account will not be deleted until Save is selected.
Superannuation Rules and Fund Details
Superannuation Rules and Fund Details contains the following sections,
Superannuation Rules
Under 18 Employer SG Rule allows you to select if the Payee is entitled to Employer SG per Employees aged under 18.
Domestic or Private Worker Employer SG Rule allows you to select if the Payee is entitled to Employer SG per Domestic or Private Workers.
🎯 Due to the calculation requirements, the Under 18 Employer SG Rule and Domestic or Private Worker Employer SG Rule can only be selected if Pay Period = Weekly for the initial release. Further guidance is being sought regarding how this rule applies to Payees paid in a different Pay Period (e.g., Fortnightly).
Maximum Contribution Base Rule allows you to select if the Payee is entitled to Employer SG per Maximum super contribution.
🎯 The Maximum Contribution Base calculation has been implemented. Please see Maximum Superannuation Contribution Base Explained (Taxation).
Fund Details
🎯 Employer SG Contributions define the Superannuation Fund, Member Number and % or $ amount that the mandatory employer superannuation contributions are paid to on behalf of the Payee.
Assign Prior Pay Runs lets you update previous pay runs with the new values set in Employer SG Contributions (Superannuation Fund and Member Number).
Superannuation Fund displays the Payees selected Superannuation Fund.
Member Number stores the Payee's Unique Identifier for the Superannuation Fund.
$ or % is presently set to % and 11.50 per How much super to pay.
Minimum Contribution allows you to define the minimum Employer SG amount paid each Pay Period for this Payee.
Maximum Contribution allows you to define the maximum Employer SG amount paid each Pay Period for this Payee.
🎯 Additional Contributions (RESC) define the Superannuation Fund, Member Number and % or $ amount that reportable employer superannuation contributions are paid to on behalf of the Payee. This specifically relates to circumstances where the payee receives additional contributions as part of an employee's individual salary package (which equates to more than the Mandatory Employer Superannuation Amount, which is presently 11.50%.
Use Employer SG Contribution Details Copies the Superannuation Fund and Member Number from Employer SG Contributions into the same fields in Additional Contributions (RESC). These fields are then disabled so that accidental changes cannot be made.
Assign Prior Pay Runs lets you update previous pay runs with the new values set in Additional Contributions (RESC) (Superannuation Fund and Member Number).
Superannuation Fund displays the Payees selected Superannuation Fund.
Member Number stores the Payee's Unique Identifier for the Superannuation Fund.
$ or % stores the percentage of RESC that will accrue on Ordinary Time Earnings or the set dollar value they are entitled to each pay period.
🎯 Employee Contributions (before/after PAYGW) define the Superannuation Fund and Member Number that Salary Sacrifice (to Super Fund, OTE) and After Tax Superannuation Contributions are paid to on behalf of the Payee.
Use Employer SG Contribution Details to copy the Superannuation Fund and Member Number from Employer SG Contributions into the same fields in Employee Contributions (before/after PAYGW). These fields are then disabled so that accidental changes cannot be made.
Assign Prior Pay Runs lets you update previous pay runs with the new values set in Employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (Superannuation Fund and Member Number).
Superannuation Fund displays the Payees selected Superannuation Fund.
Member Number stores the Payee's Unique Identifier for the Superannuation Fund.
Leave Entitlements and Balances
Leave Entitlements and Balances contains the following sections;
- Annual Leave
- Sick & Carer's Leave
- Long Service Leave
- Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL)
- Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)
- Rostered Days Off (RDO)
Negative Leave Balances Alert (Modal) allows you to choose which leave types you do not be reminded of;
- Annual Leave
- Sick & Carer's Leave
- Long Service Leave
- Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL)
- Time Off In Lieu
- Rostered Days Off
Annual Leave
👉 If This Payee is entitled to Leave Loading is selected, change the value displayed if required to correctly calculate the outstanding Liability included in the Leave Liability Report.
Payees are entitled to 0.00 Weeks Annual Leave Per Year of Employment defines the number of Weeks Leave the Payee is entitled to for each year of Employment. This field is automatically imported from the Award or Agreement the Payee is assigned based on the Payee's Employment Basis. The rule can be changed or removed by selecting Edit.
Which accrues determines how Leave accrues, which is automatically imported from the Award or Agreement the Payee is assigned based on the Payee's Employment Basis. If required, the rule can be changed or removed by selecting Edit.
Per Hour (Pro Rata) - For each 'hour' the Payee works, the Leave Balance will increase by the value in Hourly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
Per Pay Period (Lump Sum) - Regardless of the Payee's work hours, the Leave balance will increase by the value in Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
on Anniversary of Commencement Date (Lump Sum) - When the Payee's Commencement Date is included in a pay run, the Leave balance will increase by the value outlined in Yearly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
The Information Icon will display the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
Commencing from defines the date Annual Leave commences accruing. This Date may be different from the Employment Commencement Date in the circumstance where the Payee began Employment as Casual.
Edit enables 0.00 Weeks and Which accrues, so they can be amended as required.
Opening Balance lets you enter the balance (in hours) the Payee has accrued from your previous payroll solution.
Accrued displays the accrued (in hours) leave balance since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken displays the teken leave balance (in hours) since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken YTD displays the taken Leave balance (in hours) in the current Financial Year.
Current Balance displays the total Leave balance (in hours) outstanding to the Payee.
The Information Icon will display the Leave Balances (in Days/Weeks) Alert (Modal).
Sick & Carer's Leave
Payees are entitled to 0.00 Days Sick & Carer's Leave Per Year of employment defines the number of Days leave the Payee is entitled to for each year of Employment. This field is automatically imported from the Award or Agreement the Payee is assigned based on the Payee's Employment Basis. The rule can be changed or removed by selecting Edit.
Which accrues determines how Leave accrues, which is automatically imported from the Award or Agreement the Payee is assigned based on the Payee's Employment Basis. If required, the rule can be changed or removed by selecting Edit.
Per Hour (Pro Rata) - For each 'hour' the Payee works, the Leave Balance will increase by the value in Hourly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
Per Pay Period (Lump Sum) - Regardless of the Payee's work hours, the Leave balance will increase by the value in Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
on Anniversary of Commencement Date (Lump Sum) - When the Payee's Commencement Date is included in a pay run, the Leave balance will increase by the value outlined in Yearly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
Per Annum, Limited to Yearly Entitlement (Anniversary of Commencement Date) - When the Payee's Commencement Date is included in a pay run, the Leave balance will increase/decrease to match the value in Yearly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
The Information Icon will display the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
Commencing from defines the date Annual Leave commences accruing. This Date may be different from the Employment Commencement Date in the circumstance where the Payee began Employment as Casual.
Edit enables 0.00 Days and Which accrues, so they can be amended as required.
Opening Balance lets you enter the balance (in hours) the Payee has accrued from your previous payroll solution.
Accrued displays the accrued (in hours) leave balance since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken displays the teken leave balance (in hours) since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken YTD displays the taken Leave balance (in hours) in the current Financial Year.
Current Balance displays the total Leave balance (in hours) outstanding to the Payee.
The Information Icon will display the Leave Balances (in Days/Weeks) Alert (Modal).
Long Service Leave
The Payee is entitled to 0.00 Weeks Long Service Leave after 0.00 Years of Service defines the years the Payee must work before they are entitled to the total number of Weeks Leave.
Which accrues determines how Long Service Leave accrues;
Per Hour (Pro Rata) - For each 'hour' the Payee works, the Leave Balance will increase by the value in Hourly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
Per Pay Period (Lump Sum) - Regardless of the Payee's work hours, the Leave balance will increase by the value in Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
on Anniversary of Commencement Date (Lump Sum) - When the Payee's Commencement Date is included in a pay run, the Leave balance will increase by the value outlined in Yearly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
The Information Icon will display the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal) if selected.
Commencing from defines the date Long Service Leave commences accruing.
Edit enables the following fields so they can be amended as required;
- 0.00 Weeks.
- 0.00 Years.
- Which accrues.
Portable Long Service Leave allows you to select if this Payee is gaining their Long Service Leave benefit from the Portable Long Service Leave Scheme due to working for multiple employers.
State/Territory allows you to select the State or Territory the Payee is performing working and is only required if Portable Long Service Leave is selected.
Registration Number allows you to enter the Registration Number and is only required if Portable Long Service Leave is selected.
Community Service Type allows you to select the Community Service Type and is only required if Portable Long Service Leave is selected and State/Territory is set to Queensland.
Assign Prior Pay Runs allows you to update previous pay runs with the new values set in Portable Long Service Leave (State/Territory, Registration Number and Community Service Type).
Opening Balance lets you enter the balance (in hours) the Payee has accrued from your previous payroll solution.
Accrued displays the accrued (in hours) leave balance since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken displays the teken leave balance (in hours) since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken YTD displays the taken Leave balance (in hours) in the current Financial Year.
Current Balance displays the total Leave balance (in hours) outstanding to the Payee.
Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL)
Payees are entitled to 0.00 Days Domestic Violence Leave Per Year of employment defines the number of days Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL) the Payee is entitled to for each year of Employment.
Which accrues determines how Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL) accrues. Based on the government's requirements, this field is hard-coded to on Anniversary of Commencement Date (Lump Sum) - When the Payee's Commencement Date is included in a pay run. Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL) will increase by the value outlined in Payees are entitled to 0.00 Days Domestic Violence Leave Per Year of employment.
The Information Icon will display the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal), if selected.
Commencing from defines the date Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave (PFDVL) commences accruing. This Date may be different from the Employment Commencement Date in the circumstance where the Payee began Employment as Casual.
Edit enables the following fields so they can be amended as required;
- 0.00 Days.
Opening Balance lets you enter the balance (in hours) the Payee has accrued from your previous payroll solution.
Accrued displays the accrued (in hours) leave balance since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken displays the teken leave balance (in hours) since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken YTD displays the taken Leave balance (in hours) in the current Financial Year.
Current Balance displays the total Leave balance (in hours) outstanding to the Payee.
Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)
🎯 Time Off In Lieu is applicable when there is a written agreement to allow overtime worked to be banked as Time Off In Lieu, allowing the Payee to take paid time off instead of being paid overtime pay.
Opening Balance lets you enter the current Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) the Payee has accrued from your previous payroll solution.
Accrued displays the total Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) accrued since using e-PayDay Go. Time Off In Lieu accrues by using the Time Off In Lieu (Banked) Pay Type in the Pay Run for the required Payee.
Taken displays the total Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) taken since using e-PayDay Go. Time Off In Lieu is reduced by using any of the following Pay Types in the Pay Run for the required Payee;
- Time Off In Lieu (Taken).
- Time Off In Lieu (Taken) (Incorrect Hours).
- Time Off In Lieu (Taken) (Incorrect Rate).
- Time Off In Lieu (Cashed Out).
- Time Off In Lieu (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Hours).
- Time Off In Lieu (Cashed Out) (Incorrect Rate).
- Unused Time Off In Lieu (Equal to or less than the Cap).
- Unused Time Off In Lieu (More than the Cap).
- Death Benefit Time Off In Lieu (Tax Free).
- Death Benefit Time Off In Lieu (Equal to or less than the Cap).
- Death Benefit Time Off In Lieu (More than the Cap).
Taken YTD displays the total Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) taken in the current Financial Year.
Current Balance displays the total Time Off In Lieu balance (in hours) outstanding to the Payee.
Rostered Days Off (RDO)
🎯 Rostered Days Off is applicable when there is a written agreement to allow ordinary time worked to be banked as Rostered Days Off, allowing the Payee to take paid time off instead of being paid ordinary time OR the Award/Agreement states the Payee is entitled to the Accrual (to accrue the same as Annual, Sick and Long Service Leave).
Payees are entitled to 0.00 Rostered Days Off Per Year of employment details the number of Rostered Days Off Per Year of employment the Payee is entitled to for each year of Employment.
Which accrues determines how Rostered Days Off accrues;
Per Hour (Pro Rata) - For each 'hour' the Payee works, the Leave Balance will increase by the value in Hourly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
Per Pay Period (Lump Sum) - Regardless of the Payee's work hours, the Leave balance will increase by the value in Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterlywithin the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
on Anniversary of Commencement Date (Lump Sum) - When the Payee's Commencement Date is included in a pay run. the Leave balance will increase by the value outlined in Yearly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
Per Annum, Limited to Yearly Entitlement (Anniversary of Commencement Date) - When the Payee's Commencement Date is included in a pay run. the Leave balance will increase/decrease to match the value in Yearly within the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal).
The Information Icon will display the Entitlement (In Hours) Alert (Modal), if selected.
Commencing from defines the date Rostered Days Off commences accruing. This Date may be different from the Employment Commencement Date in the circumstance where the Payee began Employment as Casual.
Edit enables the following fields so they can be amended as required;
- 0.00 Days.
- Which accrues.
Opening Balance lets you enter the balance (in hours) the Payee has accrued from your previous payroll solution.
Accrued displays the accrued (in hours) leave balance since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken displays the teken leave balance (in hours) since using e-PayDay Go.
Taken YTD displays the taken Leave balance (in hours) in the current Financial Year.
Current Balance displays the total Leave balance (in hours) outstanding to the Payee.
Taxation Balances
The Taxation Balances Tab consists of two sections;
The Financial Year Combo allows you to select the relevant Financial Year.
Final / Zero Event has been sent confirms if a Update Event (either EOFY or ZERO) has been sent to the ATO for the chosen Fiancial Year.
Year To Date
Year To Date displays the relevant totals based on the Pay Runs processed for the selected Payee. These amounts cannot be edited, and if an adjustment is required, we recommend following Correct the information included in an STP Submission. If the issue cannot be rectified in a Pay Run, please follow Enter the Opening Taxation Balances for a specific Payee instead. This section is broken down into several components;
- Tax Treatments and Income Streams, which contains Paid Leave, Allowances, Salary Sacrifice, Lump Sum and Employment Termination Payments.
- Deductions.
- Superannuation.
- Other Balances.
Tax Treatments and Income Streams
Tax Treatments and Income Streams will display the Tax Treatments and Income Streams this Payee has been paid.
Country is only visible for Working Holiday Maker and displays the Payee's previously selected VISA Country.
Gross Payments Total displays a dynamic calculation of all applicable Pay Rates included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
PAYGW Total displays a dynamic calculation of PAYGW calculated on all applicable Pay Rates and Allowances included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
🎯 PAYGW Total does not include PAYGW calculated on Employment Termination Payments (ETP's) as this is stored separately.
Bonuses and Commissions displays a dynamic calculation of all applicable Pay Rates included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Directors' Fees displays a dynamic calculation of all applicable Pay Rates included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
🎯 Directors' Fees is not visible for Working Holiday Maker.
Overtime displays a dynamic calculation of all applicable Pay Rates included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
displays each individual transaction of all applicable Pay Rates included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Paid Leave Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Allowances displays each individual transaction of all applicable Allowances included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Allowance Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Salary Sacrifice
displays each individual transaction of all applicable Deductions included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Salary Sacrifice Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Lump Sum
displays each individual transaction of all applicable Pay Rates included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Lump Sum Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Employment Termination Payments
displays each individual transaction of all applicable Pay Rates included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Termination Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
display each individual transaction of all applicable Deductions included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Deduction Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
OTE displays a dynamic calculation of Ordinary Time Earnings calculated on all applicable Pay Rates and Allowances in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
SG Liability displays a dynamic calculation of Employer SG calculated on all applicable Pay Rates and Allowances in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
RESC (Sal Sac) displays a dynamic calculation of Reportable Employer Superannuation calculated for Salary Sacrifice (To Super Fund, OTE).
RESC (Additional) displays a dynamic calculation of Reportable Employer Superannuation calculated on all applicable Pay Rates and Allowances in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Other Balances
Method B (ii) Gross displays a dynamic calculation of Method B (ii) Gross calculated on all applicable Pay Rates included in a Pay Run for this Payee.
Method B (ii) PAYGW displays a dynamic calculation of the PAYGW calculated on Method B (ii) Gross.
Reimbursements display a dynamic calculation of the Reimbursements included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
STSL Total displays a dynamic calculation of the Study and Training Support Loan repayment amount included in PAYGW Total.
Death Benefit Payments displays a dynamic calculation of the Death Benefit Payments included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Additional PAYGW displays a dynamic calculation of the Additional PAYGW amounts included in all Pay Runs for this Payee.
Opening/Adjustment allows you to enter the relevant taxation balances for the Payee from the previous Payroll/Accounting solution. It can also be used for corrections that cannot be rectified in a Pay Run. This section is broken down into several components;
- Tax Treatments and Income Streams, which contains Paid Leave, Allowances, Salary Sacrifice, Lump Sum and Employment Termination Payments.
- Deductions.
- Superannuation.
- Other Balances.
Tax Treatments and Income Streams
Tax Treatments and Income Streams allows you to select from all the available Tax Treatments and Income Streams options.
Country is only visible for Working Holiday Maker and allows you to select the Payee's VISA Country.
Gross Payments Total allows you to enter the amount that attributes to Income Stream Gross Pay.
PAYGW Total allows you to enter the amount that attributes to all payments, which exception to that calculated on Employment Termination Payments (ETP's).
🎯 PAYGW Total does not include PAYGW calculated on Employment Termination Payments (ETP's) as this is stored separately.
Bonuses and Commissions allows you to enter the amount that attributes to Income Stream Bonuses and Commissions.
Directors' Fees allows you to enter the amount that attributes to Income Stream Directors' Fees.
🎯 Directors' Fees is not visible for Working Holiday Maker.
allows you to enter the amount that attributes to Income Stream Overtime.
Paid Leave
each individual transaction that attributes to Income Stream Paid Leave.
Description allows you to select from the all applicable Pay Rates.
Code displays the Paid Leave Type Code defined by the relevant Pay Rate.
the amount that attributes to the selected Pay Rate.
selected Pay Rate into the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Pay Rate from the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Paid Leave Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Allowanceseach individual transaction that attributes to Income Stream Allowance.
Description allows you to select from the all applicable Allowances.
Code displays the Allowance Type Code defined by the relevant Allowance.
Other Allowance / User Defined Description displays the Other Allowance Description or User Defined Description defined by the relevant Allowance.
🎯 Other Allowance / User Defined Description is only displayed if the Allowance Type Code is OD.
the amount that attributes to the selected Allowance.
selected Allowance into the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Allowance from the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Allowance Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Salary Sacrifice
Salary Sacrifice each individual transaction that attributes to Income Stream Salary Sacrifice.
Description allows you to select from the all applicable Deductions.
Code displays the Salary Sacrifice Type Code defined the the relevant Deduction.
the amount that attributes to the selected Deduction.
selected Deduction into the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Deduction from the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Salary Sacrifice Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Lump Sum
Lump Sum each individual transaction that attributes to Income Stream Lump Sum.
Description allows you to select from the all applicable Pay Rates.
Code displays the Lump Sum Type Code defined by the relevant Pay Rate.
Financial Year allows you to select the relevant Financial Year for a Lump Sum E Payment.
the amount that attributes to the selected Pay Rate.
selected Pay Rate into the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Pay Rate from the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Lump Sum Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Employment Termination Payments
each individual transaction that attributes to Income Stream ETP.
Payment Date allows you to select the date the payment was paid within the relevant Financial Year.
Termination Type allows you to select the Payment Type.
Code displays the ETP Code defined by the selected Payment Type.
Tax Free Component the Tax Free amount that attributes to the selected Payment Type.
Taxable Component the Taxable amount that attributes to the selected Payment Type.
PAYGW the PAYGW amount that attributes to the selected Payment Type.
selected Pay Rate into the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Pay Rate from the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Termination Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Deductions each individual transaction that attributes to Income Stream Deductions.
Description allows you to select from all the applicable Deductions.
Code displays the Deduction Type Code defined by the relevant Deduction.
the amount that attributes to the selected Deduction.
selected Deduction into the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Deduction from the Payees Opening/Adjustment Balances.
Showing X to X of X entries. Show X entries allows you to select how many transactions you would like displayed per page.
Pagination Controls allows you to navigate between the pages of transactions.
Deduction Total allows you to select between the relevant type codes to view the relevant balance.
Superannuation allows you to enter the amount that attributes to the applicable Superannuation Types.
OTE Total allows you to enter the amount that attributes to Ordinary Time Earnings.
Employer SG allows you to enter the amount that attributes to Employer SG.
Employer RESC allows you to enter the amount that attributes to RESC.
Other Balances
Other Balances allows you to enter the amounts that are not reported in Single Touch Payroll, but we find customers commonly ask to see.
Method B (ii) Gross allows you to enter the Method B (ii) Gross amount calculated on all applicable Pay Rates.
Method B (ii) PAYGW allows you to enter the PAYGW amount calculated on Method B (ii) Gross.
Reimbursements allows you to enter the Reimbursements amount.
STSL Total allows you to enter the Study and Training Support Loan repayment amount included in PAYGW Total.
Death Benefit Payments allows you to enter the Death Benefit Payments amount.
Additional PAYGW allows you to enter the Additional PAYGW amount.
Reportable Fringe Benefits
Reportable Fringe Benefits consists of two sections;
Year To Date
​🎯 The Year To Date Tab will display the relevant totals based on the Pay Runs processed for the selected Payee. These amounts cannot be edited, and if an adjustment is required, we recommend following Correct the information included in an STP Submission. If the issue cannot be rectified in a Pay Run, please follow Enter a Payees Reportable Fringe Benefit Amount instead.
The Financial Year Combo allows to select the relevant Financial Year.
Payment Date displays the Payment Date for the Reportable Fringe Benefit Transaction based on the Pay Run it was included in.
RFB Type displays the Reportable Fringe Benefit Type set within the Deduction that was used.
Taxable displays the Taxable value of the Reportable Fringe Benefit Transaction based on the pay run it was included in.
Factor displays the Factor for the Reportable Fringe Benefit Transaction set within the Deduction that was used.
Grossed Up displays a dynamic calculation of the Taxable Value multiplied by the selected Factor.
Reportable displayed a dynamic calculation of the Taxable Value multiplied by the Factor of 1.8868.
RFB Total displays the Grand Total of all Reportable Fringe Benefit Transactions, or a specific Type can be selected to view the balances.
🎯 The Opening/Adjustment Tab within the Reportable Fringe Benefits Accordion allows you to record Fringe Benefits which have been paid to the Payee for the relevant Financial Year.
The Financial Year Combo allows to select the relevant Financial Year.
Payment Date allows you to enter the relevant Payment Date for the Reportable Fringe Benefit Transaction.
Type allows you to select the relevant Reportable Fringe Benefit Type.
Taxable allows you to enter the Taxable value of the Reportable Fringe Benefit Transaction.
Factor allows you to select the relevant Factor for the Reportable Fringe Benefit Transaction.
Grossed Up displays a dynamic calculation of the Taxable Value multiplied by the selected Factor.
Reportable displayed a dynamic calculation of the Taxable Value multiplied by the Factor of 1.8868.
Add enables you to save the newly added Reportable Fringe Benefit Transaction.
Delete enables you to delete an existing Reportable Fringe Benefit Transaction.
RFB Total displays the Grand Total of all Reportable Fringe Benefit Transactions, or a specific Type can be selected to view the balances.